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Everything posted by Lines

  1. @Wavicle - is your customisation on Total Focus set to Original or to a custom setting?
  2. Yup, reproduced at Portal Corps. Seems specific to large behemoths. Trying some things in AE - will edit this post as I go. Edit: Got this with other lts and bosses as well in Peregrine Isle. Edit 2: This is now happening very consistently, including indoors. I suspect the sound only fires off on the killing blow and since I was testing on <even-con minions before I didn't notice it. Edit 3: Now pretty certain that only killing blows makes the sound. Tried a bunch of different circumstances.
  3. Oh yeah! Haha, I've gotten myself all muddled.
  4. I'm not seeing the character animate twice, but I do hear the hit sound twice (even when against a single target) in RC1. Do you mean you see the hit effect twice? I think I possibly do if I look reeeeeeal carefully.
  5. Ok, I'll keep trying to see if I can get it to happen. Thanks!
  6. Is this exclusive to EM for you, @Wavicle? I know that Assassins Strike does have a habit of occasionally animating but not actually firing, across all powersets - sometimes this happens when just landing from a jump and firing off the attack. Not sure if that's the behaviour you mean, but it might be an old problem.
  7. This now lists the correct powers. Tried both Scrapper and Stalker.
  8. Incompatible locations no longer appear on base portal menus for me.
  9. Got some similar-sounding weirdness. Outside of the Costume Creator, the effects are white on this costume. In the costume creator, the primary set looks fine but the secondary set, though set to Bright Sonic Attack in the main option, wouldn't have a colour appear next to them until I click that power. For me, it set that colour to Red. If I set the primary set to Match Colours Across Powerset and then check the secondary set, this happens: I had a similar thing happen on my EM/Rad Scrapper which I'll try and find a way to make happen again. So far not seen on any other character. Edit: Very hard to replicate and once the powers have been fixed once they seem to stay fixed.
  10. I'm seeing these on both beta and live, so I think this is an issue with reflections in the experimental graphics rather than beta.
  11. Sounds correct on an EM/Rad Scrapper in RC1.
  12. Still hearing this in RC1.
  13. Just had a looksie - no guns now. Edit: just realised neither of those are lts, trying again on harder difficulty real quick. 😛
  14. Trying this out now, I seem to be landing crits as expected. (though the Shinobi description does need updating to reflect the change.)
  15. Testing on a scrapper, both of these seem fine to me. Might need to be confirmed on the other ATs. Edit: Sounds fine on Stalker.
  16. It feels really tight now! Ran into a problem in the last mission, though, which I feel like could come up frequently:
  17. ^ Specifically because it can all be ghosted. The one 'defeat all crey' mission you could just skip with autocomplete. You do need to face a few Malta missions, so if that's something you don't want to deal with then Mako's is a good second but has some kill-alls.
  18. If I may, for the sake of discussion, just offer a calm friendly rebuttal to this one particular point: BOW DOWN BEFORE MY VILLAINOUS MIGHT!
  19. May Lord Recluse smite you down with his dark vengeance. Hail Recluse!
  20. The yin talisman can be slotted by any origin. Unless you mean thematically. Beginner's Luck already gives lowbie characters a +15% ToHit buff to tide them over for accuracy. I think most toons could do with damage at level 1. I can't think of any who wouldn't benefit from that.
  21. This is a great idea!!
  22. I think this is absolutely a fair concern and in my eyes it's totally legit to raise as feedback. You're right that it could be a slippery slope. My experience of the work done so far is that they are very cautious about downwards changes that they make and have become even more so as time has gone on. Data collected from people like Galaxy Brain and all the pylon tests goes a long way to defining how far they should take their nerfs and they use that data very practically. I'm actually quite surprised at how mild the TW changes have been. I guess keep in mind that balance is the performance of the set versus the environment, rather than the set versus other sets (except for PvP). It doesn't really matter how much one set outperforms another set as long as the game opposes them both within a certain tolerance. So if EM claims #1 spot in issue 27 (which it won't, but just as an example) but is still adequately challenged by the game, there's no reason to shift it from that spot. They've also noted before that there aren't very many outliers of overpowered sets. Their threshold for when a set is within a tolerable balance is pretty high, I think. I hope that brings some comfort!
  23. Ran into the same issue on the same mission a couple of weeks ago.
  24. I don't know if it helps the sort of circumstances you're thinking of, but the Walk power will override the costume stance and return you to a normal standing animation. Thinking RP here.
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