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Everything posted by TheZag

  1. Im curious if this means development tools for CoH will be available to the homecoming team. It would be nice to know if the devs volunteer workload can be lessened or that particularly difficult areas to code would be easier/possible (such as itrials, animations, leagues and lfg). Or even if the tools were available, that they are too old and essentially defunct compared to current development techniques and wouldnt make a difference.
  2. With all the new players, the team wanted to dangle a carrot in front of the lower population servers. New players tend to go to higher population servers if there is no incentive elsewhere. Transfer and power level if you want but this is helping the queue for excel just as much as the low population of the other servers.
  3. There was a previous discussion and as memory serves, your name is tossed into some formula that spits out a color value and if that color is too light or dark it is shifted into an appropriate brightness. Edit: here it is, fiddle to your hearts content. ....turns out it is also your topic so you probably already knew this. Oh well, maybe more people will see the download from Naomi.
  4. There is a topic somewhere about team leaders and team members getting different amounts of xp rewarded for some mission completions. I bet this is what happened to you.
  5. I believe that the winter lord is tied to how many naughty spawns have happened in a particular zone. The counter goes up by 1 for every naughty spawn and WL is guaranteed to spawn once the threshold is reached. Some people have claimed anywhere from 50 to 200 naughty spawns to get him but i dont have a certain number to offer. Dont zone hop when trying to get him, pick a zone and stay in it and you will get a spawn.
  6. You get an average of 25% xp bonus from enemies damaged by confused enemies. There is no penalty. If you do 50% of the damage and a confused enemy does 50%, you get 80% of the xp instead of 50% (a 30% bonus).
  7. One of the devs had a topic for submitting hero corps costumed characters. The end date for that submission has passed awhile ago but means they do have some plans for the group. No idea to when any changes would go live though.
  8. My understanding was that Statesman needed to die in order for the players to progress. If the next big threat arrived, Statesman would be expected to deal with it instead of the players. I would have preferred for him to remain alive though. There are several ways to exclude a character without having them killed.
  9. Currently /showtime 1 gives a little clock in the top right corner of your screen that displays the current time of the ingame day. It is useful for knowing when night or morning is coming if you cant tell what a sunrise or sunset is and thats about it. If we can have server time and local time added to the clock and make it a movable window would make the show time command actually useful. /servertime (the time the server is set to) and /localtime (the time your computer is set to) are already part of the game and report to the chatbox when used but arent part of the /showtime display. Server time on the display would be great for scheduling events and local time would be nice for easily seeing the difference between your time and server time. Nobody schedules in server time because it isnt easy to access and many people probably dont know it even exists. Events are a mess of 'X event is at 8pm' 'is that 8 eastern? Its 2am here' 'yes, 45 minutes from now' Server time is the same for everyone. If an event were scheduled for 2100 server time, it wouldnt matter where you are. And with a running server time clock instead of a single report to chat with a slash command, it might actually become convenient to use. I suggest /showtime 1 remain for city time /showtime 2 would show server time /showtime 4 would show local time And add the numbers together for a showtime command that shows your selected times. 1+2=3 /showtime 3 for city+server time 2+4=6 /showtime 6 for server+local time And so on for the other combination of clocks. Edit: Alternatively, add city, server and local time to the trackable attributes and they could be added or removed from tracking like defense, damage bonus, hp or inf.
  10. My post was the sarcasm. Mobs need the occasional not fair auto hit because their brain is the size of a few lines of code. There are quite a few mechanics in the game that go almost totally ignored because most mobs couldnt hit the ground with a rock without the help of a gravity controller.
  11. Enemies start with a base 50% accuracy. I suppose we could give them a players base accuracy and allow for accuracy enhancements so they can get 80-95% accuracy and then take away their auto hit stuff.....
  12. American fruitcake is similar to your Christmas pudding. I wouldnt say its something we do at christmas but more like its something they only sell around christmas time even though nobody wants to buy it. Store bought fruitcake has reached joke status in that it never goes bad and some people have been gifting the same fruitcake back and forth to each other for over 30 years.
  13. Current cut scenes are 'filmed' at the speed of your average casual reader. Even casual reading is several times faster than speaking. All cut scenes would need to be reworked to be much longer or the voice over would be sped up to chip and dale rescue rangers levels of ear bleed to finish in time of the current scenes. That, and that all the effort required to make it happen just so 95% of the playerbase can turn it off after 3 missions but still be stuck with voice over extended cut scenes.
  14. It has to do with the pathing beacons and that the game thinks you need to go through the lab or elevator on the wall to get there. And if you go through either point, the game says you need to go back through the same door to reach your destination. It ends up on a loop with your nav point never showing up in the correct place.
  15. Ah thanks, the wiki doesnt have that bit of info, just 'a CoH player'.
  16. https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Category:Memorial_NPCs I thought someone had said that GM_Cyclone had a memorial NPC added as well but it isnt listed on the wiki.
  17. You would need to make a great case as to why a scrapper set should get a taunt aura. The devs said no new scrapper sets would get a taunt aura and the existing sets with a taunt aura might not keep it. Thats a long uphill argument to have them do a 180. I figure the sets with taunt auras would be untouched for some time though since changes that cause loss of slotting options arent generally done.
  18. I doubt the devs programmed in any specific avoidance of glue arrow. If it interacts with pathing beacons (mobs move around obstructions) or the fact that mobs jump when they cant get where they are trying to go fast enough (they jump when obstructed by another mob) would be purely coincidental and not intentional. That doesnt make it less frustrating, but the devs never had a vendetta against glue arrow. Unfortunately, power descriptions arent written by anyone, it pulls the power data from the game and displays it. -50000% just means 'their jump height is set to minimum'. Not that their jump height will be .001 millimeter, it will be whatever that particular NPCs minimum jump height is. I find use out of it but only when i use the /powexeclocation target macro.
  19. Yes, Gloryhound is a memorial hero. There are at least 13 of them around the city last i checked the wiki. They are all players who have passed and had their character placed ingame. Luna (Ouro, more than just the incarnate vendor), Coyote (Outbreak tutorial), and Todogut (Rikti War Zone) are some others.
  20. Ive heard that CoH doesnt like multi monitor setups but i think it was with nvidia cards. Check if running a single monitor improves things. Id recommend you backup your data if it isnt already. Other possibilities include you may be in the middle of a hard drive crash or your cooling system is failing. I didnt realize as my computer was crashing more often and then other wierd stuff started happening, that it meant my hard drive was about to go. It was most noticable during CoH since that was what i used the most. The other time i had problems was when my cooling system pump failed and when the cooling fans were so old that they needed replacement. Both of those situations caused CoH crashes because heat builds up very quickly when the cooling stops working. Hopefully you can pinpoint the issue or someone who is better at diagnosing problems checks in.
  21. I didnt know any of the memorialized players before their passing. The wiki is also mostly void of such information. It might be possible to get additional information in their description if we had any information to pass along to the devs. We have had a fair number of devs join and depart so they may not even know the details of the memorialized characters. And i dont mean things like their real name. They were significant to the CoH community in some way. If that could be included in the character description, it would be a nice touch.
  22. I just cant get behind the argument that new characters cant afford stuff. I had a new character that was given 2 inf as a joke from another player. I went on the AH and with only that 2 inf, i kept buying and selling until i got bored of tracking the profits at about 10 million inf. Granted the first few transactions were for common salvage and my bid took several hours to fill, but once i made a few hundred inf it went really quick. Vendor 3 crappy enhancement drops for that first few thousand inf and go make it into several million in a day.
  23. The city information terminal would probably be the only spot that could track any amount of stats since each item would be unique if there were stats attached to the item. Having 'date received first fruitcake', '# of fruitcake given', '# of fruitcake received' and '# given/# received in the last 30 days' (to track the current year) in the city info terminal would likely be the only way to have fruitcake related stats. Maybe even just reskin ambrosia into fruitcake for the christmas event time and only track stats for ambrosia gifting during the event. @Bionic_Flea i can certainly see people considering the duplicating gift as fruitcake, but its missing the mark for me. Especially when it lasts only a short time if you dont regift it.
  24. I would like to request a Fruitcake inspiration or salvage to be added as part as the Christmas event. If the date it was created and how many times it has been gifted/emailed could be added as well, that would be great.
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