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Everything posted by Lines

  1. The /ebfp command itself works while the LRTP window is open. I don't think it can be made to appear on the travel window (at this point).
  2. This is such a freakin' cool feature.
  3. That's odd. It is skyway. Are they not appearing on your map as objectives?
  4. I'm not a PvPer.
  5. There is not, sadly. Only slot 1 uses the epic archetype parts. 😞
  6. Missed from the patch notes: Warshades can now eat their teams.
  7. I think both characters are rogue alignment which could be why they may be omitted. But I'd hazard a guess this was actually an oversight.
  8. At risk of deviating into this thread's topic, I think it's the same amount of XP to get from 1-50, but some of the distribution of XP to get to each level changed at some point to smooth the experience curve.
  9. I took the tone as "the state of the game leads to players burning out." I disagree - I think players are responsible for their own pacing and burnout - but I see the point. I don't think it's an accusation. But I can see why you'd read it the way you did too. I think this is one of those cases where it's best to assume best intentions of posters. Edit: you ninja'd me.
  10. I think the reason is a lot of reasons. Is powerlevelling a reason? maybe. But if it is, it's just one of many facets, and probably not a particularly large one... i27 may help for a bit, but the thing that will help the most is a conclusion to the talks with NCSoft.
  11. They've had a go.
  12. Just in time for TA to get a huge buff!
  13. Funny, I vaguely remember it not being there. The title has come full circle.
  14. Do you mean Liberty Town? That's an arena map.
  15. Sorry not to respond to everything due to time - I do think you make a lot of good and thoughtful points, especially the last one, and I'm sorry I can't reply to them all adequately. But this one in particular is interesting (at risk of being off-topic). I personally think the contents of the P2W vendors should find more organic places in the world and have their stock also balanced against what's reasonable to earn and how they fit in with the rest of the game. I think it's done a very good job of bridging the gap between live's store and homecoming and shouldn't go away until all its contents can be acquired elsewhere, but I do think it needs to find a better fit place in the world. (For instance, I would prefer to see Ninja Run/Beast Run be alternative customisations for some powers rather than their own power, and speed and jump height is back to being something gained from travel pools. The freerunning power from the utility belt pool would replace their functionality.) For me, the changes and new features bring these methods of travel into a kind of balance threshold that I expect the game to have. I think other things could also be brought into that threshold, but that's a huge and nuanced conversation to have. I'm sure others will disagree with me, which is fine and it's the nature of adjusting these bits of content. This might not be on the dev's radar at all, which is fine, but if it was then it would be quite a big job to figure out where things would land. I wouldn't expect it all to happen in one update.
  16. I know this is a thing in SWTOR, probably others too, but I'm 90% it's never been in CoH. I have the archetype icon above people's heads switched on at all times... Maybe it's that?
  17. Had a lot of fun doing this in a group of five! 🎉 It felt a lot more ironed out than my first run. I'm going to do another solo one later in the week to smell the roses a bit.
  18. Between LRTP, Base Teleporter and Base Portal, you'll now be able to enter your base 3 times per 10 minutes. That's not including the two base tp powers you can get from day jobs. I disagree, they have limited charges and take the most player effort to obtain. I think they should be the best.
  19. Correct. If you fire off LRT and use /enterbasefrompasscode straight after, you can enter bases. (just tested. But also thought of some ways I can try and break this.)
  20. You need both the patroller and the monitor duty day jobs to get the rapid response accolade. Once you have that you can start gaining charges for it. Try /badgegrant DJ_On_Patrol$$badgegrant DJ_Monitor_Duty
  21. Months ago, when devs first talked about removing the command, one prevalent response was not to remove the functionality that allowed people to manage multiple bases through macros. For example, it's especially helpful for roleplayers who use bases as scenes. I'm not one of those people who might ever need the command, but I'm glad it's there and the transition will hopefully be smooth for those who will use it that way.
  22. It's because you can't please everyone. I'm lucky to be one of the pleased ones, though.
  23. That's an old irritation of mine finally gone. Thank you! 🙂 Just quickly checked, the outdoor mission variations of Siren's Call (Such as in Mender Silos' redside arc) is still the incorrect orientation, with the water area jutting out to the south.
  24. A few people have noticed that Gaussian's never seems to proc in combat teleport. Even with the low proc rate, a lot of spamming it hasn't fired it off.
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