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Everything posted by Uun

  1. Time Wall has secondary effects when used in combination with other powers. Most of these aren't significant and I ignore them (other than the Time Stop combo). Aging Touch: DoT doubled Time Stop: Mag increased by 1 (for 3.5s) End of Time: Damage increased Future Pain: Mag 3 fear Time Shift: Mag increased by 1 (for 4.7s) Chronos provides a 30% recharge buff and has secondary effects on your self buffs. These are a nice bonus, but be aware that the damage buff is lower than Build Up. Temporal Healing: Absorb increased Time Lord: Increased energy resist, recharge, and slow resist The skippable powers in Temporal are Aging Touch and Time Shift. Aging Touch is fine as a lvl 1 power, but most of your higher tier blasts have superior DPA and you can respec out of it. I currently have Time Shift in my build, but I slot it for ToHit Debuff and use it to mule Siphon Insight.
  2. You slotted an Enzyme in Weave. Enzyme enhances Defense Debuffs. You need to slot a Cytoskeleton to enhance Defense Buffs. https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Hamidon_Origin_Enhancements Take Bitter Ice Blast instead of Bitter Freeze Ray. It has much higher DPA. Don't skip Aim. Rectified Reticle is a crappy set to put in Chronos, since it caps at lvl 20. Slot Gaussian's instead (inluding the %BU proc). Move the Increased Perception global to Combat Teleport. Not sure why you're taking the powers in your secondary so late. Reshuffle and take them much earlier.
  3. I've played a Rad/Dark corruptor since HC launched and played a Dark/Rad defender for many years on live. It's a pretty rare combo but it's a lot of fun and very effective. You can recolor Rad blast to match whatever concept you have.
  4. The Panacea +heal/+end proc will affect targets of the power it's slotted in.
  5. In the center of the menu bar, there's a white box with a pull-down for Enemy Relative Level. I keep it set to +3. Then if you hover over the power, the Accuracy field in the Info box will show you the effective accuracy vs. +3 foes (the figure in parenthesis is the base accuracy vs. +3 foes).
  6. I don't think so. You're better off putting it in Seeds of Confusion or Vines.
  7. Yes, Mid's says you only have a 76% chance to hit +3s.
  8. Take Energy Punch instead of Barrage. Split Superior Gauntleted Fist into two sets of 3 to double up on the 6% E/N resist bonus. You really don't need the 5% melee defense or 6% S/L resist bonuses. Practiced Brawler only needs 1 recharge. If you're not taking any fly powers, why enhance Quickness for Flight Speed? Should be Run Speed instead.
  9. Envenom requires accuracy. Slotting Dehydrate for slow isn't productive. Slot for damage and/or healing. Add the def pieces to Maneuvers and Weave. You could easily drop 2 slots from Tough.
  10. Hardly. SoW provides 12.5% F/C/E/N/T/P resist to tanks, 9.375% to brutes, scrappers and stalkers and 8.75% to sentinels. A small orange inspiration provides 10% resist. I did take SoW on my WP brute, but I mostly use it when my toggles get dropped by Mu Adept and I need to restore protection quickly. I slot it with 2x Gladiator's Armor (resist & +def). SoW only takes Resist sets. The scaling damage resist enhancement is in a Defense set (Reactive Defenses).
  11. Sentinel/Bio Armor/Parasitic Leech: power is a cone but short help describes it as a PBAoE. In addition, "Foe -Regeneration" is missing from the short help. (It appears that the short help was cloned from Parasitic Aura.)
  12. The best T9s are those in the more recent armor sets, Radiation and Bio. They have no (or minimal) crash and provide a host of useful buffs. The tradeoff is a much shorter duration than the OG T9s. Icy Bastion also fits this model, but I wonder if the 30s duration is too short. The crash on SoW is minimal (-50% end) and a non-issue. The issue is that SoW doesn't do much. It primarily provides S/L resist, but if you're taken Tough you're S/L resist should already be capped. The F/C/E/N/T/P resist it provides is meaningless since WP relies primarily on defense for F/C/E/N protection and it has nothing to stack with. Shield/OWTS has much the same issue, but at least it provides +hp as well.
  13. I've got a lvl 50 /Nin sentinel with only Bo Ryaku for kb protection. Really hasn't been an issue.
  14. It's not worth it, neither PA or Spooky benefit. I do 6-slot Expedient Reinforcement in Phantasm on both my Illusion controllers, largely for the ranged defense bonus, but the 10% pet resist bonus does nothing to keep Phantasm alive.
  15. Uun

    Spring Attack

  16. Saturday Night Synapse, run weekly at 8pm Eastern on Torchbearer by @Kalikamata. Synapse run in league format, with the Babbage spawns coordinated. Most fun you will ever have running Synapse. A new record was set this week with 31 Babbages spawned.
  17. I've got a Fire/Nature which I really enjoy. Stacking Hot Feet and Entangling Aura is lovely, but having a means of buffing the Imps is also very useful (they still die a lot). Electric plays more like Plant, in that it relies on confuse, but the confuse is a chain so a bit more fiddly. The Gremlins have the same AI as the Imps and really need to be buffed to stay alive. Of the 3 sets you mention I would lean toward Nature (haven't played Marine yet). I've done Electric/Dark, which works really well.
  18. If you intend to solo, Ice Control is one of the lowest damage controller primaries you can pick. You'll be perfectly safe, but it will take forever to defeat anything. You would be better served with another primary (Fire, Gravity, Arsenal, Plant, Illusion). Frostbite is really low damage and slotting it with Ragnarok isn't productive. It also procs poorly due to the recharge. 6-slotting AM with Power Transfer enhances a lot of attributes you don't have while not maximizing your recharge. You would be better served with 2-3 endmod/recharge HOs. Slotting Ice Slick for damage isn't worthwhile. Slot 1 recharge IO and call it a day. You're enhancing the wrong attributes of Lingering Radiation. You want to maximize the recharge for the -regen. Slot 2-3 slow/end/recharge HOs. Slot Arctic Air with a Confuse set or frankenslot with 2-3 confuse/end IOs. Malaise's Illusions provides better endred values than Coercive Persuasion. Add the Soulbound %BU proc to Jack. Weave needs end reduction. Ice Storm needs accuracy. Either add slots or drop it. It's not worthwhile with just 2 slots. Intuition Radial would be a better choice for your Alpha, as it enhances your damage, holds, slows and tohit debuffs. If you're going to slot Vigor, you want Radial (which enhances your fear and confuse), not Core.
  19. This seems to be pretty old. Mid's hasn't used the mxd file format in several years and the levels powers become available was changed in 2022. There were also changes to Dual Pistols in 2023, in particular Suppressive Fire. Skip Immobilizing Dart. You're no longer forced to take the T1 of the secondary. Pretty much all your primary and secondary powers can now be taken sooner, so rearrange the picks accordingly. Slot Superior Defiant Barrage in Dual Wield. In addition to superior bonuses, the set has a 4 PPM mez protection proc. Kuji-In Toh is overslotted. Drop the last 2 slots of Performance Shifter. Don't skip Suppressive Fire. Its damage scale was increased and recharge reduced when using fire and cryo ammo. Unless you're just taking it for the set bonuses, Blinding Powder is skippable. Note, the confuse only has a 50% chance to occur.
  20. It's definitely a tight combination. You don't need the heal from Dehydrate, but it has slightly better DPA than either of the T1 attacks. Given that, I would probably skip Aqua Bolt. There's nothing skippable in Bio, but several of the powers don't require many slots. Athletic Regulation and Genomic Evolution don't require more than the base slot, and Inexhaustible doesn't require more than 2 heal IOs. Rebuild DNA is a heal, not a +regen power. The +regen powers are Inexhaustible, Ablative Carapace and Parasitic Leech. Whirlpool summons a pseudo pet, so typically not a good candidate for procs. Note, I haven't tried it so don't know if it's an outlier.
  21. Uun

    Dark Dark rebuild

    Can't disagree with this more. The strength of Fearsome Stare's tohit debuff is equal to Darkest Night's and it covers a much larger area. It should be slotted for -tohit, not fear. If you're not getting mitigation from Fearsome Stare, you're slotting it wrong or using it wrong.
  22. Uun

    Dark Dark rebuild

    Overall, I think you're trying to do too many things and starving several good powers for slots along the way. Outside of Darkest Night and Fearsome Stare, it seems like a pretty squishy build. You don't need to soft cap defense, but I would enhance your resist powers. Consider splitting Superior Scourging Blast into 2 groups of 3 pieces in order to double up on the 10% recharge bonus. Twilight Grasp needs more slots. Sting of the Manticore would be better in Moonbeam. I wouldn't bother with the Overwhelming Force %kd in Nightfall. Going 6x on Bombardment gives you a 4.5% E/N resist bonus. Shadow Fall needs more slots. It needs end reduction if you intend to run it, plus the resist and defense are both worth enhancing. Drop Torrent or slot it with %dmg procs instead of enhancing the damage (which is minimal). Also needs kb>kd. Maneuvers needs end reduction if you intend to run it. I know you intend to stack Dark Pit with Oppressive Gloom, but I don't think it's worth it. I would drop Dark Pit and pull slots from Oppressive Gloom (which doesn't need more than 1 acc/mez HO). If you're going to take Dark Consumption (which I don't think you need), slot it with an End Mod set.
  23. Smite has very good DPA and should be slotted. Fire Shield is over-slotted. Since you already have Consume, you don't need Dark Consumption for endurance. I would drop it for Touch of Fear, which works quite well with %dmg procs. Blazing Aura (and toggles in general) is a bad place to slot %dmg procs. Each 3.5 PPM proc has a 30% chance to fire every 10s. On top of this you don't slot any accuracy, which further hurts your proc chances. You also don't slot any end reduction and Blazing Aura is an expensive toggle. Most efficient slotting is 3x Scirocco's Dervish (acc/dmg, dmg/end, acc/dmg/end). Add a 4th piece if you want the acc bonus. Consume is a utility power, not a damage power. It should be slotted with a combination of End Mod and Heal sets (heal enhancements increase the +hp buff). Move Superior Unrelenting Fury to Soul Drain. Tough and Weave are over-slotted. Performance Shifter +end is pointless in Phoenix Rising. Slot a standard endmod IO or a recharge IO. Whirlwind requires end reduction if you intend to use it. Combat Jumping and Weave should each be slotted with LOTG +rech. One of them should also be slotted with the Reactive Defenses scaling resist. Slotting sets with F/C resist bonuses (Superior Avalanche, Hecatomb, Armageddon) isn't productive, since Fire caps fire resistance out of the box. I would focus on increasing your E/N resistance, which is pretty low.
  24. Power Crash has a base target cap of 5 which increases to 10 when Energy Focus is up. It has a 10 ft radius and 120 degree arc, so it will hit a bunch of stuff if you only use it when the orange circle is up. I wouldn't chase defense soft cap with Dark or Electric Armor. Both are resist sets and have no defense debuff resistance. Dark is weak to En damage while Electric is weak to Ne and Tx damage. Dark has a better heal, but it requires a target. Electric has better end management and debuff resistance.
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