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Yomo Kimyata

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Everything posted by Yomo Kimyata

  1. I find it extremely probable that what some people consider exploits and black magic are actually a rudimentary awareness of how the AH system works. It's not rocket surgery people! If you don't understand, feel free to ask. I'd even argue that the "last 5" bug isn't an exploit, since it affects everyone equally and there is no way to directly and solely benefit from it. It does make it harder to interpret the available information, and that's a shame. False information shouldn't be distributed, but good luck getting people content by telling them over and over again that the last 5 might be a bunch of lies.
  2. That was my feeling as well. It was a theme that really wasn't that fun to play.
  3. I'd be happy with the changes that have been made since HC launched being legacied, and I have to assume that the code is still around. If not, the original code is still floating around out there! I also realize that certain things cannot be reintroduced, since they would affect everyone, like tanker changes and sniper changes. But I think Dark Melee would be a very easy fix!
  4. Well done, and that helps explain prices and supply over the past few days. 33% profit is on the higher side of anecdotal evidence, but the converting and catalyzing undoubtedly helped that!
  5. Over the last year, many sets and individual powers have gotten overhauls. Almost all of these have been buffs, although there have been some nerfs for balance reasons. Unless the code for the old sets was thrown away, might it be possible to allow access to the pre-buffed sets as a set option at character creation? My specific example: I recently rolled out a Dark Melee character after the changes to Shadow Maul, and I personally can't stand the changes. I realize I had my chance to give my input during beta testing, and that my opinion is only one of hundreds or thousands. I am definitely not asking that the changes be reverted. What I AM asking is that characters have access to certain legacy sets, in this case "Legacy Dark Melee". Since the intention to rework the set was to make it "better" and "easier", anyone who chooses to run a legacy set would be essentially choosing to play an "inferior" version, and thus would not be gaining any advantage over anyone else. In fact, they would be at a disadvantage, which is just fine with me. Happy hunting!
  6. I think it's reasonable to speculate that AFK anything (but farming in particular) will eventually be another shoe to drop. Maybe even power levelling. Neither of those has any real significant effect on me or my game play, so I wouldn't get bent one way or the other. But could you imagine? Heads 'sploding left and right!
  7. I was enraged by that at first, to be honest. Making a simple game even simpler and catering to the lowest common denominator. I'd be over the moon if everyone had to travel to Wentworth's again, but I don't expect it so I moved on.
  8. Twice as many players, twice as much demand. Twice as much influence generation, twice as much goods generation. This would be great for the economy. The potential downside is that there would be twice as many people (not you!) spouting conspiracy theories.
  9. If you are a soloer, something like this could easily bring up your nuke every spawn. I don’t really know if this is a good thing or a bad thing, but my gut says it would bring up farming yields.
  10. I am a very vocal opponent of the lvl 49 exploit, but oddly enough, I'm fine with this. I think that if you are able to disable inf and gain additional xp, then it's probably ok to disable xp and gain additional inf. I would, personally, disable it in Ouro missions though.
  11. I'm a little surprised it's not a more valuable set. Given the 5% recharge value can stack up to 5 times and you can easily get a 6.25% recharge value stacked 5 times as well, it seems like a real winner over, say, Positron's Blast.
  12. A simple rule of thumb is to ask yourself, "Is this an IO that I personally have a lot of demand for?" In general, confuse IOs aren't that popular compared to how often they drop or turn up in random rolls. You are definitely on the right track though. Converting uncommon IOs into rares is usually the first step. Then once you have a rare IO, as mentioned above by @Troo, you can convert by rare and end up with something that might be more marketable. From there, you may want to convert either by category, by rarity, or by set until you get where you would like to be. Let's look at an example: You start with a Perplex IO, then convert by category (Confusion) and get a Malaise. You can try to sell that. Or maybe you convert by rarity and end up with a Reactive Defenses E/R. From there, you may want to try to sell that, or convert it by category to try for a Luck of the Gambler, or convert it by set to get the +res proc in Reactive Defenses. I'd probably convert by category (Defense) until you get a Luck of the Gambler. Let's say you get a D/E/R. You can then either try and sell that, or convert it by set to get a +7.5%. There's chance in this, sure, but the RNG seems to be fair. Your true Zen as a cowman comes when these decisions (none of which are wrong, I might add) are second nature. Happy hunting!
  13. This thread got off to a slow start, but I think eventually had some decent ideas: I think the Market forums has a lot of great ideas, but admittedly it may not completely transparent in displaying them.
  14. I realize I'm setting myself up here, but other than the display bug, what other exploits are you referring to?
  15. More than annoying. Truly detrimental to anyone who doesn't realize that the last 5 display may not be accurate. We've been trumpeting awareness and pushing to have that fixed since day 1!
  16. Highest outstanding bid. That's the next transaction spot when someone comes in as a low seller. The counterpart is LOO (lowest outstanding offer), which is the first transaction spot when a high bidder enters the system.
  17. Well, it depends on what you are looking to do. Let's take LotG 7.5% for an example. Right now the lowest bid in the last 5 for recipes is 7.006.001, which is repeated, so I would guess that's the HOB. You could bid 7.006.002 and wait until you bought one (only 35 are offered, and it would probably take over 8mm to buy it now). Then you could buy 2 rare salvage, 1 uncommon, 2 common and craft at level 25. Let's call that total cost of 8.5-9mm. Or you could insta-buy an attuned IO for 7mm. (That's the price at this moment, but generally ranges from 6-8mm). If I wanted an attuned 7.5%, which I do occasionally, I would put in bids for one of the less used of the LotG set, like the E/R. I'd bid maybe just over 4mm. Then when I bought it, I'd spend on average 15 converters to make it into the 7.5%. Now, depending on your faith on averages, you might want to do this with a block of 10, and sell the spares. It all depends. I know that's a terrible and unhelpful answer to give, but unfortunately it's true.
  18. This thread: A Play in One Act Powerwalker: Boy, I love powerwalking! It's easily the best way to get around from place to place! Imma gonna win all kinds of races against those stupid regular walkers! Race official: Actually, it's not powerwalking, legally, unless you have one foot on the ground at all times. Otherwise it's jogging. Sorry, but you can't jog in a powerwalking race. Powerwalker: UNFAIR! Race official: Noted. We think it's best for the racing community. Powerwalker: C'MON RACE OFFICIAL! I DON'T HAVE TIME TO POWERWALK BY YOUR DEFINITION! Cowman: Um, hey, if you need to get somewhere, I can give you a lift in my car. Powerwalker: CARS SUCK! POWERWALKING FASTER! Cowman: Well, not really. Say, would you like me to give you a car? And driving lessons? No charge. You mentioned you were pressed for time. Powerwalker: NERF CARS!!! NONE SHOULD BE FASTER THAN POWERWALKERS! CARS RUIN THE ENVIRONMENT AND SHOULD BE BANNED! Walker: You know, I'm just fine with this. Go on and walk as fast as you want, I'm just enjoying the scenery. Cowman: You're right, the scenery is nice. Powerwalker: ...
  19. Since I'm done offering encouragement, and since I'm not a car person... I think that @Luminarawas pretty spot on? Maybe you are not familiar with the reference. It's about a spoiled child with no patience. Here's a video for your viewing pleasure:
  20. I only recently started playing around with corruptors. Conventional wisdom is if you are a power gamer you are better off as a blaster or a defender, but I recently made a handful as part of a theme. I think, much like defenders, some are really good and some are really crap. There can be a very large discrepancy in playability. Whereas scrappers, for example, are generally within a performance band regardless of power selection, themed corruptors can be great or really painful to play.
  21. I think the cost should be free. 1. Select server. 2. Create character. 3. ... 4. Profit! If you wanted a higher level character, then I think the test server still allows insta-levelling? Try it out first.
  22. I had the “feeling bad” part surgically removed.
  23. I've always viewed the Momentum mechanism of TW as an "annoyance" tax and a trade-off for its higher damage. I'd hate to see it go away.
  24. I'm all for people selling things at 1 inf, but in my experience you are unlikely even to get 50% of "fair" value. Exceptions might be for stuff like Winter Os and purples, where selling an avalanche for 1 inf *might* net you 20mm. It all depends on what the outstanding bids are, and if my bids are any indication, those bids are going to be as low as possible! Ebil doesn't grow on trees you know!
  25. I've noticed that one or more people tend to do a lot of crafting on Sunday nights. A LOT. I think that's what causes the drop in prices in the early part of the week, since those bulk posts seem to be at pretty low prices.
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