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Everything posted by Xiddo

  1. My three: 1. Illusion/nature troller 2. Fire/Energy Dom 3. Dark/Temp blaster. Leaning towards the blaster as I just hit 22 on a Ill/Time troller and main a dom already. Thoughts?
  2. Off topic slightly but I absolutely LOVE this costume.
  3. Office Politics/ Meeting Adjourned: defeat the 6 leaders of The Council Outmaneuvered: the Malta AVs A Worthy Adversary: Nemesis AVs Show Stoppers: Freak AVs Curtain Call: Carnies Little Green Men: Rikti Thumbscrew: longbow heroes Cobweb Cleaner: Arachnos AVs
  4. I didn't mean to start badging, just got hooked, and doing pretty well. Plant/psi/ice dom.
  5. There is one power in every control set which is a pain in the bum I think, unless the player is, as you said, an old pro and knows how to use it. Side note: I teamed with a Grav/DA controller with both dimension shift and black hole a while ago, who I am fairly sure was new to the game rather than a troll. However I now appreciate the DS changes. Oh my days I love you YES. GET TAUNT LADS. End of the day, it's a great power on a really really good set. Just need to know how it interacts with other stuff and be sensible. The carrions, for example, are a nightmare sometimes. On an asteroid farm map I can get most of the mobs onto a spawn because the carrions have gone loopy. Great for me when farming! But on the 3rd ITF mission? Bad times. Lots of EBs about... I read a post a while ago where people were talking about how annoying it is when trollers/doms spam immobs and since then Ive tried to be really aware of those powers for when there's a half-decent tank about. I think its much more important on the lower missions than the higher, at end-game most people are relatively strong.
  6. I agree with this. I know I'll usually be fine with most mobs on my own (except for those blasted kheldians on the ITF). I also know that is really, really boring for a team. So I try to make sure I hang on until the whole mob is down. I can easily stop a rez'd freak tank in its tracks, for example, which might mean the under-levelled blaster at the back isn't left to try to solo it. I kind of consider it like I have to pseudo tank, looking at members' health/ where the aggro is, because... I so rarely find teams with (good) tanks (who know how to keep aggro/have taunt/can group up mobs), more likely scrappers or brutes, that I learnt a more aggressive style of play. Sure, a brute can take the alpha better than me. But quite often they'll bolt before the mob is down or, because of no gauntlet, the mob will just stop paying attention to Fire Brute 4000 so either me or the blaster get a shed load of aggro. You know what does keep the aggro off me and the whole team if no-one has taunt? Control powers. For example, if theyre attacking each other. Every 10-15 seconds I remind them to punch their mate and not mine. Its my number 1 form of control. It just so happens that it's a highly damaging form of control. It mitigates the team taking a lot of damage in the same way any control power does - it just so happens that in the process it kills them. When I do team with tanks, I make a point of messaging them before we get going asking how they want to do it. Let em herd then I confuse and roots, or can I seed and they grab the ones I missed and lock em all down. Being annoyed at seeds feels like being annoyed at a blaster's nova because...
  7. Alongside this, and I know it's been talked about before, I would love the option to do TF/SFs @ 50 vs incarnate enemies. That last mission on posi 1 vs incarnate CoT and EB clones? 👌
  8. If I am brutally honest with myself, I think I am probably one of these people who can plow through stuff relatively well and can sometimes leave people behind. I main a plant dom, so really the mobs end up doing more of the work than some of the team. But I'm aware of it. So, I make a really, really, vested effort to talk rubbish/ ask about sets/ comment on costumes or names I think are good/ make awful jokes with people. I really get bored in silent teams. If we're not chatting them I'm just pressing 5,6,4,1,6,4,9. Ive accepted the power creep, the game is quite easy now, so I might as well enjoy the ride and chat with people. So I guess I'm sorry you've had a bad time. I'd love to team if you're around 🙂 Also completely agree with the game balance/ level range for teamwork point. There are a few arcs that really shine in a team, especially under lvl 30, I'm thinking the Montague arc where you rescue Lady Grey and she charges at the Circle like a lunatic. I exemp down for TFs/teams a lot more than I do any kind of 50 content because I think it's more fun and interesting. These are TFs I think that suit themselves to teamwork best. So I run em a lot. Obvs personal opinion: posi 1 & 2 - set to +1/+2. Probably the most TF for me. Really enjoy it. Both of those last missions are fun. The staircase ambush in posi 1? Love it. I did a kill all posi 2 a while ago and ever since I make a point of hunting out the extra elite boss, Cortex. More XP! mantis - that last mission is an absolute hoot if you all go together and clear a path from the bottom (don't kill all, I'm not a madman). It is CHAOS otherwise. I know you can go right to the top and do it then but... blah blah blah. Sky Raiders are silly and fun. Virgil Tarikoss - that CoT mission can be a pain, not everyone can stealth, just run it as a team, and that LB mission <chefs kiss> - who doesnt like fighting chicken nuggets? Sutter - that roof top stuff? The big rooms? War walkers? Pay attention lads or youre gonna get knocked out of the sky.
  9. Xiddo

    Anniversary Badges

    100 merits? just to check. Got 300 atm on my badger as I just loaded up an alt
  10. I guess the ‘appropriate location’ reasoning is sound. It’s going “player will likely want to stay on the side they’re on”. However I’d argue that’s still a bug for a purely blue side contact, esp one whose missions have been around a lot longer than there has been the option to even play as a villain, let alone shades of grey. (basing that on the meteorologist badge saying it’s from I2 https://archive.paragonwiki.com/wiki/Meteorologist_Badge ) ultimately it’s a very small, if anything interesting, kink.
  11. might run this arc on beta and copy this open to the feedback notes then!
  12. Solved it seems in the beta patch notes! Blaster > Electricity Manipulation > Dynamo: Fixed a bug where this power would do damage to the caster
  13. Are there hero/ vigil/ rogue/ villain Valentine’s tips? I got set on my villain toon to go see Anti-Matter and thought nothing of it. The weird bit about this is that Maxwell is a specific blue side contact and, because of where I was, the game decided to send me to a red side city. I wonder if it goes “Set mission in random city” but not “set mission in random blue side city”
  14. Through Ouro. Does it also damage the group around your doppelgänger?
  15. I sorry boss, misunderstanding on my part 🙂
  16. yeah - I have that... I mean EVERY AV should offer a badge. It’s been discussed in this thread before “The Butler did it” for Hopkins, for example, was one suggestion.
  17. Yep, 100%. I was set as a vigilante, had just finished a SF, and then called Maxwell from the ferry in Sharkhead. He gave me the mission here.
  18. I called the blueside contact Maxwell Christopher while I was in Sharkhead, when set as a vigilante, and he set me a mission that was in Port Oakes. Went in, all was fine and completed, just very odd?
  19. Just did the Bobby Curtin arc. Last mission, I've cleared out all the legacy and then Arc Flash spawns. Noticed during the cut-scene that there was little grey -29s floating about even before I engaged. During, it happened too. Then while she was blue, to do the speaking bit, it stopped, then carried on again after we reengaged but before I cast any powers.
  20. I'd quite like "Master of..." badges for all TFs/ SFs (not trials). One for "number of paper/radio missions" done - but make it real high. Like 100. A different badge if we do old Posi! Give me a reason to try out the hell. 65 merits is great but I want people to see the badge and know. More badges for completing contacts in cities, like the AP/ Mercy Island ones: PI/ GV/ Cap Time spent in Eden, like The Hollows/ Shadow Shard ones. My most annoying one would be: I feel like it isn't a big enough deal when you've smacked an AV. They're meant to be big bads, the terrors, big means. I'd quite like a badge for each AV. CHAOS to get though cos we'd have to go back and arrest em all...
  21. Just wanted to say: this HC bio website is so cool!
  22. It'll help in nova I guess! I'm normally in a form over human tbh, and with perma essence boost I don't think the dwarf needs it. If I lose the slot there then I'll be able to put an achilles in the nova cone. Which feels slightly more needed?
  23. Is it even needed on a tri-form PB? Currently have it in Incandescence (alongside the 2 +def procs and the Impervium Armor: Psi one)
  24. @TimeshadowI read this when in a low ebb of alts, feeling a bit stagnant. 3 days in, my PB is lvl 32 rocking out and my LORD it is fun. I tried a PB only once on live. I had no idea what i was doing and went human only cos I didnt know how to slot it. This was pre-IO too. Thanks so much, cobbled it together with another guide and really loving it. +1 inf
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