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Everything posted by Ironblade

  1. Sounds like a bug. The most recent patch notes flat-out say the ASF rewards 20. And Prismatics didn't exist when the ASF was introduced.
  2. Why do you persist with these completely bogus and irrelevant analogies? That example is theft. Losing your name in CoH is not - for the simple reason that YOU DON'T OWN THE NAME. It's not yours. The name isn't yours. The costume design isn't yours. You own NONE of it.
  3. Actually, I don't think the devs consider them actual task forces. Not being able to invite new players once you have started is a characteristic of all flashbacks in Ouroboros. The wiki notes: "Unlike normal Task Forces, Archvillains/Heros will spawn as Elite Bosses according to Notoriety and number of players in the team." So they're not "normal task forces" (whatever that means).
  4. The Prismatic awards are not affected by additional fights - that only impacts merits (of multiple types). Both tasks reward a flat 20 Prismatics at 4*. I think one of the early builds had different PAP rewards, but that was changed.
  5. Hi! I've seen you on Everlasting and recognized your name from the old forums. 🙂
  6. Those came down fast. I know a few people who were able to sell some for 200 million each.
  7. This. I saved all my old costume files and most of them loaded with no problem. Somewhere between 1/3 and 1/2 had to substitute costume items to load. Then I just fixed anything that didn't look right. The automatic fix sometimes substitutes stupid looking parts.
  8. I thought about selling them, but I'm pretty sure I already have more inf than I can spend so, what would be the point? I mean, I missed playing the market after maxing the inf on one character so I started on another and have like 300 million in a couple days. So I don't plan to sell any. And since I run so many weekly strike targets anyway, I might not end up buying any even if they get really cheap.
  9. Okay, having posted the above, let me list what I do on every new character. I'll omit things like buying the Team Transporter since that costs 10 million inf. Go to the Pay to Win vendor (if you are near Ms Liberty, facing City Hall, the vendor is on the left of the big platform that has the statue of Atlas). Get all the free stuff and cheap/useful stuff. Get the five free enhancements that never expire. Get the Inner Inspiration power. Get a running power. Get a jet pack. Run around Atlas Park and get the 8 exploration badges. I have the locations memorized but you'll need a map for this. Besides the 8 exploration badges, this will give you some XP, an accolade for completing the zone, 5 reward merits and it will unlock the Long Range Teleporter - SUPER USEFUL. Initially, you'll only be able to teleport to Atlas Park (and Echo Plaza but that's not important). All you will need is ONE exploration badge in a new zone to add it to the teleport list. At that point, I will run Death From Below but you said you were already level 17. After that *MY* personal preference is to run a lot of Task Forces when they are the 'Weekly Strike Target'. That gives you bonus XP and the end and double the normal number of reward merits (which can be used to make serious money to fund your characters). Yeah, somehow I'm tired of the Atlas Park and Hollows arcs but I love task forces. (shrug) One bit of content you should probably do is tip missions in a zone that matches your level until you get a call from a detective to do a Safeguard mission. They are a lot of fun, have badges you can't get anywhere else and give at least one temporary power (if you break up the arms deal, you'll also get a weapon temp power). There are NINE safeguard missions (one is available every five levels starting at five) so they'll be there at whatever level. And you'll be able to go back later and do any that you missed but that's a little involved. One final thing, if you haven't come across the Homecoming Wiki yet, it's super useful and is at https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Main_Page
  10. 1) Where should I focus my enhancement slots while leveling? Do I dump them into one power so I have a few that are mega hit hard things? Do I space them out over all of them? I have been basically putting two in whatever power I got last, I don't think this has been a good way to do it. No, that's not the way to do it. Some powers may only need one slot (Assault in the Leadership pool, most travel powers), while your attacks will need 5 or 6 slots. For starters, figure that your shields will take four slots, your attacks will take at least five. Most other powers will only need one or two and you'll need to look at what they actually do and how you intend to use them. 2) Is there an in game way to find out what I need to do to get badges? and are they really worth it? I mean, I want them, so I am going to go get them, cause I want them. But do they actually do anything meaningful, when I am looking up badge info I see that some do something, but well, I haven't had time to read through all of them. Should I just focus on a few for game mechanics, and then others for fun? if so which ones? Up until yesterday, my main character had every badge. I expect to have all of them again in a couple weeks (we got new badges yesterday). There are only a few badges that actually do anything and there are even fewer that do something worthwhile. I mean, who needs a one-shot hold with a long recharge? The good ones are often referred to as "the stat-boosting accolades". These are badges that require you to get multiple other badges and they increase your endurance or hit points (or both). The easiest ones to obtain, which I get on most characters, are the Atlas Medallion and Task Force Commander. Freedom Phalanx Reserve and Portal Jockey are even better, but a LOT more work to obtain. 3) it seems like some missions I blow through and others eat my lunch, what am I missing? (besides other players) I saw a warning that said for only one mission "I might want team mates" I blew through that one no problem, but then some random mission later the mobs just slaughtered me. Probably a factor here is that every armor or defense set, by design, has some kind of weakness and the right kind of enemy will kick your butt. And then there are Malta Sappers who will drop your endurance to zero and everyone hates them. 4) Seems like inventions are the shit. this the case? also should I spend the time and effort to build these instead of enhancements while leveling? First, let's clarify that there are "common IO's" and "set IO's". (IO stands for Invention Origin.) Set IO's are huge. They are amazing. They can completely transform how a character plays. They're also complex and expensive. Don't worry about them for now. Just starting out, I would use SO's until I could slot level 25 or 30 common IO's. These will never expire and they're relatively cheap. They will probably cost more than a set of SO's, but way less than new SO's every few levels up to 50. You can often find some of the common IO's cheap on the auction house because people have to craft HUNDREDS of them to get badges. Every build I see does not list flying as a power. But.....flying is cool. Out of fighting, leaping, leadership, and speed, which one is the one to drop? Seems like fighting is a staple for most brute builds, I don't have it currently cause I thought "why have fighting, I got a melee power set" Okay, this may get some criticism, but I say drop Speed first. So many cookie-cutter builds include Hasten because people seem to think it's the most important power. Meh. I think I have it on three characters (out of like three dozen). Some builds really need it, but I mostly avoid it because it blocks me from too much other fun stuff. Most brutes and tanks will take the Fighting pool. I have it on six of my eight tanks, plus a brute, scrapper, stalker. I think the Leadership pool is overpowered and take it if there is any way I can fit it into the build. Even on characters that will mostly solo, I'll get Assault and Tactics. Leaping and Speed are both 'travel pools'. Combat Jumping and Hasten are both useful, but most of my characters have neither because there's other stuff I want. If you want to fly, take Flight. I have several characters who fly because it fits. I have several who teleport, several with superjump or superspeed. I also have a lot of characters with NO TRAVEL POWER because I wanted to take other power pools. They'll visit the Pay To Win vendor and get something like Ninja Run and a jet pack.
  11. Well, I often run an mp3 player in the background and like to be able to hear both at reasonable levels. So . . .
  12. Could be. It's pretty brutal. I soloed it this morning and it felt . . . weird going from a group of Ravenna that were wimps to the next group having three EB's. On a side note, just ran the ITF on Advanced Difficulty and, at one point, most of the team died and about five people had their games crash simultaneously. They filed bug reports.
  13. It isn't. It's gone. Kaput. Expunged. Deleted.
  14. Fun fact: there's no T in 'exemp' because it's short for 'exemplar'. 🙂 https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Sidekick#Exemplar.2FMalefactor
  15. Right. But I take my time and do them when they're the weeklies and, if my math is right, that's 424 reward merits.
  16. A task force would be nice. Blue has a task force that starts at level 8. Red has a strike force that starts at level 15. Gold has jack.
  17. Anything you can email, you can email across shards. Also, I have a mule character specifically for carrying stuff between shards. Any other method of moving thousands of converters would be out of the question.
  18. Same here. The only place I see them advertised is on Discord.
  19. I wait until they're the weekly so that the reward is, in my opinion, high enough to justify running the tedious ones. Since I'm typically only leveling one character at any given time, I only have to run the annoying ones ONCE. The fun ones (Yin, Posi, Manti), I'll run multiple times when they're the weeklies. (Lots of 50's need Notices of the Well.) I thought of it as soon as I read the OP. Does that count? 😉
  20. To be fair, people have actually studied this and estimate that between 5 and 10% of a games players actually visit the forums. It might be a little higher here, since you are compelled to create a forum account in order to create your game account.
  21. Up until page 4, I only ran it when there were badges involved. Now they're adding a new currency from hard mode so I might run it more often (since you need the new currency to get badges).
  22. Well I'm even older and grouchier now so whoever necro'ed this thread needs to get off my lawn!
  23. Here's a much cooler looking naked mole rat. This is Rufus from the 'Kim Possible' cartoon.
  24. You can't look at the numbers NOW. Some people have been panic-converting once this was announced. Looking at the numbers from 2 or 3 months ago and comparing with the past month would be interesting, though.
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