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Yomo Kimyata

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Everything posted by Yomo Kimyata

  1. However one feels about farming, I don't think this is the right forum since it has nothing to do with the market. Maybe General?
  2. Almost there! I've got all mine listed at 1,000,005!
  3. 100k would have filled instantly. Just saying. Also, you are making 5mm profit per recipe after costs? Nicely done. There must be plenty of profitable spots left!
  4. You forgot to mention adding inf to the system via farming v. destroying inf via trading.
  5. Ok, I've spent almost all of my time redside over the past two weeks. Two observations on why it may be inferior to blue side: 1. Way too vertical. That's fine now that you can buy jet packs at lvl 1, but if I wanted to run a super speed character for concept redside, I'd quit the game. 2. Way too many random mobs. This is related to the verticality to some extent. It's virtually impossible to run to a mission without aggroing a lot of mobs. Maybe this would change as I got used to the maps.
  6. Yes. I get disappointed when I see an orange recipe drop, but yellow is ca-ching!
  7. So far, my most masochistic is my TW/Stone Armor brute. No, I'm not going to teleport. I'll get there ... eventually ...
  8. I agree 100% and am so incredibly puzzled. I don't understand why people are losing their shit over this. It's like Apple refusing to make and sell any new $800 iPhones because one tiny component's cost went from 1/100 of a cent to 1/10 of a cent. People REALLY hate change, is my takeaway so far.
  9. Thanks for biting the bullet on this one. This reinforces what I already knew: there are no quality bids. There is so much inf in the system that you either buy what you want right now at whatever price, or you lowball your bids and make a profit if you want to trade out of it. sub 5mm ATOs on average sounds really low to me, but I mostly got out of that market as a seller a while ago.
  10. I don't even do that. I buy at $2, witness your bids at $12, and offer at $12.05... Or possibly then I'll put in bids at $12.01. The point being in order for flipping to work, there is a race towards the middle. Bids creep higher, offers creep lower. However, the real way to make inf is to rely on human nature. In your example, the person who is paying $20 is only doing so because it's a round number. No one is drawing a line in the sand and saying yellow salvage is worth x and not one inf more. Those bands have been set by the devs.
  11. The one thing I've learned from ATOs and Winter-Os: never ever ever post more than 9 at a time.
  12. Are your bids still up? I'm sure I could track down a few hundred of these.
  13. Very well spoken, and great analysis. i would like to point out that a difference in our game v. your example is that in game, there is either directly or indirectly an infinite amount of goods. Want yellow salvage? You can play or farm for drops, exchange AE tickets. Too much work? There are 10mm of them for sale. Too expensive? Then you’re in a pickle and somethings got to give. Want LOTG 7.5%? Plenty on the market. Too expensive? Buy a Serendipity and convert. Still too expensive? Buy or craft any lvl 25+ enhancement and convert. Too much work? Another pickle. This game has limitless supply. Except maybe Hammy is.
  14. A few months ago I bought many thousand rare salvage over a few weeks time (almost all at 5 inf higher than the previous low bidder) and dumped them on the market. Lost many billions, but got prices down to 100k and 10,000 bids. At that point I stopped. Prices came back up.
  15. The thing I've noticed is that the bidding handles are different, which implies to me that it's a number of people rather than one. Example: my "fist" is 5. I tend to buy things at levels like 15,005, or 4,005,000. There are definitely block bids, but some of them have different fists.
  16. Ok, AH lesson number one. You place bids and offers at different levels. If PK bids x100 at 1mm, and you bid x1 at 1,000,001, you don't have a 1% chance of getting the next item placed for sale at that price or lower. You have 100% chance. And if 100 offers come in after that, all less than 1mm, that's when he gets filled. There is no random factor in buying or selling unless more than one person is either buying or selling at the exact same price. I'm not sure if trades are assigned then based on FIFO, or random allocation, or some other factor.
  17. I'm going to offer one more time to explain how the AH works. I think PM might be a better venue, but I'll be happy to post a really simple primer on the forums if that's better for you. You clearly don't understand how bidding and offering works. As to your example, I'm not buying toilet paper at $10 a package and selling it at $40. I'm buying tp at $1 a package because somebody wanted to dump it on the market and didn't know or care that the market price was higher, and I'm selling it at $8 a package, which is still below market price. Please don't call me names. Devs don't like that and I'm not too fond of it either.
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