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Everything posted by macskull

  1. While this is true, it does nothing for those characters for the first 49 of those 50 levels.
  2. Same here, honestly. I like the idea at face value but not being able to get these debuff resistances on your own incentivizes teaming and makes certain support powers useful. There are also quite a few PvP implications (example: slow resist is widely available via set bonuses now which is one of the factors making slows not-very-useful in PvP). At any rate, with the way the current game engine and IO system work you can simply build for defense and not really need to worry about debuff resistance because the debuffs just don't hit you in the first place.
  3. The funny part is this one was really tame compared to one that was around last summer...
  4. Procs slotted in a power will roll for their chance to activate when the power they're slotted in is activated regardless of any secondary effects. You could roughly math out how much end you'd get back if you knew an attack chain and how it was slotted, but Performance Shifter is only 1.5PPM so it will probably perform poorly in most actual attack powers. As an example: if slotted in Lightning Bolt, Performance Shifter would have a 24.18% chance to fire on each cast if Lightning Bolt had no recharge slotted in it and 16.68% chance to fire on each cast with a more-typical 60% slotted recharge. Even in Zapp you're looking at a 33% chance at best.
  5. Procs do not generally share cooldowns with each other. Performance Shifter procs don't have a lockout period or anything so the more you have the higher the chance you'll get +end at any given time. I'd also recommend a Panacea +HP/+end proc in Health as well as the Miracle +recovery and Numina's Convalescence +regen/+recovery (both in Health since they are healing sets). Pricy, yes, but it helps with end. Also worth nothing as other posters have said - get those +end accolades ASAP since recovery is based on max endurance. The only proc exhibiting the behavior you're describing is the Power Transfer +HP proc, which is because it's flagged to not stack more than once from a single activation, and in the case of toggle/auto powers that "activation" is a tick every 10 seconds which is shared by all toggle/auto powers. The Performance Shifter proc doesn't have this limitation.
  6. I guess I don't get it, if you've done these TFs enough and the maps are small enough, shouldn't you know where to go anyways?
  7. /signed (to OP, not to whatever hot heals is trying to do)
  8. The other Blaster secondary powers you're thinking of only suppress because they're also that set's sustain power, which isn't the case for Disruption Aura.
  9. Transfusion does -regen, not -recovery. It might not miss often but you need to be next to your target to actually get the benefit of the heal which is impractical most of the time and generally not where you want to be as a squishy. Poison/Dark is a good combination.
  10. You're gonna have a rough go of that while solo. It doesn't have the sustainability of Therm or Elec since the heal is PBAoE and requires a hit check, and doesn't have sustained -recovery to keep someone's end drained.
  11. This is because recharge and damage both start out at 100% ingame (aka normal values).
  12. I did mean Dominator secondaries, yes. Addressing the rest of your post: IMO the reason Scrappers and Stalkers are as competitive as they are is because of the ATO procs for both ATs - they're the only ATs where the ATO procs completely change the way the AT plays, especially for Stalkers. I think the melee ATs are, overall, in a good place right now because there's a roughly inverse correlation between damage output and survivability (Tankers->Brutes->Scrappers->Stalkers on the survivability scale, opposite on the damage scale). Scrappers and Stalkers still have enough of a playstyle difference where each AT presents its own unique way to play, even if you pick the same powersets. It's also sort of like the Defender/Corruptor debate but I'd argue those are far more similar than Scrappers vs Stalkers. Some builds work better on one AT or the other and that's fine. The reason Sentinels seem to have no real identity in the game right now is because they're damage dealers that... are bad at dealing damage. Sure, they have the same ranged damage modifier as Dominators, but they suffer from gimped versions of ranged sets and a next-to-useless inherent. The existence of Blasters makes Sentinels pretty much irrelevant but that's only because Sentinels don't offer anything significant outside of minor debuffs in their t1/t2 attacks and the occasional single-target debuff from Offensive Opportunity. Guardians at least would have a unique playstyle and even if they weren't the most-damaging member of a team would still offer consistently available buffs and debuffs to act as a force multiplier.
  13. RV, you're more likely than not to get interrupted by someone else in zone. If you take it to arena sapper builds can do just fine (Therm/Elec and its Corruptor opposite were pretty popular dueling builds back on live) but more likely than not you won't find many people willing to duel you because they're so annoying to fight against. Sapper builds are less popular now than they were back on live due to changes in the proc system making damage higher than it used to be but they're still effective.
  14. Honestly, the powersets for the Guardian AT that's floating around on other servers are exactly what a melee-ish/support-ish AT should be. Basically tweaked Dominator primaries with secondaries that combine support powers and armor powers. As an example you might find a secondary like this: Frost Armor Toggle: Self +Def(Smash, Lethal), +Res(Cold, DeBuff DEF) Infrigidate Ranged Foe -Speed, -Recharge, -DEF, -DMG (Fire) Ice Pack PBAoE Team Heal, +Max HP, Res(Toxic) Wet Ice Toggle: Self +DEF(All but Psionics), +Res(Cold, Disorient, Immobilize, Hold, Sleep, Slow, Knockback, DeBuff DEF) Chilling Embrace Toggle: PBAoE, Foe -Recharge, -Speed, -DMG Arctic Fog Toggle: PBAoE, Team Stealth, +DEF, +Res(Fire, Cold, Energy, Slow) Glacial Armor Toggle: Self +DEF(Energy, Negative), Res (Cold, DeBuff DEF), +Perception Sleet Ranged (Location AoE), Minor DoT(Cold), Foe -Speed, -Recharge, -DEF, -Res (All), Knockdown Heat Loss Ranged (Foe AoE), Foe -RES, -END, Slow; Team +END, +Recovery
  15. The difference here is outright limitations/bans on certain powers for balance reasons, and even then sometimes there isn't a clear consensus among the arena community on those. Generally speaking those only apply to large-team organized stuff though. The discussion point here is not "do we outright ban these powers" since it's obvious that isn't a popular solution, but rather "how can these powers be tweaked?" That being said I don't really see these changing, and there's definitely an argument to keep Raptor Pack in its current form. Combat Teleport has too many limitations to be seriously used in PvP, I think.
  16. Not exactly, but you could do something like: /macro LRT "powexecname long range teleport$$enterbasefrompasscode yourpassword-69420" which would activate LRT on the first click and enter your passcode on the second click, provided you wait until the power activates to press a second time. For the powers which summon a portal, you would modify it slightly to summon the portal at your own feet: /macro baseTP "powexeclocation me rapid response portal$$enterbasefrompasscode yourpassword-69420" Despite all that it may be easier to use the existing fast travel popmenu since you can bind that to a key, use keyboard shortcuts to pick the power you want to activate, and then use a different bind for the enterbasefrompasscode command so it would require zero actual clicking.
  17. Nah, they almost always sell like that. You need to craft a lot for the badges so people just dump them on the AH.
  18. I've seen people have good result with PFF/aid self but I've also seen at least one person making Unrelenting from the presence pool work out well too.
  19. The chat logs the OP describes seem unlikely, since I tried to make a character with the name Biggus Dickus but was unable to. (On topic - for what it's worth I wouldn't consider "use three times in x seconds and it goes on cooldown" to mean "repeatedly" either and I'd probably say as much.)
  20. Accuracy is easier to come by in large amounts (one even-level accuracy SO boosts your accuracy by 33%) and if you are fighting even-con enemies with no defense buffs or tohit debuffs one acc SO is enough to cap your hit chances without anything else, assuming it's a standard 1.0x accuracy attack. Easiest way to think of it is: Accuracy multiplies your chance to hit by a certain factor (i.e. 30% accuracy would result in attacks that hit 30% more often) Tohit directly raises your chance to hit by a flat value Generally speaking tohit is far more powerful than accuracy, but as long as you have even moderate accuracy slotting (usually two SOs worth, or around 60%) and a little bit of tohit you should not have any problems hitting most enemies. For you and @drbuzzard: before the current fast snipe mechanics, if you had at least 22% extra +tohit snipes were always fast and used the same damage scale as the slow version. The current implementation leaves slow snipes at their old, higher damage scale while fast snipes start out with a lower scale that is affected by tohit bonus, capping at +22% (and -22%, actually... yes, getting debuffed lowers fast snipe damage). If it's working any way other than this (in PvE at least) it's a bug.
  21. I'm pretty sure Shout is like the only t3 blast power that's considered skippable and using it in attack chains is almost always a net loss.
  22. If you're going Sonic for the -res might as well pair it with the primary that does the most -res. Makes sense to take Burnout on that build too since you can essentially stack something like 150% -res before factoring in any -res procs or additional -res from Sonic.
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