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Everything posted by Nemeroff

  1. This is correct. Whereas some Sets are jack of all trades with buffs, debuffs, hard/soft control etc..., TA is a debuff Set. Over the years there were jokes about a Healing Arrow (to the chest) but I always envisioned it as like a Triangle Becon; hits the ground, healing radius. I had TA/A Def on Live, not to 50 but TA isn't OP nor lame. Currently TA/Water.
  2. Plant/Fire back on Live. Currently my Dark/Dark villain is too low to make an opinion so I'd stick with Plant/Fire.
  3. Lady D! I was Libbyator in BoW. Glad to see you in this next chapter.
  4. Make it harder, don't slot Accuracy, Damage, and/or don't slot ANY Invention Enhancement (reg or Sets).
  5. My advice for a new player, don't start with a Peacebringer or Warshade. They're a bit more complicated. Originally those ATs were unlocked after someone hit level 50.
  6. Don't have a most played Main. Many alts. About 3 times as many Heroes as Villains. Keep changing my mind about which would be the best for a badge whore, Nemeroff (DM/SR brute, mid 30s) probably has the most. On Live Main was a Fire/Kin, and my badge-whore. Fire/Kin but not a PLer, still not.
  7. More variety of objects for Gravity Control's Propel.
  8. Back on Live the whole SG would meet in PI after the final lvl 50 ding!-mish and jog (no Travel powers) back through the zones to AP and Miss Liberty where it all started.
  9. There's a NEW rule in effect for returning/new players: @Nemeroff gets 3% 15% $ of everything you make. Welcome Back! 😉
  10. When in the street and a car comes I get out of the way like it matters. Inspirations are stacked by color except Awakens are always in the bottom left corner.
  11. Welcome back! Welcome home.
  12. To the Devs & GMs (past, present, and future) you're the reason we're all here. You're the reason we come back. Thanks to everyone for all you do!!! And be sure to donate.
  13. I don't have a build but separately I have Thermals/, and /BRs. Like you said that would totally work for not synergy but support & debuffs.
  14. On Live I had a TA/A. Upper 40s before close. Elf-theme.
  15. Sometimes I want to be a healer/support character, sometimes operate MM like a marionette/puppet, sometimes shoot a rifle from a distance, sometimes be a Brute SMASH! sometimes a stealthy ninja. Sometimes be an adventurer, sometimes a strong yet beautiful lady (think DC's Knockout), sometimes a cat, sometimes robot. Fly, Run, Teleport.... Fire, Ice, Dark... Nearly unlimited variety and customization depending on the current mood and/or trend as opposed to playing generic warrior #2.
  16. It's part of the back stories. Each character has the same backstory. "I'm a witch [Magic Origin] and when my friends and I were young we used our magic in secret and for fun. We were discovered, hunted down and murdered. The survivors changed our forms and went into hiding. Now, in Paragon, I'm looking for the rest of my sisters. Have you seen one? Are you one?" The sad irony is that they're all on my account i.e. they'll never "meet."
  17. Using SJ (Super Jump) and I miss the next landing, usually the edge of a rooftop, but just a hair. I've been told SJ takes a little practice to get used to.
  18. I didn't do this for all my Heroes, just the top 5-7 I played. Controller <--> Dominator, Fire <--> Ice etc... I remember the low level maps on V discouraged a lot of players I knew on Live; dirty, "depressing. H side is bright, colorful." Overall the story arcs on V are better IMHO.
  19. I can't speak for anyone but I'm on Excelsior. Bases. Every so often in the Help Channel someone asks for the macro for a public Cosmic Base. It has everything. I just use it for zone teleports. Hi Beam!
  20. In addition to the Contacts' stories, I enjoy the risk and thrill involved with going to a zone a bit too high just so I can snag the Exploration badges. Get in, "steal" the badge, get out alive. Sometimes, on the edge of my seat, a brief fight is involved to delay the targets while I escape. But dying on top of the badge is like a drink thrown in your face. I've done this with my Stalker's Hide on. Afterward I felt like I was wasting my time. No real achievement. To each they're own. But I don't Insta-50.
  21. I had a theory until I saw this thread. It doesn't hold water now, lol. Theory was based on how one RL hour = 2 days in game. So if it started snowing in game, start the clock/calendar, then when it stops snowing in game stop the clock/calendar. Translate the time for RL comparison and see when in the RL calendar you are. But I didn't factor in what part(s) of the RL world you, or the devs, are in. Didn't factor in how it snows in AP but not other parts of the game, et al other factors. But like I said "didn't think it through." But I like the the theory 1 RL hr = 2 days in game time. But still that would put Paragon waay into the future compared to us. ANYway.
  22. You mean like the way the Agents move in The Matrix? (Dodging bullets.) That's the thing, in-game they're moving THAT fast you can't see it. No device can record it, "faster than a speeding bullet," etc... (use your imagination). ANYway. I'd like to thank everyone that contributed with their knowledge and experience, good or bad. What I love about this game, the community acts like a small society helping each other. Corny but I'm reminded of the first Superman, Christopher Reeve, "No, sir. Don't Thank me, Warden. We're all part of the same team. Good Night."
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