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Everything posted by Ironblade

  1. Hard pass. No. For one simple reason. As a 100% volunteer team, the devs already have very limited resources. Maintaining two sets of code is right out.
  2. I don't think those words mean what you think they mean. 😛
  3. Hmm.... My Sentinel is 50 and fully tier 4 incarnate (with 3 Destiny powers). By "epic powers", do you mean the Ancillary Pools (which many call epic pools) or the tier 9 power? If you mean the Ancillary Pools, nothing there impressed me so I didn't take any of them. If you mean the tier 9 in the primary, I DID take that.
  4. Okay, but that's 100% due to your personal opinion and preferences. I take every single character to 50. Neither way is 'right' and neither is 'wrong'.
  5. Didn't try it. Chromatic Cat was my first choice. I like the alliteration of the two words.
  6. Sometimes you can clean up without even being an official contestant. I was helping out at a costume contest with the theme being rainbows and I believe the top prize was 500 million inf. I was helping my girlfriend run it so I obviously couldn't win - despite having the best costume. So they announced all the winners and gave them their prizes . . . and then the person bankrolling the contest came over to me and quietly gave me as much as the first place winner got. 🙂 Here's Chromatic Cat with her original costume, made years before the costume contest. Her bio explains that she was involved in a teleporter accident with a cat and a box of crayons.
  7. Totes suspicious - both of them. The post being replied to is from someone promoting a paid service and who had two posts ever. Then the reply promotes a different paid service and is from someone with only a single post ever.
  8. Actually, you can play with more than 3 accounts at once. Text lifted directly from the Code of Conduct: We allow a basic level of multiboxing on the Homecoming servers outside of peak times. These rules apply on a shard-by-shard basis (by ‘shard’ we mean Torchbearer, Excelsior, etc). If there are less than 1500 people logged in to a shard you may play with up to three accounts at once. So you could play 3 accounts on Everlasting while simultaneously playing 3 accounts on Indomitable. Not sure why you would want to try. I have 3 accounts and hardly ever use more than 2.
  9. Perhaps 'Eye of Judgement' from Captain Nolan - also known as the Dark Astoria Prologue arc. If I recall correctly, it has no combat and is just 3-4 missions of go here, check that out, now go there.
  10. Overall, City of Heroes is the clear winner with about 80% of the total votes cast. 🙂
  11. I'll also endorse this. I currently have one at level 38 that I am building for 'hard mode' task forces. I'll also mention beam rifle/kinetics corruptor. Beam is the highest single-target damage and kinetics lets you boost the entire teams damage (including your own) with Siphon Power and Fulcrum Shift, while Speed Boost is just awesome for pretty much anyone. I made one of these specifically for the Really Hard Way badge runs of The Magisterium.
  12. Frankly, I see this sort of comment a lot in the form of: "Why aren't people doing this thing?" "Why hasn't this been done?" "When is someone going to do something about this?" If you feel strongly about it, do something about it. Personally, I don't think forum threads are going to have a significant impact on the survival of the game.
  13. OMG I need a shirt that says 'Retired'. Although, to be fair, I have a good answer when people ask, "What do you do?" "Whatever I want. I'm retired."
  14. The Candy Keeper in the Ski Chalet says he can sell me the Fir Bolg costume. I bought it and he correctly gave me the Snow Beast costume.
  15. Perhaps, but I saw a staff fighting character named Disgruntled Housewife who had a broom.
  16. Running all the task forces in order? Damn, man, you're a maverick! 😛
  17. When I am recruiting and people ask this, I immediately click their name and hit 'Get Global Name'. That way, I can see who they are when they get back.
  18. Yes, but there are some monsters that are specifically excluded from that requirement. Eochai, Jack In Irons and Lusca come to mind immediately. Also, note that a single hit on ANY monster is enough to get you the merits. It's only the badges that generally require the 10% damage.
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