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Everything posted by Rishidian

  1. My worst day of gaming: Trying to level up a Sonic/Bubble Corruptor. Get in the middle of the TwinShot arc where I have to fight the 2 Praetorian Clockworks. I face plant several times. It's Just 2 of Them!! And I can't do it. I realize I'm not producing enough damage. Nor has sufficient defenses. In my opinion, he's just Skull/Warrior/Tsoo bait waiting to happen. In a fit of rage - I stripped and deleted the character. Only to regret it moments later. I have 1000 slots, enough room for some ne'er-do-wells. I should have shelved him. I recreated him and started over. This time, I got through the 2 clockworks, but not much further. I realized this combination is not for me - we just didn't make a good team. He's been shelved for about 3 weeks.
  2. For someone's robot/droid: Batteries Included If they have a tendency of face planting: Some Assembly Required (may have to check for length) For the Brawler: Break Time --I have no idea if these names are taken on your server...
  3. I want to be a Silver Dollar. But I usually end up being a bad penny. I wouldn't mind leading. I just don't know where to get the ITF's, or what levels they are. So I end up soloing. I suppose I need to keep a notebook on who offers what. 😞
  4. For me, It's the AT with Primary/Secondary power choice first. Survivability has to be there for this team (the toon and me). If we don't work out, then they end up on the shelf. Here's an example. I started a Sonic/Bubble Corruptor named Soapy Water - after an adult joke: 'How do you get bubbles?' I'm sure you can figure out the answer. Anyway, I found the survivability to be seriously lacking. I couldn't even complete the TwinShot arc without face planting many times with the Praetorian Clockwork. He just didn't have the damage output needed, even slotting SO's. This one was very squishy, and too frustrating to continue. Another issue, the 1st Defensive Bubble - Only affects self, you can't attack out, but their attacks can penetrate it (on a to hit of 5%, but if I'm trying to heal [can't rest in the bubble], and the RNG does it's normal thing where mobs tend to roll low and I tend to roll high, then it's worthless). This sux butt loads. The second issue is the Costume, which isn't really an issue. The most important thing is to make the back side bearable, because I'm staring at that the whole time. Third is the animation. This goes for general activations (Staff if pretty cool) and activations times (Titan Weapons tend to be easily overwhelmed because they are up close and slow). My Titan Weapons Scrapper is taking a vacation because of this. Just my 2 inf.
  5. I have been playing since Live. On HC, I have done the TwinShot arc on every toon, but I haven't once done Frost Fire. On live, that was the one arc that I loved/hated, because it would regularly stomp my character. It was a Baptism by Fire where I could determine if my toon would survive. Since I don't farm, a little variety would be welcome. I would rather not have a list of contacts I have to seek out. If I need to keep a sheet of instructions for my toons, then I might as well go back to Everquest where I have to research how to gain a item to make a device that will allow me to create a spell that should be part of leveling up to level 18. Please, give me all the contacts I need for the first 20 levels. Let me choose which arcs I want to do. Hashaby/TwinShot/Velez are getting old. And while I'm at it, I'm getting tired of the same contact having me street sweep for the SAME targets, in the SAME Zone, 3 times. Hey - go teach the Devouring Earth a lesson. Go kill 40 in Founders Falls. You're done? Great! Go do it again! You did that one also? Well, there are more out there - go kill 40 more. At this point, I tend to ignore that contact. Here's another one that pisses me off: Let me introduce you to a friend of mine. By the way, the Security officer in Terra Volta needs help. <ignore this because I'm a few levels low for this zone> I go to the new contact: Hey - Nice to meet ya. Here's something: The Security Officer in Terra Volts needs help. So I've heard. Catch me in 3 or 4 levels - when I don't have to deal with groups of 10 purples <ignore this one also> Luckily, I can do radio missions. Or Street sweep. For DE. In Founders. Again. Sorry - I'm in a mood, and I'll show myself out now.
  6. Wouldn't that make him/her a Weakend?
  7. I was just reading over Shenanigunner's Technical Reference Guide (v3.01 - December 2020). This one has everything. I'm going to use it to make bind files for all my toons that need one. It's available on shenanigunner.com Just noticed there's a v3.02 from Feb 14, 2021! Great job, Shenanigunner! And Thank you for all your effort - you are most appreciated.
  8. Unfortunately, if you have a Internet connected network, it's more WHEN than IF you are going to be hit. And they may not be targeting you for gain. It may be just practice. A lot of the threat actors also hack for bragging rights. As for Sanctuary, They may have been targeted, or it could have been street traffic. If you look at the logs, those connecting IP's are from all over. And what's more, they are probably all spoofed, so where they originated is most likely shrouded. It's sad that we have to go to such extreme lengths to protect our systems. I was trying to get a position with a local hospital group, and ended up giving up. I found the hospital administration believed they were a health care provider, and not a technology company, and treated their CISSP like crap until he left. They didn't even have an Executive Security officer. It's only a matter of time (watching other local hospital groups get hacked and having patient records stolen) before this way of thinking will be forcefully, painfully, and expensively, proven wrong. Network security has to be a priority in any network worth looking at. Something to think about: The bad guys are working every day at their trade, and they have to succeed only once. The good guys are working 8 to 5, and they have to succeed every time. I feel bad for the Sanctuary folks, and I hope they recover.
  9. Warriors are boring. No matter their background, reason for existence, movie rights, or whatever. Still boring. I see part of the problem is they haven't evolved with the game. As it has become easier to start hero life, they have fallen into irrelevance. With the muddling of the Origins, their uniqueness has become mundane. Yes, they are boring and need to evolve to become worthwhile again. ---------------- Or, who cares.
  10. No, It's not the same picture. Superman is not the sum of his powers. It's WHO Superman is, not WHAT superman is.
  11. I have several toons where some toggles are deactivated unexpectedly. I've learned to deal with it. Would be nice if there was an enhancement that provided De-Toggle Protection.
  12. I've found the MM pets won't attack a non-combative mob unless they are on Aggressive setting. So, If I fear the mob before they can attack, my pets will stand around picking each other's noses. When the mob attacks ME, they will spring into action (as well as undead can spring) As for your pet, Your mileage may vary, Some assembly required, and Batteries are not included
  13. Thanks, Tuft. I appreciate the info. I was just hoping to find an easy solution. 😞
  14. It's supposed to make sense? Whooda thunk...
  15. Is there an option available if you visit Icon? I was thinking of the ability to change how powers look. A lot have a No FX option that may work for you. If not, maybe change the colors to something neutral...? I don't have anyone with this power, so I don't know.
  16. I've been reading through this topic (and a bunch of others), and I get ideas for new toons to try, because I'm all for the experience of the play. It sounds like Regen needs a mass of help just to be playable. I understand there are a bunch of AT's that appeal to different tastes in play style and concepts. But this doesn't sound like something I want to invest my limited time in. I don't farm (If I'm gonna PL by farming, I might as well just start off with a Level 50 whatever on the test server) - all my toons get where they are the hard way (probably harder than most), so I tend to become attached to them. If I have to work at liking the toon, then we are not destined for a long relationship. I'm not talking about effort, because I put the effort into all my toons. Work - as in -They Need To Pay Me to Do This- is what I'm talking about. For what it's worth, I think I'll pass on this one.
  17. I just rolled up ParaLaxAtive on Torch. He makes the bad guyz soil themselves no matter what angle the see him at.
  18. I don't have a main - they are all alts. But I suppose my favorite is my Street Justice/Bio Brute on Torch - Duk Duque. He's so damn fun to run. There's something therapeutic about punching the snot out of mobs. It's so satisfying!
  19. Time for a SmackDown? In Timex we trust? Take a licking. Keep on ticking. Broken clocks are right twice a day? Time flies like a banana - Fruit flies like a pear? You're not Orange enough!
  20. If my Alts formed a team, they would probably boot my main off the account.
  21. While I can't put my finger on it - The RNG is not quite R It seems I roll over 95 WAY more often than 5% of the time. And usually, it's several times in a row. To give it credit, when my To Hit is at 85%, then it relaxes and rolls over 85 often. I also noticed the Mobs don't have his issue.
  22. Could be that there was a glitch in your character or the location when you logged out and it reset your position. While it hasn't happened to me, I have read that it has happened to others. I wouldn't worry too much about it unless it happens frequently - then I would send a petition to the CoX gods
  23. Initially, I do the costume and don't worry about the powers, stance, etc. I try to remember that I'm going to spend a significant amount of time looking at their back side, so I want to make that view interesting. (On one of my toons, I set the hips too wide for his height, and it looks emaciated with his pelvis piking out of his skin. I got to remember to change that...) After about 8 levels [(Trying to take advantage of the free costume change)(I solo almost exclusively, and never farm)] I re-examine to see if there's anything annoying (see anecdote above) or something I want to change out as I hone the concept. It's then that I'll personalize the powers/armor/what have you. I like to keep something consistent between their costumes. I figure they are the same person no matter what costume they are wearing at the moment. Typically, I'll keep hair color, face (shape, size, model), body shape and size, and any manifestations the same colors. I would change hair styles and costume parts (obviously). I also do things like have multiple instances of the same overall costume, but add or remove a helmet, cape, backpack, or some kind of accessory. It's not like this on all of my toons, as on others, I will have a specific costume for door/cave missions, and another for walking around Atlas Park - kind of work and play costumes. I also realize the only person to notice will probably be me.
  24. On that thought, if the toon is wearing a costume, then they are technology, because they don't naturally have costumes. Reminds me of a friend who said ALL movies are Science Fiction, since they were filmed using science. I think we may need to draw a line on where technology begins and natural ends. When it comes down to it, if you aren't fist fighting naked, then you are using technology. While this is silly, it's also true. Does using a knife, gun, bow, or shuriken make you a Technology Origin, or does it have to be futuristic or uncommon. I like what Take One said: This makes a lot of sense to me. It may not be the technology, but how it's applied to hero work.
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