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A Cat

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Everything posted by A Cat

  1. I haven't done the most MO runs but they have all been successful for me. Almost all of them have been lead by Veracor. They were all Everlasting TF's run ones anyway. The leaders seem to explain things pretty well imo. I never did any incarnate trials on live, and my first one was a MO Keyes run of all things, but the instructions were easy to follow even for a newbie like I was.
  2. Wait, that's not what people mean when they say that they "shitpost"?
  3. There are public SG bases that have all the utility pieces, including the pillar of ice and flame. For example, on Everlasting, it is zone-8888.
  4. Yep. As for pets, I have no idea. I never play pet classes, lol. I only play brainless DPS. I see enemy and my monkey brain goes OOH OOH AAH AAH.
  5. At ~15 seconds, you will be at the max chance of firing (90)% for normal procs. Your example sounds about right. However, you can have say, a power with 15 second recharge base, and you don't enhance it at all, but you have 200% global recharge that makes it have 7 second recharge in actuality, you will still have 90% proc chance per activation. In the words of the flex seal guy, that's a lot of damage. You can basically think of global recharge with procs as making the procs fire MORE than the 3.5 or 4 times per minute rate. Mids does take in account average damage added by procs and also tells you the proc chance if you mouse over the damage breakdown in the power window on the left.
  6. Long animation + recharge time and also slottable proc types. So for example, a single target ranged hold can use ranged procs (of which there's very few, but importantly, has a purple, which does more damage/more firings. It can also use hold procs though, which ALSO has a purple damage proc. Single target range holds from APP's also tend to have pretty long native recharge. Damage procs have a fire rate of 3.5 per minute. So for a single target attack, a good recharge to have is ~15 seconds even though 60 seconds/3.5 is ~17 seconds, since procs can only have a max chance of 90% firing. Now you do not want to change this recharge with enhancements OR your alpha slot, since these both decrease your proc chance. However, global recharge doesn't count, so pump those numbers up. AoE's are more complicated. There is an area factor that reduces proc chance as well. Bigger the area the less the chance. Notably on stuff with long enough recharge like Ground Zero from Rad Armor or Blast Nukes, the recharge is long enough that you'll always have 90% proc chance anyway. These powers thus are pretty good for procs if you can sacrifice the set bonuses. Damage procs are all the same except for damage type and whether or not it is a purple proc or not. Purple procs fire 4 per minute and also do more damage.
  7. Anyone else bothered how there's a Praetorian Infernal? Did they grab his evil twin or something? Or is there just another all demon dimension out there which also has an Infernal?
  8. I second this. It's good stuff.
  9. Shouldn't the poll questions be "I played on live" and "I did not play on live"?
  10. I did this with a cat on my tablet. She is still there right now.
  11. I agree. Well, I kinda wish for more Praetoria content in general. I know things have been painted into an corner a bit with the incarnate trials though.
  12. I'm guessing there's some limitation that prevents us from having both toggled on at the same time and automatically applying just which is the best stealth, kinda like what you can do with movement speed with hover/fly? That would be the best. No dropped stealth radius and added QoL.
  13. The mitos should die once Hami is dead so you can reward going balls to the wall and hamikaziing. Plus that's how normal Hami works anyway.
  14. They should just make armor t9's give you a damage mitigation that your armor doesn't natively provide. So def armors give res, res armors give def. Maybe debuff resistance too. Then they would actually be worth activating.
  15. This. I use fly still but I treat it like a ship. I aim at the way point and put on auto travel and tab out or get on my phone or something. SS + CJ or just sprint + athletic run + CJ is just more fun. Especially hard core parkouring around with relatively limited jump distance. It's also just thrilling to go sanic fast. Being on the ground makes it seem even faster, which is a feeling even afterburner'd flight lacks even though the speed is pretty comparable.
  16. Here's my hot take. Having a super legit foot stomp is the least they can do for having no aoe in your melee set until t9. If anything, outliers should not be avoided entirely since it adds to differentiation of sets. It can just be another way to balance things overall, especially for older sets without other mechanics like combos or whatever to spice up the gameplay.
  17. Ahh yes, the truck stop hotdogs of a dozen states.
  18. There's also that one pool in GVille that has a coralax you can swim underwater in. It is the size of a large hot tub iirc so there's nowhere to go in there though.
  19. Nice. I have a build needing winters that I would like to complete.
  20. Some liberties were taken. Your outfit had a real magician vibe so I added a wand so it didn't seem like you were getting held up at gunpoint instead. I also added bangs since I am not talented to enough to make the face look right without it, lol. Sorry for taking so long. I recently excavated an Intuos 3 drawing tablet from the ruins of an ancient civilization. For those of you who don't know, drawing with a tablet is, despite what it looks like, not actually like drawing with a pencil or pen on paper. IMO it is 20x harder for some reason. Maybe a fancy Cintiq would be better but only my wife gets such good equipment. OTOH, you can't ctrl z IRL.
  21. This. I don't even play my Rad/Rad brute anymore since Devastating Blow is just ridiculous and Radiation Siphon not amazing in the animation time department. It's just not fun.
  22. What about inspirations irl? I think the temporary nature of coffee seems more like a blue to me. A medium blue is an energy drink. A large blue is meth.
  23. The wards are SO GOOD though. I skipped them for the longest time cause, you know, "wtf is this?" but they are SO GOOD. Especially Night Ward. Sorry, this is off topic but I just have to shill for Praetoria at every opportunity since I neglected it for so long to my detriment.
  24. Are scrappers actually bad? I know some people nowadays just say tank is the best by far, and they are hella good with the AoE, but someone has to target down bosses. That seems like it is naturally the scrapper/stalker/blaster (blaster targets down everyone) job. If there is any change to scrappers and stalkers, it may be an idea to try and focus it on something that benefits single target dps. I have played all four of the melee dps (mainly brutes, but I have at least two of everything except tank, which I only have one of, at level 50. Of course nothing compared to the true vets around here) and honestly, I think they're all pretty damn good still. The ATO's really transform scrappers and stalkers and at least IMO, make no playstyle difference to tanks/brutes.
  25. I like the swords personally. I know why it ended up this way, but I'd be nice if it was a power customization instead, so normal fire melee and ice melee is just punching people with fire/ice cubes, and there's a fire sword/ice sword customization of both where you can have everything is done with swords instead. I suppose you'd have needed a time machine for this to have happen though. I'd totally do it right before assassinating Hitler and causing the events of Command and Conquer Red Alert to happen. It's a crime to humanity and the timeline that we don't have Mammoth Tanks IRL.
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