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Everything posted by Sakai

  1. Not sure if it matters to you or not by Dr Q is the WST starting June 3. That works out to be more merits then I can count on both hands and that's a lot.
  2. This. Welcome with open arms.
  3. Oh right. That's where Incarnate yeams form up.
  4. Sakai


    Sometimes PUGs are the way to roll. Glad you had fun. Need to ask though....what is a Frad?
  5. Is it once per week for dbl merits or is it 24 hours?
  6. That is a pretty cool proc. If I threw this on a bubblers Force Bubble would it have a chance constantly or just when I turned it on?
  7. Numina, Regen Tissue and Miracle are always my top 3.
  8. I wonder when someone is going to do that because you k ow they will.
  9. Burn is considered a pet?
  10. QFT. Why poke the bear? If you’re stuck on a name, www.thesaurus.com Now I want to make a lizard man with a book named The Saurus. Too funny.
  11. How do you know? Are you a programmer or a Dev? Alot of things can be done these days with programming. The policy is fair in your opinion. To be honest I dislike it enough to consider leaving and I have heard some other people say the same thing already. I shouldn't have to be punished and have names stolen just because I am too busy to play a "login all my characters" game. That is just unfair. A dev stated somewhere it would be too much work to modify the way names are handled. I accept this method and will periodically check for the one name I actually want. Doubt it will ever pop up but that is ok.
  12. Well hopefully that will not come in handy but thank you Knight.
  13. That's pretty cool. If I ever put something in my base I will throw up a passcode.
  14. Finer words never spoken.
  15. Nice. I keep forgetting about converters.
  16. Hi. Besides Overwhelming Force are there any other enhancements that change knockback to Knockdown?
  17. As it turns out, to any who might be curious, an option like this dies not exist. Too bad, would be handy.
  18. Pretty sure its on each tick. Seems to me I had them slotted on whatever Fire hero used it. Very well may be wrong though. Been a LONG time.
  19. Ooh. I forgot about the Family. I need to go fight them when I get home.
  20. The best? So many to choose from. Definately not the Lost, always thought the guy with the TV on his head looked dumb. Torn between the Hellions and the Carnies. Love them both.
  21. Agreed. Then you could pay tribute to fallen comrades properly :(
  22. That's true...my bad. Base items.
  23. Hi. Is there a way to see our most commonly placed items in one spot?
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