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A Cat

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Everything posted by A Cat

  1. I want to add 4) Get rid of copy pasted missions like in Citadel and Synapse. Good god, it is the same thing on the same map multiple times in a row. Longer TF's can be ok, as long as the stuff you're doing is interesting. Defeating all enemies in a generic warehouse or a claustrophobic Council base a bunch of times sucks. There is just a lot more to it in the modern mission arcs/Aeon that would inject life into these TF's. There are multiple objectives, little side objectives that change how the mission goes down, etc.
  2. It was mentioned in that locked thread before the bum fight, but disconnecting the inherent from the T1 and T2 attacks, and making it a separate button, would help a lot. As is, it forces you to take and use some pretty shit attacks, which certainly doesn't help the low damage situation. I would also be in favor of more damage period. Lacking buildup like a melee class does a lot to hamper damage. The melee DPS classes also have inherent that inherently (sorry) increase their damage by huge amounts. The gulf between Sents and the melee DPS classes is just too much. I feel like they were going for 90% of melee DPS damage, but ended up with 60% or something (adjust those two percentages to whatever better reflects reality, I can't do math).
  3. I have no clue about the code or anything, but from my anecdotal experience, they just run for any reason whatsoever. You'd think a melee heavy mob with only one range attack would just close in to try and stomp you, but no. They jog around half the map first, and jog in and out of melee range.
  4. Not me. I'm only on the level of making squares with enhancement racks in it.
  5. I don't. I'm too poor to buy all this IO's again.
  6. I can only imagine a chaotic hellscape full of dangerous protrusions and unnavigable passages. We should do it.
  7. https://forums.homecomingservers.com/forum/45-suggestions-amp-feedback/
  8. I still vote for more damage. I just want the scrapper/stalker experience I love so much, but lazy.
  9. The other thing to add is that Shockwave is a ranged blast cone. It has like, 30' of range. Holy shit. Yeah, it is only 90 degrees vs 180 degrees, but that is a lot of area, vs the 7' range of Crowd Control. The downer of course of Shockwave having KB instead of KD. IMO the huge range makes it way easier to use in the thick of things to try and hit the whole mob, with just a hop back to deploy it. Your low level attack chain is pretty meh with EM IMO. KD's are really good, as you've said. I like EM better, but definitely not in the lower levels compared to Claws. Claws feels like you're constantly shredding them. I have to use temps to fill in my attack chain with EM on low levels. On a Stalker though, just don't pick Claws over EM unless you are serving a concept. You lose your godly AoE attack.
  10. I want to live in Praetoria but they keep nuking it wtf.
  11. Grats. As far as incarnates, if you are going to keep playing the character, you can theoretically unlock everything. The AT forums can probably give you a good analysis as to what is optimal. But since you can get unlimited amounts of threads/Incarnate salvage you are going to be able to experiment. Generally for Alpha for damage classes, people get Musculature for increased damage. The reason to go Agility instead is if you are going to be doing active farming. When you do this, you use red inspirations (macros for combining insps to reds helps a lot here) to keep yourself at the damage cap. Since you are using the insps to do this, Musculature does nothing since you are capped anyway, so the only way to increase damage further with your Alpha is to recharge faster. Dunno if someone posted this earlier, but this is a way better guide for farming than the tiny bit I just typed up.
  12. Basically, slow AS is not worth it on teams since it actually has bad damage per animation time, and your team is generally not going to give you time to execute it, and with a whole teams worth of controls, buffs, and debuffs, the fear/tohit debuffs won't be helpful since they will be taunted/controlled/debuffed/dead in an instant anyway. Solo it is helpful for your own survivability and the juicy partially unresisted burst damage to quickly delete a threat but it is rarely a helpful factor on a team vs just doing more overall damage in the same time instead. Not to mention slow AS is interruptible and fiddly to get to work in a chaotic battle. If the boss you are trying to AS gets taunted and runs to the tank while you are trying to AS, then it will fail when they get too far out of range. With assassin's focus stacks you are doing a huge amount of damage with a tiny animation time with fast AS. AS turns from bad damage per animation attack to an insurmountably good one with the assassin's focus stacks. Even with placate I'd still crit with a non AS attack if I'm trying to maximize DPS. Fast AS + stacks of assassin's focus is just that good.
  13. EM is still ok for AoE, but claws is just particularly good for it, while still being really good for ST. Claws is really a complete package. I like the big orange numbers from EM's ET though, lol.
  14. There's a Hail Santa on Everlasting.
  15. I won't claim to be the expert on stalkers but I play them a good amount. Basically, I save the show AS for solo play. Just use your best non-AS initially out of hide (could even be AOE if the situation calls for it, but usually the team has enough AOE that I go for the boss instead) and then attack assassin's focus and fast AS things as needed, with the hidden proc in AS so I can crit as soon as I hit them with AS (this also prevents you from accidentally doing a slow AS which really messes up your rhythm/dps). I haven't tried the new placate but that may be good to for yet another crit. Stalkers on teams are like scrappers with more control on when their crit lands, play-style wise.
  16. Whoa. I played Mech Warrior 2 Mercenaries back in the day.
  17. It does cost lots of money (gucci build) or compromises your offense (artillery/thunderstrike build) while still having no DDR and having multiple holes. At least for AT/powersets that are not inherently defensive to begin with. There are still dangerous high level enemies out there.
  18. Merry Christmas bros! I will be on a few times tomorrow to judge all of you for being on a game instead of with your family!
  19. Weird how binary it is but I'm not going to look at a gift horse in the mouth.
  20. Maybe the area around the Atlas statue/city hall where all those heroes, PPD spokesmen, etc are giving interviews.
  21. I'm trying bro, but the commune already has a poet.
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