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A Cat

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Everything posted by A Cat

  1. Damn , that's an awesome chart. Where did you get that?
  2. I could be wrong, but I believe the "Character Items" tab is for stuff you get in Super Packs and such. Emailing things to your doods would just be in your regular e-mail attachments (then we would need a thread on QOL mass e-mailing of items. Based on this evidence, OP is both incredibly wealthy, and has an unhealthy problem getting that dopamine rush opening Super Packs.
  3. I'm guessing to sell. Either that or someone needs to get Mids.
  4. Damn that's a lot of unslotters. I also want a sort/search if possible.
  5. For me, it's caramel butter pecan.
  6. I often take a travel power, unless the concept makes me not take one (which I will grit my teeth and run everywhere slowly with athletic run + sprint or the hoverboard). I think the travel powers are just fun. My favorite is super speed and running through the city fast AF. I really find TP clunky, but I love all the other things on the power pool, especially a macro'd combat TP (*teleports behind you* nothing personal, kid). Flight is pretty cool, especially with the speed increase in HC. But I mainly play melee so I don't use it often.
  7. I help out in help channel if I know the answer or can make up a convincing answer. I don't do much other than that though. Maybe buy teammates certain enhancements if they are struggling with something. Told my low level team about the magic of Panacea proc and how you can slot it right away due to being a PVP enhancement, then bought everyone one that needed it. Even that is a fit of uncharacteristic generosity though since I'm generally a scrooge.
  8. Maelstrom has a unique tp animation.
  9. The main reasons for me is if their story arc has completed. Not really RP necessarily (except in my head like a weirdo I guess). But I'll make a run with certain arcs in mind. The only power sets that have kept me playing a character long after 50 and T4 so far are EM and Bio. Nothing wrong with other stuff but EM feels satisfying and I like the extra damage and active play style with Bio.
  10. I don't mind the farming, but I silently judge the beggars, as I adjust my monocle and top hat.
  11. Yeah, I remember street sweeping for low level magic salvaged back in the day. Did that a bit on HC when I first started before I figured out everything changed.
  12. Not totally related but if they ever make a whip melee or tentacle melee, the inverse repel should be a thing for that power set.
  13. Might be dumb, but short of making it aoe, which would step on the toes of brutes and tanks excessively, how about other effects depending on the power set? Like, debuff recovery on elec melee, debuff defense on katana/broadsword, recharge on psi, etc. You would only use this on big bosses (dunno for sure, but I think is the main use case currently). The idea is whatever debuff your set does, it does a slightly better version of that. Then adjust the recharge and end costs to reflect the functionally, but have the base taunt duration long enough so you can perma that aspect on one target with engagement easily. You'd have to make something up for certain sets like EM, where your debuff is a control. But this would also make things less generic, which I always like when it comes to sets.
  14. Sounds a little like a Battalion dude. I'm guessing the "extend my hand to you in kinship" part is then conquering our world and forcing everyone into the ranks of Battalion, which is supposed to be made of all the conquered alien races they have rolled up on so far.
  15. Damn bros. I've never heard of this guy back in the day. Can't believe a grown ass man was doing shit like this. How embarrassing. Trolling "for research", LMFAO. Like how people study physics when they squeeze out a fat shit.
  16. 5th Column have more flavor imo. Their costumes look more interesting and being related to Nazis make them seem more credible of a threat compared to a group related to the Italian facists. Let's be real, deserved or not, the Italians have the reputation of being the bumbling sidekick in that alliance. Any (re-merger?) merger would have to occur in a relatively later timeline/level arc. The conflict between the rivals is at least explicitly part of the Laura Lockhart arc. I hope any future arc uses their bases sparingly (like Laura Lockhart's arc come to think of it) since their complexity and narrowness, as I mentioned before, is pure torture.
  17. Same and same, though it's 1:30 pm to 10:00 pm for me. Scheduling definitely sucks now compared to when I was on day shift (5:00 am-1:30 pm) but God damn it's good to sleep in every day. It is a crime against humanity to force a man to rise before 6:00 am.
  18. You joke, but I feel this place is disproportionately salty compared to in game. But I'm also here so what does that say about me?
  19. And res cap. Scrappers and stalkers cap at 75, so that would take a hit
  20. Not even close to the worst, but I played an ice melee scrapper to level 40. It is pretty unsatisfying. The attacks just don't feel powerful. Your best attack is DoT and you just wave your hands at the enemy as blue stuff comes out. The set has the crunch of soggy cereal. Lots of mitigation potential but just a boring snooze fest. Takes awhile to get your good AoE attack (tbf, at least you're not SS where you get your ONLY AoE at the end, even if FS is godly).
  21. True, but it would be hard for a new guy to learn the prices of things, and different conversion strategies (buying at certain level ranges to target specific sets) etc.
  22. One thing that I wish I knew going back into this game was how to make Inf to begin with. There's making it the old fashioned way, just straight up earning inf from missions and mobs, but there's always the different meta ways of making money with your merits. It would be useful at least to know the very simple and easy route of merits>convertors and selling them for ~60k-70k per.
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