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Everything posted by TheZag

  1. It happens when you are 2 levels below the mission holder (sk'd to -1) and then you level up (no longer sk'd but still -1 for the mission). The henchmen cull code is triggered when your sidekick status is removed. It doesnt happen to everyone because being -2 levels from the mission holder is less common than being every other level in the game relative to the leader. I suppose it could also happen if you are -1 from the leader and the leader levels up causing you to get sk'd. Low level MMs would sidekick to a lvl 50, summon henchmen, drop SK, and go fight enemies that were well above +4 like they were nothing. The henchmen cull code was put in place to stop an exploit with the knowledge that it would cull henchmen in this specific circumstance. Its not ideal and im not sure if it was impossible to have a better implementation or if the programmer was being lazy, but its what we have and its not a bug. There have probably been requests to change it but my guess is that its low on the priority list since its so specific.
  2. Jenkins Its a SF to create his new group called Arachos and try to take over Arachnos.
  3. I have a werewolf character that transforms over 8 costume changes. He has the tattered pants for his last human-ish form and i had to go with the black knight belt for his 3 monster forms to get some coverage. It kinda killed the martial arts master turned werewolf theme but i wanted to keep a few secrets.
  4. And then we head over to null to change our Archtype to achieve the badge title we want just like the alignment related ones.....oh wait.
  5. Parts of the praetorian storyline would probably need a rework to make it possible to add new content without introducing some serious jank. Even as it sits right now, primal earth characters are traveling back in time when they visit the praetorian zones. Its even worse for gold side characters that move to primal earth and then return. The city is actually destroyed and is an overgrown forest that is under attack by praetorian hamidon but you would never know that by visiting the zones. It needs to be this way for gameplay purposes but we can only go so far before 'because reasons' isnt good enough anymore. The ending cutscene of magi trial and probably underground trial would need some alterations as well as the new praetorian stuff to really open up the ability to make additions gold side (mostly to avoid destroying the city and the hami attack). Those events would probably need to get linked to ouro in some way since they are always meddling and it would need to be possible future stuff. I think there is room to finish off gold side to level 50 and include their versions of patron pool powers but i doubt the team would want it to be a mess of game lore. Some of what i mentioned above would likely need to get addressed to have it added inside of praetoria. Keeping things completely seperate from praetorian zones would be much easier by just making additions through the praetorians that moved to primal earth as mentioned in the OP.
  6. The badgers should be along shortly to point out that locking badges by AT will make it impossible to get every badge on a character. A single badge with a single name might make the cut but badges by AT probably never would.
  7. Someone extra 0'd one of my hami-o's awhile ago. They meant to bid 60 million......ouch. In other news, the kids college fund is doing great.
  8. My guess is the ship has probably already sailed on this one. If it played out like my suggestion, force field would likely have gotten a few more changes to further differentiate it from the legacy set and then get introduced as a seperate set. And no, i never intended for every minor change to result in a new set, hence the consider larger changes during a revamp part of the title. I would think if 1 power was to be significantly altered and the rest were to remain, that 3 or more powers would receive significant changes instead and be offered as a new set. It could mean buffs or nerfs but mostly that the set no longer plays the same. Generally revamps result in a buff but not everyone is chasing that last ounce of performance and just want their set to remain their set. And without pinging him, i do appreciate Player-1's replies even though it pretty much was a no. They have seen what i had to say and might find a use for it in the future even though it seems unlikely at the moment.
  9. I dont speak for the GMs, but they can and do take action on the reports. It might not be instant and they dont make action taken public, but they are working to keep the servers clean. So keep sending reports of inappropriate behavior and dont get discouraged if the individual 'gets away with it' (they probably didnt).
  10. Maybe a bind could do 2 at a time /bind Q "+$$inspexec_name Furious_Rage$$inspexec_name Furious_Rage" I havent needed this functionality though so ive never tried it. It might be able to munch 2 of them with a single key press though.
  11. I had the previous force field revamp in mind as i wrote this. It had changes that werent so large as to be considered a new set but large enough to disrupt veterans of the set. There have been a few other times with changes reverted, like with assault rifle. Not that every proposed change must be implemented, just that i wanted to put the suggestion out there so it could be considered.
  12. Wouldnt hurt to try then. Stick a + between the open quote and the word say. Z "+say Or try Z "+$$say
  13. Does it need the plus + to execute as a press/release bind? Im not at home to check.
  14. Bindloadfilesilent will load the bind without spamming your chat that a bind was loaded. Each bind needs to be its own file. They can all be in the same folder but they need to be individual files.
  15. With the binds in CoH > settings > live > binds I just use $$bindloadfilesilent binds\filename It saves a bunch of characters over having to use the entire file path. I think using something other than the homecoming launcher might look for the binds in a different location but the path above works for me on the homecoming launcher.
  16. Some powersets are in need of a revamp but that always pleases some and infuriates others. Changes get reduced or removed as the beta forum is lit on fire while the opposing groups argue their points. I suggest doing even more/larger changes during a powerset revamp and offering it as a new set while leaving the original set intact for those who enjoyed it as is. The sets would probably end up similar enough to need distinction such as 'Beam Rifle (revamped)' and 'Beam Rifle (legacy)'. This would allow for those changes that would force a respec on a player and allow for removing or adding functionality to a set to be made without breaking characters that used those abilities. I feel it would open up opportunity to make powerset changes that otherwise would be shelved due to being too dissimilar (violating the cottage recommendation) to the set that is getting revamped but too similar to warrant a new set of its own.
  17. I havent encountered survivability problems with super reflexes. I took energy melee and use energy transfer as much as i can to try and damage myself and im pretty much full the entire time. Its hard to slot all the goodies from the resist IOs since there are no resist powers in the set but thats probably for the best. I already have more slots in my attacks than any other of my melee characters since defense was so easy to cap and there were no resists to build and use up my slots. The set does show its age somewhat though when compared to newer armors. SR was around back before stats were shown to the player and toggles were all exclusive. We couldn't have the melee, ranged and AoE toggles all on. We had to pick one at a time and that was it. Elude was useful back then to get all 3 types of defense at the same time. Now it suffers the same as many armor T9s where they appear to be mostly useless for your character. Some powers could use a tweak and i personally dont like the scaling resist only kicking in at 60% but im not sure what the set could get that wont take it from a top performer to godmode faceroll i-win button.
  18. Tell the people they could code Doom to run in an animation and you will have 500 youtubers making all the conversion tools you would ever want in about 2 weeks 😛
  19. Thumbs up looks like its from a left hand. Thumbs down is coming from the right but that isnt a right hand. Thumbs left could be from a left arm held upward. Thumbs right is probably from a dismembered emoji person, ouch.
  20. Even though most times the boss disappears, and its just a mob beatdown until they reappear, i wouldnt want the boss invisible/invulnerable portions of the fights removed. Most bosses are sacks of HP that take longer to defeat than the regular sacks of HP. The scripted battles give some variety where much of the game has the same fights with a different story attached. Many of the older scripted battles are very similar with the boss disappearing while we beatdown several mobs but most of the new ones have interesting mechanics. I would prefer older battles get a more modern facelift instead of reducing them to a sack of HP that used to at least do something but now just sits there like most other bosses in the game while it receives a beatdown.
  21. Soul drain is impressive. It can be made essentially perma, you can proc bomb it with a high proc rate and even with only a single target hit the increased uptime gives equal or better output than buildup. 30 seconds of uptime with soul drain takes 2.37 seconds of cast time compared to 3.51 seconds of cast time for 30 seconds uptime with buildup. Its all in how you look at the numbers as what is good to you. In my book, soul drain is far superior to buildup and i rarely take or use buildup on anything except for right before my nuke or assassin strike. Right now soul drain has about 315 square feet of coverage in its 10 foot radius as a PBAoE. The proposed change would would give 1036 square feet of coverage with a width of 41.4 feet at its max 50 foot range. That is a huge increase in coverage that would likely require a reduction in soul drain's buff effectiveness as well as reducing proc rates since area is part of the proc rate calculation.
  22. Id go with probably harmless. Persisting data between save files could lead to all manner of exploits. What starts with bunny ears could become unlimited copies of your enhancement in slot 57. Some data persisting between saves lead to getting an unbreakable master sword in tears of the kingdom. While i dont expect something exploitable to come from this, it shouldnt be automatically discounted either.
  23. If you use /setdifficultyteamsize # And set your team size to a number higher than 8, then the game gets confused and will add +1 to your enemy level setting. +4 will become +5 and on a mission where enemies are intended to spawn above your setting, like defending the reactor from the rikti, you will encounter +6 and maybe even +7. It doesnt work if you are level 50 since the mobs dont exist above lvl 54 and the xp is trash since they take so much longer to kill.
  24. Can the game make an effect that the user sees and nobody else does? If it can, then im on board. A couple temporary power toggles from the transact 4 victory vendor that do nothing except for drawing the chosen size shape around the character.
  25. A badge for every 5 TFs completed is appropriate in my book. I wouldnt think there should be any accolade power attached though, just another shiny for shiny collectors to collect. Accolade powers, especially ones that give passive bonuses, need to be seriously considered for what it will do to player combat effectiveness. Just the 2 bonuses of +5 endurance are absolutely massive since endurance recovery is a % of max endurance, not a % of original endurance. A few small bonuses can get out of hand very quickly.
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