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Yomo Kimyata

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Everything posted by Yomo Kimyata

  1. It's totally a choice. Are you telling me that dropping 10% global recharge cripples your build to the point where it is unplayable? Because I would give that up in a heartbeat if I wanted to use Jump Kick even once in a session. This chessboard of a universe is open to all kinds of games. Make your choice and choose what kind of game you want to play. If that's a min-max game, have at it! If it's about having a more fun experience while still steamrolling your opponents at 0.1% less efficiency, that's good too!
  2. Why not do both? It usually takes me about 30 seconds to clear out a full stash of salvage, and for me, those peanuts add up over time.
  3. I have many characters on all servers for thematic purposes. Although I only use Reunion for solo work when I'm testing out a theory.
  4. Fair question. In my opinion, absolutely. I'll buy 1-20k converters a day. Call it 1bn inf on average that I'm paying to merit farmers. I use those converters to make staples for the market. Call it 200-500 high demand IOs per day that sell. Now, if converters were bound, and every person who had them used them to create high demand IOs, then maybe there would be no change. But, I suspect, marketeers would have to cut their crafting back a huge amount, which would hurt their profits. The merit farmers who counted on getting 1bn a day from me would miss their income. The inf farmers would continue to make inf, but discover supply will probably dry up and prices will rise significantly. It would hurt everyone!! Which is exactly why I think it's a great idea. It'll never happen in our lifetimes on this server, but I can dream of excitement and challenge and change!
  5. Yes!!! People would have all these converters they don't know how to use and they'd lie fallow. Ebil marketeers would starve because they could only convert a hundredth as many as they used to. Prices would increase towards the soft cap based on merits. It would be chaos! AND SO MUCH FUN!!!
  6. No no no no, hear me out. I love this idea of making converters bound. This would add some real strategy to the game. Ebil marketeers would have their ill-gotten gains slashed, since they could no longer get cheap converters. Stick it to the marketeers: check! Merit farmers would no longer be able to dump converters for quick cash. Stick it to the merit farmers: check! Inf farmers would see their earning potential in relationship to the first two groups rise, but will be shocked that no one is making cheap IOs anymore. Stick it to the inf farmers: check! Or they could simply remove converters as an option at the merit vendor. You can only get them as drops! Prices would go through the roof! I'm giddy at this idea! Now THIS would make the game harder!
  7. Make converters non-transferrable? How EVIL! I LOVE IT!
  8. I think they have this cap available at Icon.
  9. Marking this for later. Mine is in his low 30s right now, so I'm not ready to tweak him out.
  10. I am all for a Null option to disable all visual effects from buffs. Drive-by buffs drive me nuts!
  11. For 1bn, spawn a Giant monster on your location, but it can't attack anyone that is not in your team/league.
  12. Or, just keep spending 100mm until one shows up in AP. You can't have two invasions in a zone at once, sadly.
  13. First off, all rare salvage is fungible, meaning it’s equivalent. If you look at Alien Blood Sample, it has the same bids, offers, and price history as Magical Conspiracy. When one gets sold, it becomes generic rare salvage in the pool, and then you can buy it as a specific rare salvage in any form from the pool. Second, last 5 just shows the last five trades. It doesn’t mean that the next trade Will occurs there. I’d bet it was just someone wanting to buy a few pieces now at a guaranteed price.
  14. People have a lot of reasons to dislike red side, but I think the big one is that it’s too hard to get a team, so why bother? Which makes it harder to get a team. Some complaints about harder enemies and so many more EBs and AVs are easily solved, if you could only encourage teams. How about a bonus for running teamed content on red side? Rather than xp or inf bonuses, I’d look at that power from the super packs that increases drop percentages. Rather than for a defined time period, put it in effect for only in teamed mission time. This would encourage not only people to play red side, but to team red side.
  15. 1. Bring back Prestige, but keep all base costs at zero. This would be similar to your Ebil Merits, but would have the added bonus of affecting your SG ranking. 2. Badges for burning inf. Neither of these deprives anyone of any new toys. It's just for the Scrooge McDucks among us. Somewhere, a dev mentioned that they felt that small, universally applied inf sinks were more effective than large scale sinks. I guess it's a matter of scale. Adding a new thingamjig for sale at the P2W for 1mm, or 10mm might remove a bn or ten from the system in aggregate, but a Dr. Evil badge would guarantee 100bn from me right off the bat. I guess they could increase the market fees. That would hurt everyone, and I think they are better off putting forth some sort of progressive sink that will take the most away (voluntarily of course) from those with the most amassed.
  16. I will say, I am extremely pleased with what's happening in the End Mod complex, especially with Performance Shifters. Other than the Heal proc, the new IOs are (rightfully in my opinion) pretty much considered to be junk.
  17. I have no problem with farmers. Sometimes I go onto a fire farm, but for me that's not into order to earn inf, but really to just veg out and splode things. I have no problem with turning off XP in order to earn more inf; why not, they offer the reverse! I'm frankly not even concerned about "inflation", since if it were going to be a real issue, we'd be a lot closer to the soft cap in all the high demand expensive items, IMO. If there were a loophole that allowed you to sell level 49 IOs for twice the amount of level 50 IOs, and that was not due to some true market forces but rather through an unintended exploit, not only would I not be surprised if they fixed that exploit, but I would be one of the first to log it in Bugs. The only guilty pleasure that, I admit, I take is the threatened rage quitting and declarations that the economy is doomed, DOOMED without the hard work of the double-inf exploit farmers. It's histrionic and makes me think of flopping in international kickety-ball and the NBA. I think it's pretty freaking funny.
  18. Just for the record, I am unaware of any marketeers who do nothing but evilly cackle and wring profit from the AH, just like I don't know any farmers who don't use the AH. It's kind of disingenuous to simplify people that way. We're all adding supply to the system through gameplay. It's just that some of us are better at extracting value than others (and some of us are adding more raw inf into the system than others). Example, if the last 5 traded are: 10mm, 8mm, 9mm, 10mm, 5mm, you can probably sell it instantly for 5mm, or sell it in an hour or two at 10mm. Your choice. You can sell your PvP snipe recipe for a few mm, or you can craft it, spend a converter or ten to make it into a Shield Wall +res and either sell it for 15mm or use it. Your choice. No one says you market OR farm OR play other content. People market, and people craft, and people farm, and people run TFs, and people PUG, and people sometimes just sit around and chat about stupid things. You may now resume your previously scheduled marketeer bashing!
  19. This. The reason I'm "rich" in imaginary currency is that I know the system extremely well and I am able to accurately assess the motives and behaviors of others. Within a week or two, anyone who knows what they are doing would be back to flush at the expense of those who are, forgive the term, "market stupid."
  20. Great. I just made The Dismal Scientist, a Thugs/Poison redside mastermind in your honor.
  21. No, I see that purples and winters are lower. It was the comment that IOs in general have dropped that I'm not seeing. There was definitely a push up right after the patch "in general" for the invention IOs I was looking at, not a push down.
  22. Could you say more about this? I'm not seeing that at all.
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