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A Cat

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Everything posted by A Cat

  1. So you two are loud ninjas. ...
  2. These would be a god send when your last hostage rescue is inside a crate in a narrow dead end corridor that you didn't even know existed on the map. Or the last stray baddie on a defeat all.
  3. I think the characters pick us at least in some way. I played a Kat/nin scrapper through Praetoria semi recently and really loved it. I did not expect this since I typically like damage and AoE, and while katana isn't horrible for either, it's not amazing either. The DA is super useful, and Soaring Dragon and Golden Dragonfly are just super awesome attacks. I put the crit ATO in Soaring Dragon, and I usually start things out with combat TP, crit from "hide" with Soaring Dragon, and hopefully crit Golden Dragonfly on some poor sucker right after that. I did another Praetoria run with DB instead next (on a stalker this time though) and I just felt nothing for the set. Sweeping Strikes was the only attack I really loved the feel/crunch of. The only attack I liked after that was AS. Going into this, I was thinking DB would be the one I'd like more. I just don't get it. The Kat/Nin is easily one of my favorite to play period, even though it is far from my strongest character.
  4. Here's one of Aeria Anadyo'mene. I was going to ink this too, but I wanted to have a record of how it looks first in case I mess it up. Pencil is still my favorite medium as far as the feel/convenience, though I like pen as far as the looks go. Hope you like it CD!
  5. I don't do it every time but I do the same often times if I'm playing blue. It's like seeing an old friend.
  6. How about merits? I mean, sure, you can convert inf. But then for non farmers this is more encouragement to do merit content.
  7. I usually do. Depends on the mood of the team though. BSing just happens, but I have also been on strangely silent teams as well. Not everyone feels like talking even if they do feel like playing as a team.
  8. Nerds and geek culture in general is pretty acceptable in the mainstream now. In other words, REEEEEEEEEE GET OUT NORMIES
  9. Another side benefit is I'll finally know how much money I have. I know I have random millions on alts I never play out there.
  10. At the very least, I think Vault Reserve should be account wide. Then you can have stuff separate but have an easier time transferring stuff, without having to all be in a one man SG. At least personally, as it stands, I never use Vault Reserve. I'm sure there are those out there that do, but I'm guessing I'm in the majority. It would give it more of a reason to exist.
  11. I've only ever been in pugs and have only had one bad experience. In that one, it was on a Synapse or something, and there was a team split. I was playing a dark/dark defender and noticed someone dying in the other path. So I pop over there to fire off HT to revive him. Then the guy starts blaming me for dragging mobs over to him and getting him killed despite me having zero mobs following me, not being in the same room as him when he died, etc. When I pointed out the impossibility of his accusations he just clammed up and offered no apology. I just one starred him as an ungrateful butt hurt loser and went on with my life.
  12. Soaring Dragon and Golden Dragonfly for the same reason as OP. Especially combat TPing there and executing that combo. Totally sick.
  13. I felt nothing for stone blast until I read that power. It's going to be totally sick!
  14. If I was only wearing one sock, I'd be in a different location, but that's just me.
  15. Think of the epic pools as bonus pools to help fill gaps that are outside of the normal purview of the AT. The true epic (as in the description epic) powers are usually in the tier 9 or so or up there of your main power pool, like a nuke, your delete enemy character st attack, etc (sadly the armor tier 9's are generally useless with few exceptions in the current IO world). Then there's always the incarnates. Pretty epic stuff there.
  16. Take it easy. Their eyesight isn't as good as it used to be.
  17. Someday, I will get a scanner figure out where my scanner is. This one is for Quick Trix. No sharpie this time, sorry. I also winged it on the boots since thanks to all the red fog, I couldn't see what the bottom half of them was supposed to look like.
  18. I'm with you on ranged AoE, but st ranged attacks have like, three damage procs? With two being uniques.
  19. A game I played back in the day, Fire Emblem 7, had a primitive enough RNG that you could manipulate it to give you better stat increases when you have a character level up. I'm sure CoX has a more advanced RNG since it has much more resources available compared to a Game Boy Advanced, but I'm open to the idea that it can not work as intended sometimes.
  20. I have only played stalker DB, but I think I like katana better. DB only has one attack that has a good crunchy feeling (no AS on scrapper, and even then I think it's more beautiful than crunchy per se) and while it feels pretty damn good, it's not Golden Butterfly good. That attack just feels so awesome. I like Soaring Dragon quite a bit too. Having two swords looks cool. But I don't like the actual animations as much.
  21. I don't want to break your immersion or anything, but you know we aren't actual heroes or villains IRL right?
  22. 1. Should be more expensive. Maybe 10x more expensive. 2. Might get sued for that second one, lol. 3. +1 4. +1
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