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Everything posted by Uun

  1. Even with Provost Marchand (Mr. G's blue side counterpart), while the New Praetorians fight alongside you during the first arc, they do almost nothing to help you after that. You break them out of prison at the end of the second arc and they participate in the final fights, and Marauder briefly fights alongside you in the third arc. Also, if you run Dean MacArthur's arc before you run Mr. G's, Dean will have your back throughout.
  2. Perma PA is useful if you intend on soloing anything. They keep the aggro off you.
  3. CoD says -regen is -10%. https://cod.uberguy.net/html/power.html?power=incarnate.interface_silent.regen_debuff&at=scrapper
  4. Not going to restate what's been said above, so just a few added points: Interface: This is largely a choice between debuffs or added damage. Degenerative Core and Reactive Core are widely considered to be the best debuffs. The -regen from Diamagnetic is pretty weak (10% per stack) and is heavily resisted by AVs. The thing to keep in mind is that the debuffs can only stack 4x. This doesn't matter if you're solo, but can come into play on teams if others have the same Interface. If you go the added damage route (which can stack 8x), there are three that do more damage than the others: Reactive Radial (Fi), Preemptive Radial (En) and Spectral Radial (Ne). Destiny: One of Ninjitsu's weaknesses is low DDR. Ageless Radial provides significant debuff resistance. Since you already have a self heal, I would go this route instead of Rebirth. Hybrid: Monitor your damage buffs using the Combat Monitor. Unless you're teaming with Kins or other buffers and frequently hitting the damage cap, Assault Core will provide a bigger damage buff than Radial. Load your character on the test server and try the different options against one of the pylons at the RWZ base.
  5. My Illusion/Poison is at 169% (ignoring the base 100%) with Hasten up and is 6s short of perma PA when using Intuition Radial. When I switch to Spiritual Core, that gap closes to less than 1s. There's also a base empowerment buff that provides 20% +rech for 90 minutes that you can use to close the gap. You should expect similar performance with /FF. It's easy for Illusion/Time to get perma PA, since Chrono Shift adds 50% +rech. Mine sits at 218% (ignoring the base 100%) and has perma PA, Chrono Shift and Hasten. Performance with /Rad would be close to this, since AM provides 30% +rech. You would need about 105% global recharge (excluding the base 100%, Hasten and AM) for perma PA, which should also give you perma Hasten and AM. Also, you may want to read this: https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Recharge
  6. Perhaps her defenses could be buffed. All she's got is 30% lethal/10% smashing resist, Parry (20% melee defense) and a self rez (followed by MoG). https://cod.uberguy.net/html/entity.html?entity=romans_good_sister_valeria
  7. Uun

    ice defense questions

    None of which can be slotted in Wet Ice. It doesn't accept any IO sets.
  8. Uun

    ice defense questions

    You can slot them, but the defense enhancement won't work. This exploit was fixed way back on live. Also, the defense debuff resistance (DDR) in Wet Ice is flagged to ignore enhancements, so even if you could slot defense, the DDR wouldn't increase. Outside of Super Reflexes, the only power in the game which allows DDR to be enhanced is Shield/Battle Agility. (Shield/Active Defense can be stacked but not enhanced.)
  9. I took Bitter Freeze Ray on my Ice/Temp blaster and skipped it on my Ice/Kin corruptor. I don't think Ice needs a snipe, but the animation on BFR is quite long and I wouldn't complain if it were shortened.
  10. You don't need shards or threads to unlock Alpha. It unlocks the first time you level after 50, or sooner if you run Mender Ramiel's arc. Unlocking it early has limited benefits unless you transfer Empyrean merits from another character. As far as constructing Alpha abilities, I only use shards to construct the T3 (and the second T3 for the T4), getting the Notice of the Well from the WST (or the Flames of Prometheus badge). I have constructed multiple T4 Alphas on several characters.
  11. Arctic Air is quite good, although it does use a lot of endurance. It has 3 effects, each of which are applied (or have a chance to be applied) every 2s. Because it doesn't require accuracy or recharge, it can effectively be frankenslotted with 2-3 confuse/endred IOs. Increasing the confuse duration improves the odds of foes in the AoE staying confused if a tick misses. Adding a slow IO will make it more difficult for foes to run out of the AoE. 100% chance of 81.25% -speed / 62.5% -recharge (better than Snow Storm) 30% chance of mag 3 confuse plus 20% chance of additional mag 1 confuse 50% chance of Afraid (this is what makes foes run) Snow Storm is 62.5% -speed / 62.5% -recharge and also has a hefty endurance cost (although half that of Arctic Air). Cold Snap is 82.5% -speed / 82.5% -recharge plus an 18s mag 3 fear. It doesn't have an accuracy penalty but isn't auto-hit. I consider Cold Snap much better than Snow Storm.
  12. Crush: If you're just trying to set up containment, Crushing Field is fine. Some people use Crush as part of their attack chain (it does much more damage than Crushing Field but it's still inferior to Lift and Propel) and/or to immobilize AVs (which Crushing Field won't do). AoE Control: I wouldn't take both EM Pulse and GDF. While EMP has a longer recharge and a recovery penalty, it doesn't have an accuracy penalty and has a much bigger radius (60 ft vs. 20 ft). Note, EMP does NOT drain you of all endurance, it prevents you from recovering endurance. Death Powers: Both Mutation and Fallout are optional and depend a lot on your play style and who you're teaming with. If you're going to take Vengeance, definitely take Fallout too. I wouldn't bother with Earth's Embrace. It's got a 6 minute recharge and +hp powers aren't that useful on a controller.
  13. 6 slotting Sudden Acceleration provides pretty good set bonuses if you have the slots.
  14. If you're looking for shards, they only drop in normal content. They don't drop in incarnate content.
  15. The blaster text is out of date. Suppressive Fire was revamped in 2023 and is now high damage for all ATs when using fire or cryo ammo.
  16. Take Telekinetic Blast instead of Mental Blast. It has much higher DPA and has some smashing damage. You'll need to add a kb>kd IO. Durability isn't worth slotting for resist. It only enhances toxic resist and the base amount is tiny. Don't slot the Numina +regen/+recovery in Dull Pain. It needs to be in a toggle or auto power, otherwise it only lasts 2 minutes after you click the power. Invincible only needs 1 endred. Change the 2nd to defense. Swap one of the stuns in Psychic Wail for recharge. One of the issues with psi damage is the foes that resist it resist it A LOT (50%+). Having other damage types is imperative if you intend to solo. I strongly recommend taking a different epic than Psi Mastery. Add a 2nd defense IO to Weave and Maneuvers. Once you can afford it, start slotting the sentinel ATO sets (https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Category:Sets_for_improving_Sentinel_Archetype). They both provide increased range as a set bonus for just 2 or 3 pieces.
  17. Not against it, but be aware that HC has limited animation resources and they're stretched pretty thin.
  18. There is a sizeable contingent of badge hunters that are completionists and must have EVERY badge.
  19. I'm leveling an Arsenal/Marine (currently lvl 26) and holy cow is it fun. It's an absolute beast on teams and has so many options for neutering spawn(s). It has 5 location AoEs, all of which have good durations and fairly short cooldowns (including a very usable sleep patch). Tons of slows and knockdown. ST damage is pretty anemic (even with procs), so not the best choice if you intend to solo.
  20. Agree with not incentivizing bad behavior. In addition, there's already a Task Force Abandoner Badge (how Task Force Commander displays for villains and rogues).
  21. In addition to the above comments, keep in mind that the Imps are fragile. While Radiation has an AoE heal, Poison's is ST. Neither has any tools to buff the Imps defense or resistance.
  22. Energy Aura is typed defense (as opposed to positional defense), so you're looking for sets that provide typed defense set bonuses. For example, Brute's Fury provides a S/L defense bonus with 3 pieces that you can double up. Blistering Cold provides a S/L defense bonus with 5 pieces and a F/C bonus with 6 pieces. You're also going to want the Steadfast Protection and Gladiator's Armor +def uniques (which you can slot in Dampening Field or Energy Protection), as well as the Reactive Defense and Shield Wall +res uniques (which you can slot in any defense shield). Your goal is to soft cap defense to S/L/F/C/E, get as close as possible with N, and a reasonable level of resistance as a back stop. Other than a small amount of resistance in Energy Protection and a small amount of defense in Energy Drain, Energy Aura has no protection against toxic or psi damage outside of Overload. I recommend taking Overload for this reason (or slotting a lot of T/P resist set bonuses). Consider dropping Build Up, which isn't as useful on a brute. I don't recommend skipping Power Crash. Without it, Whirling Hands is your only AoE. Power Crash is a wide cone that can hit 10 foes if you use it while Energy Focus is active., Energy Mastery, while thematic, is largely wasted with Energy Aura. You won't need Superior Conditioning or Physical Perfection once you get Energy Drain and Energize.
  23. For me, it's largely a question of whether I think the corruptor buffs/debuffs are good enough or if I want the extra oomph of the defender values. To date, I've done Dark, Time, TA, Kin and Storm as corruptors and Cold, Nature and Poison as defenders. Quite a few of the corruptors were sets I played as defenders on the live servers.
  24. For a better apples to apples comparison, it might be useful to exclude damage auras from the totals (or create a second column excluding them). More than half the armor sets don't have damage auras, and taunt auras that don't do damage have much lower endurance costs. All the damage auras have a uniform endurance cost of 0.52 end/s, while Against All Odds, Rise to the Challenge, Beta Decay and Invincibility all cost 0.208 end/s. (The taunt auras for Energy Aura, Super Reflexes and Regeneration are folded into armors and have no other effects.)
  25. I wasn't saying anything other than that the reduction in knockdown rate doesn't occur if the targets are immobilized. I wasn't trying to justify the change, I was simply stating a fact. I said nothing for or against the radius reduction. On the other hand, you've been ranting about the Bonfire changes since they went through almost a year ago. You keep reposting the same complaints ad nauseum with no support other than your dislike of the changes.
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