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Everything posted by Apparition

  1. In addition to Excelsior and Excelsior Badges, there are also Excelsior TFs, Excelsior Raids, and Excelsior for All. I believe that there are a couple of others as well.
  2. Thank you for coming! Yeah. Now that I know what happens when someone in the league doesn't have the Member of Vanguard badge, I know what to look out for. The instance indeed felt smoother. Indeed. Competition from the Halloween events and Hamidon raids made a second mothership raid last night impossible, but there's always next week. 🙂
  3. Thanks to everyone that showed up last night! Hope to see y'all next week!
  4. I have three Sonic Resonance toons of various levels (including level 50), since Homecoming started, and I have a couple of suggestions. Up the range of Disruption Field by a third. For the love of %deity%, please reduce the endurance cost of Disruption Field by a third. Reduce the recharge of Liquefy by a third. These three (relatively small IMO), changes combined would make a significant impact on Sonic Resonance. While leveling up using SOs or generic IOs, using Disruption Field while playing anything other than a Mastermind is out of the question because you simply do not have the endurance if you use your attacks, especially if you have and use Sonic Dispersion. At level 50 with fully slotted set IOs and Incarnate powers, it's workable. In regards to Liquefy, I simply forget to use it because the recharge time is so long. If it was an overwhelming power or something, I could understand the five minute baseline recharge. But it's not.
  5. Negative, Ghost Rider. Since the start of Homecoming, nothing needs to be clicked at the same time. The various mission descriptions and texts have never been updated, but I assure you that no mission, TF, SF, and Trial in the game requires multiple people to click on things now.
  6. Just a reminder that this is tonight in Pocket D, y'all!
  7. Exactly. I form up my Rikti mothership raids in Pocket D now. I don't understand the "more difficult forming up" argument. Now that everyone is combat level 50 once inside, there's no more juggling people around in the league just to make sure that every team is lead by a level 50 character. There's no more zone cap issues as Pocket D and Kallisti Wharf have 200 player zone caps. Of course, I already restricted my mothership raids to level 35+ (with exceptions if someone was level 30 - 34 and that was his or her only toon), so that isn't an issue for me either.
  8. IMO, the Rikti mothership raid trial isn't about added benefit. It's about letting people do other things in the Rikti War Zone without worrying about the 50 player cap, and about better control for the raid leader. Have a griefer or someone leeching by being AFK for more than five minutes? Kick him or her. Problem solved. That said, there are added benefits to the Rikti mothership raid trial. It's limited to level 35+, so you don't have to deal with having a bunch of level 10 or 20 PCs in your league, dragging down your Vanguard merit count, (sometimes substantially). Hamidon and Rikti mothership raids also cause CoH's RAM and system resource usage to balloon up. If you do multiple zone raids, there's a greater chance of disconnects. By using the Rikti mothership raid trial, you free up the RAM and system resources by loading into another zone after the raid ends. So, theoretically, it should make multiple Rikti mothership raids run much more smoothly with much fewer people disconnecting.
  9. I use Fly and Afterburner outdoors, and Super Speed indoors.
  10. Speak for yourself. I kill him, and then bake a delicious pumpkin pie. :P
  11. I forget what it's called, but you get it from visiting it in the City Hall in Atlas Park directly at any time, by doing the cape mission from the City Representative, and from the Dr. Kahn TF. No clicking needed.
  12. Removing the Null the Gull alignment change swaps would kill redside dead. May as well wall off the Rogue Isles at that point.
  13. Well, you're the one that made the moon base on Excelsior. I kept expecting to run into some Space: 1999 characters there, or a Moonbase Alpha reference. 😛 Besides, that theme music is awesome. But then again, I'm a fan of disco music.
  14. Merit vendor in most zones.
  15. FWIW, hovering or flying is a terrible idea in Apex TF because the blue patches can still damage everyone underneath.
  16. Now that the instanced Rikti mothership raid trial is available, we will form up our weekly Thursday night Rikti mothership raids in Pocket D. You must be level 35+ with the Member of Vanguard badge to join. Hope to see y'all in Pocket D Thursday evening!
  17. The raid is now available as both an instanced trial and the zone. Two leagues fighting together has not been possible since September 10th as the Rikti War Zone is capped at 50 players, and the instanced trial is capped at 48 players. Thank you, developers! Now that the instanced trial is available, that's all I plan to lead from this point forward.
  18. It was posted on Discord à hour and a half ago that all of the servers would be taken offline for two hours, starting 25 minutes ago.
  19. Synapse took Space: 1999 a little too literally and created a second moon as backup.
  20. One of my mains is a Radiation Melee/Radiation Armor Brute. Radiation Melee has some of the slowest melee attacks in the game outside of Titan Weapons. I have done the Apex TF at least four dozen times on my Brute alone in the past three months without dying. Apex TF is fine. Not everything should be a cakewalk. Sure, you have to keep an eye on your positioning. It just adds to the challenge. The only issue I have with Apex is that if you have a Water Blast Blaster/Corruptor/Defender on your team, the water can make the blue patches very difficult to see.
  21. There were less transportation options available for most of live's existence. Now you have trams, ferries, Ouroboros portals, base TPs, mission TPs, team TPs... So you're going to run into it more often.
  22. Mostly correct. It doesn't default to +0 though, it defaults to the difficulty setting of the first person to zone in. I was on an... Ice Mistral SF? I want to say a month or so ago, which suddenly found itself from +1 to +4 because a Brute that occasionally farms was the first one in.
  23. Did y'all change zones before entering the mission? If so, did someone else load into the mission before you? Task force or trial missions that change zones, like many people do for the final Market Crash Trial mission, have their difficulty set by the first player that loads in, not the task force or trial leader.
  24. IMO, red side could use some more content between levels 10 to 20. That's where it's lagging. Then there's too much between levels 20 and 35.
  25. Apparition


    Yeah. Basically, Paragon Studios didn't want to take the resources to make a new cutscene, so they just left Sister Psyche in that mission and explained it as going into an alternate future timeline.
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