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Everything posted by Rishidian

  1. It always comes down to the lawyers.
  2. Hmmm...something isn't happy here. Not sure what is triggering this error. Perhaps there was a bad download and the file was corrupted. Perhaps uninstalling the app again, then delete the directory it was in. Download it again from the source into a different directory. Have McAfee do a virus check on the file just in case. Then see if it runs. You may have to tweak McAfee again.
  3. This one's going off the deep end...and I'm not going there
  4. Pop Tarts are emaciated pies.
  5. I agree with golstat2003. You should also be able to exempt directories from being scanned. I'm not sure this is the best idea, though, as malware can hang out in there. And I'm not sure if McAfee offers an immunization function, like MalWareBytes does (which I suggest people use in addition of their favorite virus scanner, and it's free). Also, make sure you have the latest definitions - but I think McAfee does this automatically. That being said, I need to take a step back. Is McAfee calling the download a virus (active scanning), or the file on the hard disk a virus (passive scanning)? The solution is different depending on what kind of scan is reporting a virus. Please let us know what you do and if it works - it may be helpful to others that encounter the same issue.
  6. Maybe I wasn't clear, and I apologize for that. What I meant was by touching the door or phone booth (if you can find one), your costume changes to one randomly selected from your current costumes, No consent needed. (that's what I meant by 'force'). No animation or emotes activated. You could, of course, change it back to another costume when ever you wanted. I just thought it would be an interesting, if not funny, effect. Then again, it is still a stupid question...
  7. While I'm definitely NOT one to offer advice on most topics, I will offer a suggestion on the 'I ain't got da moolah' issue. Check out the Yomo's Whizbang Potpourri Extravaganza of a Giveaway! Post. Yomo is a wonderful person who is trying to help any Noobs and not-so-Noobs who simply ask. Read through the opening post for instructions.
  8. Here's another: What if the restroom doors actually lead to your base! Or even opened a mini-instance to an appropriate restroom. Or if touching a bathroom door caused a costume change. It's too bad Phone Booths are gone - because I think it would have been cool to force a costume change upon touching one
  9. Being that BIGGUS DICKUS agreed with you, then said you were wrong - Perhaps some should 'learn something about the game' before speaking...
  10. Perhaps we need to have them sign a waiver clearing us from any damages as a result of their continued existence. Before saving them. Excuse me, Mr. Vahzilok Mortificator, I need to get a signature from your victim before bashing your head in. We'll be back momentarily...
  11. If anyone remembers, Marvel sued NCSoft for Copyright Infringement. They almost won a few of their points, until they settled out of court. Marvel was fairly well known for their Trademark and Copyright defense. As a note, Marvel tried -unsuccessfully - to copyright the word Nazi, and they and DC also own the word SuperHero (though that is a very limited and specific use). Just to show, they opened with the concept that since NCSoft doesn't own any comic book characters, obviously they are using Marvel's. They followed up with some screen shots of a large green brutish guy with a 4 letter name - which was shown they had created themselves, and thus undermined part of their suit (they didn't produce any pictures of player created characters - as far as I know). It's true, people can recreate images of Marvel's IP, and they can't do much about it. But one point they had was NCSoft could police the images, and could therefore stop players from making similar costumes (imagine not being able to have a green skinned toon) Now, Marvel is owned by the Mouse, and they have more, bigger lawyers on the payroll. And they aren't afraid to unleash them if they see fit. (try to find the image of a larger circle with 2 smaller circles attached on top anywhere). So a lot of new ideas would also have to be filtered through the Legal filter. I doubt the wonderful Devs and those responsible for bringing The City back to us would appreciate such attentions. I don't hate Marvel. I grew up reading their comics. The way I saw it, creating a similar toon to one of theirs would be a very high compliment, but they didn't see it this way, and may create some 'confusion' on their product (though I can't see how there would be any confusion between Marvel's online POS and CoX). Anyway, it's great to brainstorm, hope, and request, there may be external limitations that have to be observed when creating new powers. Sorry to piss on your campfire. As I say, It's only Cruel and Unusual the 1st time.
  12. Here's my 2 Inf: Part of what I think is a problem is the sheer amount of the same items that are on the market. For example, when purchasing some random common salvage piece, I'll see 14,584,156,009 for sale. If this is even close to accurate, then it would make sense that this many of 1 item (times the number of common salvage items) would have some detrimental effect on the database. Plus, there's no way that many would sell. Would it be possible, feasible, or even a half-ass idea to put a time limit on selling items? Something like an item would have 14 days on the market, then would revert back to the owners pocket, or go into a storage state where it's not listed in items for sale. I've seen this concept in SWToR (oh, how I HATE comparing games!! But sometimes there are some good ideas to be found). The items could be moved to another database to keep the active one cleaner, which would shrink the active database and may help fix the recent sales issue that so many have mentioned. Also, a smaller database may make it possible to be accessible in bases (don't shoot me for that idea, please) because the load would be lighter. There may be other issues that would still prevent this that I am not aware of. Isn't Wentworths and the Black Market actually the same entity? They just have different faces for the environments they are in, but behind the scenes they are the same. Ran by the same Evil Masters.
  13. Maybe the Rikti like to dance? Maybe the Rikti like to dance with The Doctor? Who knows - maybe they are David Bowie fans
  14. VileTerror!! Are you giving out ludicrous amounts of Influence again? TO NEW PLAYERS even!! Well Done and Thank you! You are making a difference in these peoples lives.
  15. Greycat - we're good, and I greatly enjoy reading your posts - so keep it up. ------ Next stupid question - We have the most powerful beings in the City - yet: --I am getting pushed around by careless civilians who don't have the common courtesy to be talking on their cell phone while not paying attention. --I cannot kick or move a simple cardboard box --I cannot run through the bushes
  16. If you have ever beat up on the Ghouls in Praetoria, you would be familiar with their Death Dance. It's not uncommon for them to go down as a result of some attack with knockback (0 hit points, 0 endurance) - watch them get up for a couple seconds, then go into their pain-filled Death Dance. And they don't look like they came apart at the seams. I mean, it's a cool concept that they have this green healing aura that goes off when they are defeated (thus the knockback so they don't heal their buddies), can't we get all the baddies on the Blue side to die normally? I already know the answer here - They got a toe stuck in a Crack on a horizontal ledge.
  17. Another shot at a Stupid Question (the 1st one wasn't stupid, BTW) Why do all the unfortunate defeated mobs look like someone cut their rubber bands when they die? They drop in the most unnatural ways, with body parts spinning in circles, eventually stopping in positions that look like every joint has been disassembled.
  18. You could always get an external Monitor and just use that one. It would more than likely be larger, and cheaper than a laptop. Try pinching the frame around the screen - I've seen that work sometimes.
  19. A little NitroGlycerin under the tongue my help relieve that tight chest issue. Just sayin....
  20. But speculation is SO much fun! We all have our opinions and hopes - and this is a place to air them. So, please continue to discuss. Some of us are interested in reading what you have to say. (My Sarcasm toggle has NOT been activated yet) By the way, you are encouraged to throw things - tantrums included. And yell to your heart's content - just keep the civility flowing from your fingers.
  21. Player2 - It maybe be we need to agree to disagree. Thank you for your arguments - Thank you for letting me see another point of view. You have a good idea and good reasoning. I just don't think it's necessary - or feasible. But, luckily, I'm not making the decisions. And I'm glad for that, because I don't see the big picture.
  22. Nope. But thanks for asking!
  23. Been told I'm smarter than the average bear. 🐻
  24. I assume you are talking about LIBRARY By the way - 'lieberry' - as you spelled it, also has 2 r's. We must remember - the R's are separated - Li -brare -ee Which, by the way, are almost a thing of the past - sadly - and therefore a temporary word crime.
  25. I also disagree with having duplicate names. --Last I checked, Marvel didn't have any characters named SuperMan, or Wonder Woman. In fact, they keep updating Captain Marvel so they can keep that name. DC also doesn't have any Spider-Men, or Hulks. But actually, it doesn't matter. Coming up with unique names isn't hard. A random Name Generator (like what Star Wars The Old Republic has) [oh, how I HATE comparing games!] might be helpful. The name may not be unique, but it could give a kickstart to a unique name. There are a few threads on this forum about names - I found them very useful and I found me some new ideas for name generation and concepts.
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