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Everything posted by Astralock

  1. That’s not a bug. The debuff toggles were changed several years ago so that they would linger on defeated mobs for a bit, to make them more usable.
  2. I agree with the redraw. However, I definitely do not agree with making Staff Mastery inherent. I like the flexibility it currently provides. One build of mine skips Hasten, and so I use Form of the Mind for the extra +recharge. Taking that option away would limit choice.
  3. Yes. It's the Rikti's vulnerability.
  4. I brought it up, and here's Zed's reply: "Yeah this one is going to be very tricky if not impossible - unless we add new tricks. Mids has no notion of stack by key/group other than mutually exclusive groups, neither it can pick highest value in a group. See i wouldn't care if this was only stealth radius but it also affects defense..."
  5. You said that you reinstalled Vidiots. Did you install it from this thread - Or the City Mod Installer?
  6. Fixed. FWIW, here's the new Discord link. - https://discord.gg/mids-reborn-593336669004890113
  7. The closest for Homecoming is that Cipher posted that he was working on an online character build browser almost three years ago, but it's gone nowhere and seems to be dead. That's it.
  8. Not entirely. 3.4.6 has an updater that only works if you have no spaces in the folder name you have Mids' installed to. There was a fix for that uploaded to the Mids' Reborn Discord server, but people not on that Discord server probably don't have it, yeah. But doing a fresh manual install is probably a good idea anyhoo.
  9. Metalios and Zed have released a new version of Mids' Reborn for Issue 27, Page Five: Please note that only Windows 10 and 11 are officially supported. If you are not using 3.4.6, there are several steps that you need to do: 1. Uninstall and delete Mids' Reborn completely. Wipe the folder clean. 2. Download and install the .NET 6 desktop runtime. You can obtain it here. 3. The built-in Windows ZIP archive extractor sucks. If you do not already have an archive extractor program (WinZip, 7-Zip, WinRAR, PeaZip, etc.), installed, then I recommend downloading and installing PeaZip. It's free and open source software. You can obtain that here. 4. Download Mids' Reborn and extract it into its own folder, whereever you want to put Mids' Reborn. For example, I personally have it in C:\Loaded Camel\Mids Reborn\ You can download it here. 5. Open Windows Explorer, right click MidsReborn.exe, and go to the Compatibility tab. Click "Change high DPI settings" towards the bottom. Then follow the screenshot. Once done, click "OK." Enjoy. Known issues: Exporting builds to the Homecoming forums is borked. Until it is fixed, go to File > Export > Forum Export > Yes > Data Chunk, and select "Only export Data Chunk" This update contains most of the revamps for Masterminds that could be done but not the revamp of the pets' powers due to some limitations (e.g. critical hit chance increase for Ninjas) This is just a courtesy post for those not on the Mids' Reborn Discord server. You should join it here.
  10. There's petless Masterminds on Homecoming. They're not good nor even decent, but they're there. Pretty much anything can work in PvE, except for petless Masterminds, Hideless Stalkers, and skipping all but one of your attacks (like some Empathy Defenders do). If you want to play a petless Mastermind, you're much better off playing a Corruptor instead.
  11. Yep. Editing your SG base with cel shading enabled is broken, and has been for about three months now. It's a known bug with no ETA for a fix.
  12. Powers in AE are mostly the same as what players get. Therefore, the perception is 300 feet, same as anyone using Focused Senses. That's what makes Super Reflexes so good for farming, as the mobs can see you really far away. Cremate has a 0.75 mag knockup. @nihilii, at +4 with no rested XP, minions on my fire farms give 4,272 experience. Lieutenants give 8,544 experience. Bosses give 25,119 experience. It sounds like you (and Jacktar) are farming below +4, and the differences you saw in XP on the same farm were a result of rested XP.
  13. Yes. AE XP was cut in half back around May 2019, so XP is half of what it would be compared to regular missions. Also, are you running at +4?
  14. I doubt that it will be updated. PK hasn't played in over two years. It probably should be unstickied though, considering that it's now pretty out of date.
  15. Agreed, but it's been bugged like this since Issue 23 ten years ago, so it may not be for a bit. FWIW, the Keyes Trial is and has been bugged similarly. If you do too much damage to Anti-Matter too quickly during the final fight, everyone in the entire trial will become permanently held and the trial will become incompletable.
  16. Probably then. You want slow but steady DPS with Tyrant. No Lore pets.
  17. You can always just try it out on the beta server. But yeah, they'll look like a bobble-head.
  18. Was Tyrant defeated too quickly? If you do too much damage to Tyrant too quickly, he'll just topple over without going into small Tyrant, leaving the Magisterium trial incompletable.
  19. Here you go. - https://store.steampowered.com/app/314340/Chess_2_The_Sequel/
  20. Per Number Six about a month ago here and here, only the Reunion shard in Europe is an extra expenditure. The other four shards in North America all share the same hardware, so merging any of the four in Canada would not save any expenses.
  21. Regen wasn't nerfed. It was just renamed Bio Armor.
  22. I support this suggestion, only if so I can finally have Larry, Darryl, and Darryl.
  23. Just as like what was done with Dispersion Bubble, please buff Sonic Dispersion to buff people for fifteen seconds outside of the actual Sonic Dispersion. That's it. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
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