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A Cat

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Everything posted by A Cat

  1. I was only there for 6 of them, but it was awesome! I think I have carpel tunnel now though.
  2. Yes. Pugged it (1.5 times actually. Unfortunately had to bail on my first team due to an unexpected IRL emergency during that beautiful DE map. Sorry again guys!). We were on Malicious I think? And died 174 times and took 2 hours. Can't 100% remember, but I think we were half Incarnates and half sub level 50's. We only had one support character (a MM with Cold Domination, who was one of the lowbies. Probably the MVP keeping us all alive, but I felt bad since they died to much). I am no power gamer or anything myself, though I had a ok general scrapper build with T3 Incarnates. I had my share of dying as well. Even with me on a EM/Bio scrapper and two Stalkers, we couldn't always gank a Brickernaut in time before they activate the gold beam of death. We all had to just run like mad. The Melt Armor's are a helluva drug. Our Brute would just randomly be killed in less than a second sometimes due to this. There's definitely a strategy to tackling a mob. Smelters, then Brickernauts, then Boomers last so they don't Veng everyone else. The AU-Rifters too whenever they are activating their thing, though they die fast enough they don't necessarily need to be focused IMO.
  3. Do you have any other games you like to play? Cox can be played on a potato and played on max settings on a toaster.
  4. Dunno about Sents since I have only a lowbie one ever that I don't currently play, but at least for others, the Patron Power Pools/Epic Power Pools really are game changer. The Patron snipe for Scrappers and Stalkers really add to your DPS, and are often one of the trio or so of powers that you use in your single target rotation. Shields for blasters really transforms them into the death dealing juggernaut in the current meta. You can procc out to the max the single target holds too for excellent damage. They often add another AoE that can really complete an AoE rotation too. Looking through Mids, Sents get, holy shit, KO Blow if you get the Shark Patron Power Pool. KO Blow is one of the sikkest single target attacks ever. It is totally awesome. You should keep going if for no other reason then to get this power.
  5. If anything, I'd say wp is the most hole-less of armors. I know the description says it can't take alphas as well, but with IO's, you're at cap with S/L resists and softcap with everything else with defense. Maybe psi/toxic won't be maxed but you'll have something which is more than can be said for other armors. There are armors with better overall layering (cap on resist or def and higher def or resist to boot) but they come with bigger holes than wp. It's just a complicated and weird one to build since you are after a bit of everything. Need s/l resist, need e/n/f/c defense, need +hp, need regen. Rather than a lot of just one or two things.
  6. Shit man. I love that movie. One of the first movies I watched as a kid along with Das Boot and Platoon (the last one probably was pretty questionable, since I was 5). To this day, no WWII movie that I know of can compare since nothing else stimulates the rattling and flexing of the fuselage in turbulence (or flak I guess). I don't know if it had some weird influence on me subtlety since I work in the airplane building industry now for the company that made the B-17's to begin with.
  7. Roboko: Software stimulating the behavior of the young and trendy results in a planned 15 minute lateness to everything.
  8. They are servants of the Well, and punish oathbreaking and stuff. They are like turbo vigilantes who don't care at all about collateral damage. Master Midnight's missions in Night Ward has good info on them. Specifically, they are all over the Wards since they are after Emperor Cole for taking both blessings (and killing his buddy Praetorian Richter). They ended up in DA chasing Diabolique IIRC. They basically Sodom/Gomorrah the entire population center in which the oathbreaker is in.
  9. Haven't ran into the long underground stairs yet huh?
  10. I like this idea. Or at least gulls in every zone. Especially appreciated in RWZ since there's often people who forget to turn off being affected by group fly.
  11. These people are my heroes. Maybe an IT guy at work?
  12. I'd be up for it. Even if it is a token super long recharge thing like a lot of the accolade powers, it feels good to have a tangible thing awarded to you for your efforts, like Elusive Mind or the Cryo Gun. Maybe another "item" like the vanguard wizard staff or something.
  13. Please...I just want to play brute. Are you an evil genie?
  14. That's fine since afaik it is impossible to hit maximum fury.
  15. I think only in AP due to that Let it Snow auto power?
  16. In economic terms, that would be called a "perverse incentive".
  17. I agree on the caveat we can have Musculature twice.
  18. Combat TP if I don't have it already. Either that or super jump, which is hard to justify build wise for my super speed characters but is nice in combination with super speed.
  19. Should maybe be warp gate for flavor reasons.
  20. True. I admit to wanting to separate the different gun powers for thematic reasons and that gameplay wise it is hard to justify. I could have copy pasted the m203 with a rename too since there are grenade shells for shotguns as well. I'd be up for that as well. Might be easier since you can just copy paste everything since you need fewer powers.
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