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Everything posted by Lines

  1. Pretty much that! The repair cafe movement was something that started in the Netherlands and took off across the world. Ours was a monthly volunteer operation which got remarkable traction, so much so that we managed to get some solid research out of it. An existing cafe hosted us. Alas, for obvious reasons, it had to stop this year.
  2. If everyone was EmmySky, everyone would get along.
  3. Yeeeeeeeah! Myst did it for me as well. I learned that you could complete the game straight away if you knew the last puzzle, but that wasn't the point at all. There were worlds to explore! I think I have the first book around somewhere. The game that did it for me was Thief 3 (before we get into this, I do prefer Thief 2), which I played when I studied Interior Design. It had a mission called the Shalebridge Cradle. I still refer to it as one of the best bits of spatial storytelling I've ever seen, real world or otherwise. Outer Wilds is the best game I've played this year.
  4. Just out of curiosity, what are the project outputs? Do you need to design the garments themselves, or is it focused on the branding and marketing? I've been commandeered into teaching on fashion courses a couple of times, despite my decrepit wardrobe. Fashion courses are crazy fun.
  5. I ran a repair cafe a few years ago, and clothes came through our doors like nobody's business. Reparable goods that can stay in circulation have got to be the future. Just from the perspective of academic rigour, it might be worth collecting some data on the sorts of people responding to your questionnaire. It's one thing to know what people generally think, but you really want some data that tells you why they might think that way and what sort of backgrounds you're looking at. It will also help you to tighten up your prospective market or reveal unexpected opportunities. Keep up the good work!
  6. Day 8 - Teeth. As in Gearteeth. It's Kitbash, my Fire/Rad Corruptor! He's an altered clockwork made to actually mechanically work by steampower instead of just be psychically controlled, but the latent connection with the clockwork king seems to still control him. He's built his own body from random assortments of mechanisms and armour.
  7. This is an interesting question. I take it to mean something like "actively exclusive", particularly to the point of rudeness to maintain an inner circle. The whole gatekeeping vibe. "Toxic masculinity" is an example, where someone in that circle might say: "You're not a real man unless you can benchpress a tractor with your beard." (or whatever it is real men do). It's a needless and illusionary competition for identity. I don't think differences of opinions necessarily apply, especially when discussed neutrally and are accepted as different viewpoints rather than hard truths. In fact, I think that's a very healthy thing to have. When it turns to "well you're clearly not a [place identity here] because you don't agree/know about things/behave in such a way/otherwise conform," and that becomes the cultural stance in the community, that's getting toxic.
  8. This is the only power I would ever use.
  9. Day 7 - Fancy. My reality bending Thugs/Time MM Mister Grim, who is desperate for henchmen customisation. I tried a thicker ink brush and eeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I don't like it. I kinda wanted to practice line variation, but I don't think it really happened and just made it look cartoonish and chonky. I'll probably redo this one before I put them all together.
  10. I liked it better when it was locked. There's too much hope in that thread.
  11. I noticed this one recently. It's crazy how cheap the recipes are compared with the IOs. I mean, recipes in general are very cheap, but the crafting cost usually offsets the value.
  12. I think sometimes you just gotta be the bigger person and take the high ground. Hold their family for ransom.
  13. It shouldn't be. Fancy is tomorrow! I love them! Especially the pigeons. They're such friends!! 🙂 I flipped Sentryman and a whole bunch of stuff felt off balance and wrong. You're so right about that. I've got the leg in a better place, but I think I'll leave it there - if anything, I'd start again with him later on and try and begin with a more rigorous gesture.
  14. Day 6 - Rodent. I was excited about this one. It's Ratgirl, my Savage/Regen Brute. It's a little bit messy, especially as I was trying to figure out the arms on the ink (and it's far from perfect) but it came together way quicker than I expected it to and I had the most fun with this one so far. All the crazy shapes were nice to loosen up with.
  15. Even Regeneration threads get nerfed. As it should be.
  16. That's really useful feedback, thank you! I'm sorta just messing about here to get things right. Obviously the way to fix his height is to resize his head. 😄 So I made a nightmare-inducing tower of Sentryman heads, at risk of giving Piecemeal some ideas for new mobs. I'm kinda playing and futzing here to figure it out, not sure where I'll take it. I gave myself some new guidelines from the collarbone instead of the waist to try and figure out his stance - though I've not accounted for perspective, but the difference shouldn't be huge. The belt was just a bad reference point. I think what I've realised is I have him kinda weighted on the heel of his feet rather than the whole foot. You can see me literally just shifting that leg around.
  17. Show us anyway! 🙂 Edit: It was annoying me, so I corrected Sentryman's face and stance. Also retconned my laziness and actually brushed in the cape instead of just filling it. I missed those sweet, sweet brush strokes. Edit 2: Now I'm doubting myself. Does his leg just look a whole lot shorter, rather than in perspective? I've been looking at this for too long.
  18. 50 Characters. 19 heroes. 19 villains. 6 rogues. 6 vigilantes. 4 Soldiers of Arachnos. 4 Blasters. 4 Brutes. 3 Contollers. 4 Corruptors 4 Defenders. 4 Dominators. 3 Kheldians. 4 Masterminds. 4 Scrappers. 4 Sentinels. 4 Stalkers. 4 Tankers. Balance in all things, as it should be. Except Controllers. I don't like Controllers.
  19. No, come to Reunion! The chillest of all shards. We have Croissants and Bratwurst.
  20. Thank you! I mean I'm not used to drawing characters straight from the imagination. Other than the in-game reference, that is. I usually crudely sketch figures from life, so it's the first time I've tried to do poses from my own gesture drawing and the first time I've tried to tidy them up with ink. It's a whole different style, whole different challenge. I think I'd prefer to try and return to a more expressive style when this is over. I'm finding the inking is peaceful, but it's not very me. Still, I have a plan for all of these when I'm done, so consistency is important. Here is Day 5 - Blade. My Dual Blades/Ninjitsu Scrapper, Python.
  21. You can save your chat settings as default, so all your new characters will have it the way you want it automatically. 🙂
  22. Besides the difference from scourge, the difference is pretty dramatic in teams when defenders lose 30% of their damage value. Corruptors end up bringing higher damage to a team, while defenders bring significantly lower damage but better support powers. So playstyle is where the difference is.
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