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Everything posted by Lines

  1. Welcome!!! 🙂
  2. Dunno about the weird tokens in the dialogue, but the minimap shows correctly on those floors.
  3. Gobbledegook, you're welcome to join the discord. It's not an exclusive club. I'm sure the visibility and accessibility of the discord could be addressed in future. But since 100 people joined over the course of the last few weeks, I don't think anyone thought its visibility was a problem.
  4. Correct now on both a Stalker and Scrapper. Presumably true across the board.
  5. I think this one sounds and looks ok to me now (one audio and fx per target), but I was uncertain in the first place - any different results, @Wavicle ?
  6. Just tried this under those conditions, appears working. @Wavicle could you double check it's working your end?
  7. To sort of echo Replacement, giving feedback on the discord would be farting in the wind a bit. Feedback is much more useful on the forums. It's been mostly useful for coordinating testing and just double-checking each others' findings. I think the PvP guys got a lot of mileage out of it. And for breaking Sai's kneecaps.
  8. Watched it today and had my mind blown by the amount of work gone into it. It's so impressive!
  9. You're picking an odd hill to die on, Troo. Maybe a something you might propose for the suggestion forum might be to further categorise and organise temporary powers? There's a large amount of variation in the definition of a temporary power, so maybe there's mileage in actually sorting them out? Or having new interface to help keep powers organised? But I dunno if this pertains to this patch - that's a more fundamental thing to address.
  10. I'm sure I've shared this story before, but it still makes me laugh. When I was first playing, I didn't understand what was meant by "brb bio". I'm sure we all do know, but my dumb child brain once thought it meant "brb, writing my biography." So here I thought people were stopping mid mission - sometimes even mid fight - just to get that creative idea down before it vanished. Or maybe they spotted a typo and just had to fix it then and there. And nobody ever questioned it. What really baffled me was that sometimes people who went brb to write their biography sometimes didn't even have a biography. I figured they were just, y'know, getting it just right before they were ready to show it to the world. But, since everyone else was doing it and I'm a daft monkey, I started doing it. Every few missions I'd announce 'brb bio' and then just sit there proofreading. Part of me wishes the world was actually like that.
  11. There can only be one.
  12. It's gotta be my Katana/Electric brute. No question about it. No wait! It's my psionic/nrg stalker. Definitely. Great fun. No wait! Definitely my DP/SR Sentinel. I've done most of the content with her. No wait! I love my Kinetic/Bio scrapper. He rocks! No wait! ...
  13. While I'm not entirely sure what the original intent of this thread is, I don't think this is a direction it should keep going down...
  14. I mean, It's maybe a cool idea by itself. I know many other MMOs work on a sort of similar principle. I dunno if it translates well into CoH though. The attacks on the player are pretty constant and relentless. There's no sort of 'good timing' to figure out, because all the time is good timing. Then there's balancing it. Would the set provide extra resistance/defence for long cooldowns? How would it perform during the downtimes? If the cooldowns can be made perma, why should it outperform a toggle? One thing that might work is a resistance based set providing defence on a click, or visa versa. It feels like it would be something for scrappers, sentinels and stalkers who might not need reliable defences but could occasionally do with burst tankiness. But we sort of already have that in many t9s. Sort of. If an armour set could redirect attacks back to enemies - that would be a cool click power!
  15. In the threshold I have before I get tired, I can confidently get 80m out of one crafting/selling/waiting session. My patience runs out after about 30 minutes before I want to do something else. So if I focused on it for an hour, I guess I would be at 160m - which is about how much I'd expect to spend on a character to get to a mid-range build. No idea what Ukase is doing. Presumably sorcery.
  16. I think there are loads of opportunities to bring challenge into the game from a developmental standpoint, and they're pretty exciting to think about. They may not be the old challenges - and maybe shouldn't be. Worth stating that Challenge =/= Grinding. Grinding can be Challenging, Challenge can be Grinding, but they don't equate to each other. I think it's easy to think that people asking for challenge mean that they necessarily just want grinds. The new redside arc in beta has a gold standard example: grab a specific bunch of badges and souvenirs to unlock an extra challenging fight. That's pretty awesome! I think it ticks a lot of my personal boxes in terms of what is meant by challenge. Dr Kane's House of Horrors has my favourite boss in the game, where there's an extra challenge of spawning and defeating adds. TRHW and a lot of the iTrails badge stuff adds a third dimension to each of those. All those examples could be brushed past. But if you choose to engage with them, then you may need to hit the breaks a little, figure out how the mechanic works, coordinate with the team and get it done. I think they're perfect examples of the kinds of challenges this game could benefit from more of.
  17. I don't think I've ever noticed my attacks missing above level 22, let alone be annoyed by it. I'm sure they do, but the game is well beyond fast enough for it not to bother me. What are the circumstances where a 5% miss chance is a significant problem?
  18. The requirements to unlock that fight make it pretty unlikely that someone will be below the arc's max level and then accidentally happen to do it without knowing about it. They'd pretty much have had to beeline through the particular arcs that trigger it, switch sides and then do this arc straight away. It could happen, but probably very rare.
  19. i27 beta brought back the PSHEWW sound when you select your character. I cried.
  20. While a thematic badge is the stuff of champions, I gotta be honest I find the titles add a bit too much clunkiness to my characters' names. I make one exception for
  21. I gave Dominator's TF a go. Plays the sound correctly under those conditions.
  22. Could you try setting to one of the custom options and see if it persists? I'm getting hit sound playing correctly on the Bright setting. (edit: also correct on Dark)
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