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Yomo Kimyata

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Everything posted by Yomo Kimyata

  1. I think the primary one, which dwarfs the super packs, is the 10% sales tax. Anything you you have to pay inf for at the P2w vendor. AH transporters. Anything you purchase from a vendor.
  2. I agree with you in theory. There is probably at least 5-10 times as much inf in the system as there was two months ago. Inf farming is exactly like printing money in your basement then going out and spending it on breakfast at the diner and paying your rent. However, prices have not increased tenfold on, well, anything. In fact prices have dropped on just about everything. In my opinion, this is because demand has dropped for recipes and IOs, and supply has increased. The simple reason why rare influence prices are higher is that perceived demand is higher and supply is lower. In another thread it was posited that merit farmers are buying purple recipes which need rare salvage. if people farmed AE for tickets, they could trade them for rare salvage and sell them. But instead, people will complain about how they have to pay 600k for something they had to pay 500k for yesterday.
  3. It's a useful primary, but skipping 3-4 (I'd include sonic siphon as skippable for a defender) powers makes me wonder. I have a sonic/beam defender who is great on TFs, but soloing is meh.
  4. My problem with sonic as a primary for defenders is that there are too many skippable powers.
  5. I periodically change my signature to whatever market related chatter I hear from NPCs while traveling. It seems to be a popular topic, especially among the Tsoo.
  6. You are probably dead on as to increases in demand. Not sure what you mean by not all rare salvage prices though, since they are fungible and buying and selling a rare salvage is now independent of which salvage it actually is. An Alien Blood Sample and a Hamidon Goo are for all intents and purposes identical, and trade exactly the same.
  7. I follow this, and most market matters, pretty closely. I do not believe that this is market manipulation but a natural response to the fact that fewer pieces of rare salvage are entering the market. Where does rare salvage come from? Offhand, I'd say random drops, AE tickets, brainstorm ideas, and people's storage. There may be some missing sources I am not thinking about. Where does rare salvage go? It's used to craft all kinds of recipes, and it goes into people's storage. Let's say I want to sell 100 rares that I picked up in AE. What do most people do? They post it at a low number and sell it into the highest outstanding bid. That's easy. There are just under 19,000 bids right now. I'd guess a lot of them are really low, like under 5,000. But if you want to sell 100, you will certainly sell it and probably at something north of 500,000 as of this writing. Let's say I want to buy 100 rares to craft purples. There are 9,987,205 for sale right now. We know the devs seeded 10,000,000 at 1mm, so if you bid 1mm, you will get your 100. If you want to buy it for less than that, you are relying on a market maker to be offering it at the price you want. There don't seem to be any market makers right now. And if you want to buy 1,000 rares, which I often do, you are out of luck trying to find someone offering them at a reasonable price. I suggest that the OP, and anyone else listening, hit the AE farms and use your tickets to buy rare salvage. Offer them at or near the price you want to sell them at rather than selling them to the highest outstanding bid. Personally, I'd prefer prices to be lower on rare salvage as well, but there's no real way to make that happen so long as demand is greater than supply. Remember the first month of Homecoming? Salvage prices were 900k to 1mm consistently. There is no reason that won't become the new normal unless the farmers choose to respond to the profit motive.
  8. I go out of my way to tell teammates that Doctor Moist is a PhD, not an MD.
  9. I think they said that this is a known bug and that they are working on it.
  10. Never?!? All we have to do is to accrue enough inf to buy out the cap! Lemme see, 1mm X 10mm = oh. I guess I'm ok with "never".
  11. I would undoubtedly use such a channel to cast aspersions on those who were not doing the things the way I want them to. Like at you, yeah you. The one who is dumping in that market! Cut it out. So we're probably better off without it.
  12. I finally spent a little time on this for the sake of research. I've spent a few billion on the non-winter super packs, and my upshot is that pretty consistently the ATOs, if properly sold/converted and sold, pay for the price of admission (along with the brainstorm ideas). Everything else is gravy, but it doesn't seem to be super profitable gravy. I ended up using all the converters to change the crummy ATOs into more attractive ones and the brainstorms for rare salvage, leaving the merits, boosters, catalysts, unslotters, temp powers and inspirations for profit.
  13. I can’t stand so many of the missions, which seem to be in dismal black and dark red. They were hard on my eyes ten years ago, and my eyes didn’t get any better. I’d rather have a mission finding sixteen glowies in an CoT cave map than being in an Arachnos base map.
  14. If I recall correctly, the actual disease only lasts one mission (you get infected at the end of one mission, and cured at the end of the next mission.)
  15. I always, ALWAYS assume that whoever designed the game knows more than I do about what will entertain me. When CoX introduced PvP and AE, I was all, huh, aren't we paying them to produce content for us? So shouldn't they pay US for PvP and AE?
  16. My problem with Tsoo needs is I simply cannot deal with any more eight sorcerer spawns.
  17. Really interesting, with good numbers behind it! I don't farm myself, but I was wondering what sort of realistic yields (in inf) a follower of this guide could expect? For example, when you quote, say 2mm inf a minute, or 120mm inf an hour, I assume there is friction time. Since you are (I presume) soloing you don't need to form a team, but there are undoubtedly all kinds of things that pop up. So, my question is: what can an average, a good, and a great farmer expect to gross over a 15-minute, 60-minute, 120-minute session at any hour of the day or night? From log in to log out. Thanks for your help!
  18. I've noticed that in general, people like to use shortcuts that may exaggerate how profitable things are. For example, when people say they are making 2mm inf a minute farming (which I do not doubt), other people are going to assume that means if I sit down and play for an hour using this method, I'm going to make 120mm inf. And if I can get in an epic six hour session, then I'll make 720mm! Of course there are various frictions. So I'm assuming that if you log on at 5pm and log off at 7pm, you are probably not walking away with 5 merits/minute * 120 minutes = 600 merits. What do you think is a "good" number that a merit-farmer could pull off consistently if logged on for two continuous hours a day? Does that rely on a scheduled raid or is that something you can do on your own?
  19. This is a voice of one, but I am extremely unhappy with the changes in stealth. Not really the movement speed change, but the fact that the translucency is now the same across stealth powers.
  20. This title makes me feel like I am in session with my therapist. And that's a legitimate feeling!
  21. To be honest, the most interesting teams I've been on were the most unconventional. But then again, I don't have a power complex about how things are supposed to be. When I form teams, I accept all comers. If someone is not "pulling their weight", what do I care? Unless they are getting in my way or griefing me or my teammates. Again, half my team could be Rikti Monkeys and we would still steamroll. When teaming, I play by two rules. 1. Have fun, and 2. Help your teammates have fun. Why? Because I'm Lawful Good, yo. I really don't see the point in getting my nose bent if there is a team wipe or two, because generally that leads to a situation where I realize that, by God, I CAN tank as a controller! I don't think I've ever kicked anyone from my team, but I've definitely left teams that didn't feel good. And teamed with some of those same people again later and things were fine. It's just pixels.
  22. I'd be telling a lie if I didn't say that this brings back a little nostalgia for me. I miss the days of big payouts (I got a Rag drop!! Oh hell it's a proc.) I miss 100mm+ profits on flipping a purple. Something I've come around on over the past decade though. I still enjoy working hard for my imaginary currency, but I don't begrudge anyone else today who wants everything on a plate for free rather than "working" for it. I do wish that there were some things you could get that were truly rare, because I used to really take satisfaction and perhaps even validation in feeling like I was doing "better" than others. But I'm a decade more mature now, and I don't really care how your video game pixels line up in comparison to mine. I used to play Diablo 2 with a really good friend of mine, and he would infuriate me by buying things on eBay. "You have to work for that!" But he was perfectly happy spending a few bucks to make his gaming experience better. Different strokes!
  23. I think that except for a very small number of instances, this is completely not applicable to CoX. If you are running a Master of ... TF, sure, I understand. But this game is easy enough that you can probably have half your team made up of Vicious Rikti Monkeys and still accomplish your goals of completion.
  24. I really shouldn't say this, but this is by far my favorite kind of MM. I don't play MM myself, but I'd much rather run missions with a petless buffer/debuffer than have a bunch of noisy robots/ninjas/demons getting in my way.
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