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A Cat

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Everything posted by A Cat

  1. You may be able to pull it off as long as you can take down an AV. On the lowest difficulty, there are no "bonus powers", which IMO are the biggest thing that adds to the difficulty. That means, no repel, no golden nuke of death, no vengeance, etc. If not, and if you're on Everlasting, I can help you out if our schedules work out, and I'm sure others can as well. I'm @A Cat
  2. Generally they're light hearted or "joke" characters. I think I just have a hard time getting into someone too different than my irl character (sorry for the pun). I overall don't really go for things that are too grim dark in general, so I guess it makes sense that I also don't do so in the game.
  3. I am seconding the "tourist mode" difficulty for lower difficulty/rewards. I just solo'd the lowest difficulty yesterday and there's tons of hilarious dialogue that I missed in my team run before, and this let's me spend quality time with mai waifu Becky. But not everyone is able to solo AV's. If you could EB them that might be enough for tourist mode.
  4. 1k cuts at least feels like you're doing something during those seconds. For some reason Devastating Blow (and those sharing the same animation) is just unbearably slow to me. Thunder Strike I tolerate on tanks and blasters, since the pay-off is pretty nice with the larger radius.
  5. I am not a hard core badger, so to me badges are a side thing that is optional and just for fun. I don't need any badge outside ones that unlock accolade powers or a cool title. I'll still go for badges, but only if they're not a total pain in the ass. Restrictions on what you can bring to bear for a certain badge therefore don't bother me since I am don't feel that strongly about badges to begin with. They are not my final goal. I have no idea what my final goal is but I'm not making my character fully sick and fully built to get that Master Of badge. So it doesn't bother me that there's a challenge that I have to surrender some of my powers for. That's just like my opinion though man. I'm sure you can disagree, as is your right. I'm just guessing that the devs are thinking of people like me when they make these decisions maybe. But who knows for sure other than the devs.
  6. Depends on if I have combat TP or not.
  7. Pic of what I guess is my main on the tram.
  8. IIRC, it didn't at launch, and also didn't have a target cap, and nobody had aggro caps. Fear was added to prevent the "taunt the entire map into a dumpster" strat. There was rioting in the streets and they backed off on that and went with aggro/target caps instead.
  9. Pretty good, but you should add memes into the dialogue. I know it will be hard since you can't use the pro gamer words.
  10. I'm going to treat it as 3 million bux instead, since as I understand it, there's some controversy as to what inf even is. Vampire Bro: blows it on a huge trip for him and his bros in Vegas where he loses almost all his money on bad bets and $18 beers, then buys and crashes a Lambo. He's actually in a huge amount of debt after this since he didn't leave any aside for taxes.
  11. It's brought over by a stork when a mommy and a daddy love each other very much.
  12. You young whippersnappers have no idea how good you have it, even having the kb to kd Io to slot. Isn't this like the beginning of Starship Troopers?
  13. Man, what's their problem? I'd just turn into a hot version the various species and pick up chicks.
  14. Afaik they're not trans-dimensional. They're just a collection of aliens. I don't know Star Trek well. So to use a millennial comparison, they're like the Covenant from Halo iirc. The version from the Rikti dimension was less powerful and the Rikti trounced them.
  15. I can believe that. The small amount of profit generated by CoX annually was probably dwarfed by one good day of gacha revenue, and a new banner or outfit is cheaper development-wise to boot.
  16. Is he forgiven? I thought he's a ghost/zombie inhabiting his armor and bound magically by the Prae Midnighters. IIRC, as per the AMA, their plan for Scirocco was that he and Ice Mistral try and go hero, but get tons of shit for their former villainy. The constant abuse eventually wears Ice Mistral down and she goes back to the red side. I think it would have been cool. Lol, I haven't really thought of it that way before. TBF, after the Magisterium ITrial, he's just a non-incarnate scrub so at least he'd be easy to beat the second time around at -4 or whatever he was.
  17. Total hot take riffing off the bodyguard idea. How about Sents get stacks like a Blaster has with defiance via attacking, but it results in a +def +res and/or +absorb or whatever aura in a pbaoe around them? You can ride back and protect Squishies while blasting away with your ranged blasts. Or shore up a tank's protections. It is a way to be a guardian without being an aggro manager.
  18. I'm still mad they had some literally who kill off Statesman and Sister Psyche.
  19. Roboko is actually a sorta returner from Live. She was the last character I made before I stopped playing. She was a SS/WP Brute though on Live, around when /WP first came out. I went Elec/Elec since that was my first Brute back on live as well. I don't really remember much about what specifically inspired her other than just general weebness though. I was happy to get the name anyway. Vampire Bro was just from a random brainstorm. The concept seemed pretty funny to me. I was originally going SJ and say that he watched MMA on TV. But then I went Mace for the lame "Vampire Bat" joke. Both sets are pretty top tier anyway so I couldn't go wrong either way.
  20. Shit, forgot one. War Witch is back! There should be a TF or something. Oh yeah. That one really begs a continuation. It was just left in such a weird spot.
  21. Depending on how ancient it has to go back, you can make this part of the Cimm "time" and have some real Ptolemaic Egypt style thing going. It is a little vague "when" in Roman history Cimm is anyway so I think it can work.
  22. I'd say that's more of a Brute role. Scrapper to me is on the spectrum with Stalkers in killing the boss, but with more AoE than stalkers for when you're not killing the boss. Only a couple sets have taunt auras for scrapper whereas the Brute versions of those armors all have it. Plus, no punch-voke where the Brute at least has a single target one. Also single target taunt instead of AoE taunt. Of course the danger of dealing with generalities is that Elec melee has bad single target on Scrapper (or all versions minus the Stalker version, which is deservedly considered the best Elec melee for plugging that hole.) As far as the suggestion, how about just increase the size of the range but keep it a PBAOE zone for that buff? It's less cool thematically, but if you are a right-click-holder-downer like me, then you're not always necessarily looking at the enemy you're attacking between shots.
  23. Dear Sirs/Madams/Robots/etcs, What is your wishlist of stuff to develop going into the future? The new Aeon SF is not just a gameplay innovation, it is a further development of lore and ties up some loose ends. This has got me thinking of some other stuff I'd like to see going into the future. But what else do you fine fellows want to see going forward into the future? Lore AMA for some reference: https://hcwiki.cityofheroes.dev/wiki/Lore_AMA For me: Praetoria. Honestly, though Magisterium Itrial is pretty sick, I heartily regret that they decided to take the "nuke f-ing everything" option (literally). I would have liked to see the rest of the levels fleshed out with maybe a new zone or two to handle the levels between Night Ward and level 50, so you can have a true Gold Side experience all the way through. Maybe some sort of Hami zone or something. God I love Praetoria. Scirocco's redemption arc. The Lore AMA had a quick sketch of what the OG devs were thinking about this, and it seemed really compelling to me. Overall, I hope for more new stuff for the level 35 to 50 range. You spend a lot of time in this level range since it takes a decent amount of XP to get each level. Plus I feel like the lower levels currently have really amazing storylines already. Another thing is that I am a big fan of "zone storylines" like Faultline, First/Night Ward, Croatoa, etc.
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