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Everything posted by Sakai

  1. I would like to suggest Warburg missles are an excellent aid in fighting AVs and REALLY BIG ROBOTS. Which I am glad to have as I always felt kind of cheated by Hess. Shivans, the giant Vanguard robot and whatever other temporary summons I happen to have at the time are always welcome as well. For some reason I think you can get a robot from Recluse's Victory. Havent made it in there yet so maybe it time. I still buy the P2W summons but am never surprised when they die in 20 odd seconds. Fun to look at but not really practical. Thank you by the way. Soloing this one never really entered my mind. Guess I am a "traditionalist" lol. ITFs, Synape and Manticore for sure. You have opened my eyes and owe you a debt of gratitude or my 12th purple to drop if you prefer. Sadly I have received only 1 since we got home :( Which is actually ok as I seem to have become slightly EBIL.
  2. Is it 40 merits? I thought when they made the change it was 30. I may ne wrong.
  3. This is wonderful. If I ever made a duel pistol, which is doubtful, I would definately use these.
  4. I'm just beginning my journey on a willpower/staff and enjoying it very much. Been soloing thus far just to figure out the whole taunting thing.....up to lvl 14 :) Learned lots from all the comments above and look forward to using the info to make my build. Happy hunting all and may the purples rain from above.
  5. I've been told that the packs also have a chance for merits.
  6. I personally dont bother with the Perf Shifter. Seemed neat on paper but in actual use did not proc that often and when it did was at a moment when the End was not necessary. Same thing with Panacea if that is what is is called. Numina and Miracle in health though for sure.
  7. Thank you so much. Was just looking for this.
  8. No Av? That's awesome. Was considering soloing this but had no desire to get to te end only to find the big bad I could not kill.
  9. Nice:) I'm not much of a blaster guy but I recently started a Time/water fender. I know they are totally different but there is something about Time anything that seems super efficient.
  10. This is a wonderful guide.
  11. Lol. Now that I think about it I ran this lived and loved it. I'm sure I will again.
  12. Well you caught my interest. What is the level range?
  13. For giggles back in the day I 4 slotted brawl with damage procs. It actually worked quite well as a filler and every once in a while they would all proc on the same hit and would brawl something for 300 damage. Yeah...I did that too lol
  14. Sakai

    after 30

    I'm thinking a Mothership Raid would probably do wonders for you.
  15. I don't think so, but if you're just using the merits to get stuff to sell then you can sell the stuff and send the inf to an alt. Seems you can. My understanding is you covert into a Hero Merit so you can send 50 at a time.
  16. Offhand can you use a booster on an attuned enhancement?
  17. Agreed....lots of good builds in Brute subsection. To the notion that you should have chosen Spines instead of Rad my response is...meh, play what seems fun to you. I personally like Claws but that's just me....others dislike it. Doesnt really matter as long as you enjoy. Lots of character slots to try lots of different things.
  18. Not sure if it matters to you or not by Dr Q is the WST starting June 3. That works out to be more merits then I can count on both hands and that's a lot.
  19. This. Welcome with open arms.
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