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Everything posted by Vulpoid

  1. Thank you both, I do have a lot to learn!
  2. The chance to proc is 111.219% (Clamped to 90%) but that does not change the number of times it occurs per minute, does it? 5PPM. It just means you have a 90% of being successful up to 5 times in one minute, or every 20 seconds. Does your Assassin's Strike really recharge in 10 seconds? If so, good job! Maybe I am missing something? You still have to wait for AS to recharge, correct?
  3. Screen Shots. /bind SYSRQ "screenshotui 0$$screenshot" /bind SHIFT+SYSRQ "screenshotui 1$$screenshot" PrintScreen will take a normal screenshot SHIFT+Printscreen takes a screenshot with your windows and the Manage or Powers screens open.
  4. I will admit up front that I might simply be psychologically broken. Perhaps my whole world view is skewed. But.... Why would you want to increase the player base? What benefit would it serve? I have no trouble finding teams, and high traffic areas like Atlas Plaza and the Talos T Station are frequently congested. There is no revenue stream to worry about. My LFG channel in chat is always barking away. I do not see a benefit to more players. On the flip side, there is a chance of "forcing the issue" if we get too loud and visible to the outside gaming world. If we were a church, or a business... I could understand wanting to increase the population. But we are a Home. Why do you want to fill our home with potentially disruptive strangers? Friends, I understand. Invite your friends. Invite the Curious. Invite the Creative. I guess I am just a hermit. I don't want to lose City of Heroes again, and I don't see anything good coming from drawing attention to ourselves. Plus, this house only has two bathrooms Young Man so hurry up, and one of your friends keeps putting their drink down on your Mother's nice wood table without a coaster. I don't need anymore kids in my den on the good furniture. Now get outside and mow that lawn!
  5. Be careful what you wish for. The coolest small restaurant gets ruined when the girlfriend of the uncle of your friend brings her drunk Ex and all his buddies. Nightly. Your favorite hike through the woods quickly gets full of sun faded beer cans after you tell your coworker who has a babysitter whose brother runs an ATV club. Shhhhhhhh..... Let's keep this among us.
  6. From Canton to Peabody 128 South and 95 North are the same road...
  7. Physical Perfection is available in the Epic Pools at 35 with Weapon Mastery, but 41 for Body Mastery. Does it behave identically in each? If it is all I am looking for, is there any reason not to go with Weapon Mastery and snag it early? Thanks for any input!
  8. I recommend the Sorcery Pool, if it fits your concept. You will get Flight/Hover, Teleportation and Mez/KD protection... all from one power pool pick. https://hcwiki.cityofheroes.dev/wiki/Sorcery
  9. Thank you! I am Staff/EA and I am thinking of putting the entire set in Guarded Spin or Eye of The Storm.
  10. Does that mean it does not matter what power it is placed in? I understand global to mean that the %chance for buildup affects all damage powers, not just the one it is slotted in, but ... does the power it is placed in affect how often it procs?
  11. From everything I have heard, the Stalker's Guile is right. It should go in your Assassination power. I am curious where people recommend putting the Assassin's Mark. Does it have a greater chance to proc in a cone or AOE because of more hit checks? I don't know....
  12. I use these binds... /bind SYSRQ "screenshotui 0$$screenshot" /bind SHIFT+SYSRQ "screenshotui 1$$screenshot" PrintScreen key on your keyboard will then take a normal screenshot without any windows or user interface. SHIFT+Printscreen will take a screenshot with your windows all maps and power bars etc.... This is helpful if you want your Bio or badges and bonuses to show. You will find the photos in your /COH/Screenshots directory after.
  13. Can you tell us exactly and specifically what you did to fix it? There may be others that don't even realize things could be better. Like Dorothy at the beginning of the Wizard of Oz has no idea she is in black and white. It is all she has ever known. What made the difference?
  14. Do you have any recommendations as to what type of powers to slot them in? Which in Hide, Assassinate, AOEs etc? I just go a Staff/EA stalker to 22 and am finally slotting. Sorry to derail the thread, but it seemed to be flowing towards slotting talk... 🙂
  15. What do you call a Council member who does not know he is a werewolf? An unawarewolf.
  16. Costume files carried over, with a bit of tweaking. Same with sounds, edited maps and icons. Character data did not. Great opportunity to make a fresh start!
  17. Talk to these folks... https://hcwiki.cityofheroes.dev/wiki/Notoriety
  18. Don't trouble trouble until trouble troubles you. We are playing. Enjoy.
  19. In your amazing Doctor Fortune Guide you take it at level 26, I think! Has your guide theorycraft changed? Is there a version 5 build now? Are you discussing a different character? Let us know!
  20. You don't have to delete the old one, but you do have to start a new one.
  21. @Ghost Owl Friend me and we can team without judgement any time!
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