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Yomo Kimyata

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Everything posted by Yomo Kimyata

  1. Yomo Kimyata


    Hmm. Mine is right about 30. 1. Your attacks are much more endurance hungry than your toggles, so I’d look there first. My single target attacks at this point are 4-piece kinetic combat and a FF Proc. I usually have the rest after each fight or every other mob. 2. I feel like the damage is pretty good? It doesn’t feel as strong as war mace or as weak as staff. What annoys me is the occasional Knockback but it’s not common. 3. Hadn’t noticed accuracy problems but I’ll take him out for a spin later and look. 4. Yeah, I can see this happening. It’s a slow hitting set.
  2. I don't know, but am not taking the chance that someone more enterprising than me finds out! In other news, I moved my bids to Winter Packs. Feel free to sell them back to me now, Nemesis!
  3. I wanted to cap at 40, so that I have 10 on each NA server and don’t have to deal with a second page. I’m seriously considering breaking that cap.
  4. According to ParagonWiki: 2 Offensive Sets 2.1 Melee Damage 2.2 PBAoE Damage 2.3 Pet Damage 2.4 Ranged Damage 2.5 Recharge Intensive Pets 2.6 Sniper Attacks 2.7 Targeted AoE Damage 2.8 Universal Damage 3 Archetype Sets 3.1 Blaster 3.2 Brute 3.3 Controller 3.4 Corruptor 3.5 Defender 3.6 Dominator 3.7 Kheldian 3.8 Mastermind 3.9 Scrapper 3.10 Soldiers of Arachnos 3.11 Stalker 3.12 Tanker 4 Defensive Sets 4.1 Accurate Healing 4.2 Healing 4.3 Defense 4.4 Resist Damage 5 Mez Sets 5.1 Confuse 5.2 Fear 5.3 Holds 5.4 Immobilize 5.5 Knockback 5.6 Sleep 5.7 Stuns 5.8 Taunt 6 Travel Sets 6.1 Flight 6.2 Leaping 6.3 Running 6.4 Teleport 6.5 Universal Travel 7 Other Sets 7.1 Accurate Defense Debuff 7.2 Accurate To Hit Debuff 7.3 Defense Debuff 7.4 Endurance Modification 7.5 Slow Movement 7.6 To Hit Buff 7.7 To Hit Debuff If you haven't checked them all out already, go ahead and do so and let us know if you find any surprises!
  5. I would argue that if you are trying to identify the factor [weapon damage], and one of your variable inputs is also [player speed], you need to isolate and ideally eliminate the player speed factor. If there is a 30 second swing between player A and dual blades and player B and radiation melee, for example, you need to statistically identify what component is responsible for what. Maybe the difference between Player A and Player B maxes out at 60 seconds, assuming that both players are experienced CoHers. But your thesis statement [Dual blades is x seconds slower than radiation melee] gets destroyed in the noise. I would expect that a good player would be consistent across most if not all melee sets, though. If I were paying for this project, I'd want to isolate [player speed]. Maybe I'm wrong and player A and player B would be within a few seconds with the same set, but I doubt it. Just my opinion; you all are doing this on your own time, so you can do it however you want! I totally appreciate your dedication.
  6. WTF, I've now bought 30 of them? Who in the world would pay 10mm for one then turn around and sell it for a 1mm loss after fees? Much less 30? Nemesis? Is that you?
  7. Doc Delilah in Faultline blueside has a three? mission arc that grants this. You need to run the arc of Jim Temblor, Penelope Yin first and be level 20 or higher.
  8. I digress, but I would absolutely dedicate a character build to minimize killing pylon time if it were a metric that mattered to me. I can't possibly be the only one. I also disagree on your assessment of skill parity across players, but that might be a bias on my part. Like Lake Wobegon children, we all like to think we are above average. Ideally, your experiment would be done by a single person, and you would run lots more than ten tests per set, but I'd be the first to agree that would be a thankless and un-fun task.
  9. Oh, I’m absolutely one of those people, for good or bad. It’s not that I’m overly competitive, but I like to know how I rank! To one of @Hopeling‘s points earlier, “if I'm clearing with Broadsword in about 7 minutes, and somebody else is doing it in 5, then something is wrong on one end or the other.” It’s highly possible that one player is significantly better than another, and I think the variance in player ability is FAR greater than that in melee sets.
  10. I may disapprove of New Jersey, but I recognize that it is a useful buffer between New York and Delaware.
  11. I’m running through AntiMatter arc with my BS/inv scrapper, and relearning to get rid of all those pesky minions first, with their ranged energy attacks and defense debuffs, before the LTs and bosses. i take particular insult at being vanquished by something named “Scrub Bot.” What are you trying to say?!?
  12. I’m all for data, even data for data’s sake. I *think* part of the motivation of this is specifically, “let’s demonstrate if TW is too strong,” and I’m all for that and nerfing the set if it’s significantly stronger than the mean. What I’d hate to see is going to the devs with the request to, say, “increase damage on dual weapons by 3% and nerf martial arts by 1%.” Honestly, even that would have no real impact on my game play, but aesthetically I like the diversity of sets. I also get perverse pleasure by playing “underpowered” sets. Good work on the project! I hope you discover some surprises!
  13. Interesting stuff. Can I ask, what is the motive and what is the end game? I view the Pylon testing mostly as a competition, but is your system intended to identify under/over-powered sets? And if so, is the intention to ask the devs to standardize those sets so that all sets do the same or similar damage?
  14. Please do not do anything to make the game easier. I'd really enjoy challenging content with rare, possibly unique rewards. But please don't make City of Participation Trophies any easier.
  15. I'm going to guess that this may be a hot topic, but maybe not. Some non-dual boxing thoughts: I don't have direct experience, but in various channels, I've seen people asking for a few million a run. I've also seen people asking for runs and people offering runs, so I'd guess that it's something you can ask about, either on channel or in the AE building. I think people genuinely want to help, but at the same time, some people take umbrage at people "begging" for PLs in channel. Honestly, the best way might be to join a SG and then find a sympathetic person who will let you tag along. Some quick leveling alternatives, depending on how high you are looking to go and how quickly. I apologize if these are obvious: - Buy XP boosters from the P2W vendor. - Set your missions at -1/x3 starting at level 1, and adjust upwards based on your comfort. You will level quickly, and can easily level more than once in a mission early on. Put all your powers in AoE and respec out later if you want. - Death From Below. Super popular trial for levels 1-15, and if one isn't being advertised in the LFG channel, you can probably start one within ten minutes. I ran my first one earlier this week (it was my 39th alt, so I finally moved to faster methods. I'm changing up all kinds of things!).
  16. A follow up to the OP. I’m running the same story arcs on my BS/inv scrapper and my WM/WP brute. Same level. in general, I run the brute at +1/x3 vs the scrapper. Example: for the Antimatter arc, I ran the scrapper at +2/x3 and the brute at +3/x6. Some of that is scrapper v. Brute, and some of that is invulnerability v. Willpower, some of that is lethal v. Smashing, but I think most of it is broadsword v. War mace. WM has lots more damage and more mitigation.
  17. Are you asking how to earn inf to buy purpled, or are you asking about specific strategies for acquiring purples? If you want a specific purple, it’s usually cheaper to buy the recipe and craft it yourself, but not always. If if you have a purple recipe that’s not the one you want, generally I’d craft it and if you can’t sell it at a price that would enable you to buy the one you want, convert it until it’s a more marketable one. If if you have a purple IO that is the right set but the wrong piece, you can convert it until the RNG gives you the piece you want, but probably you are better off selling it and using the proceeds towards the one you want.
  18. From the title, I expected a PSA saying don't expect your success in the Auction House to translate to success in trading the equity markets.
  19. Please welcome Senor Hotel Doctor, a Psychic/Pain corruptor, and my first ever attempt at a healing character. He always comes as a bit of a surprise... ... no one expects the Spanish inn physician.
  20. I'm not as involved as I once was, but demand has really dropped off a lot across the board. Weekends may be when people have more free time to build out their characters, but people also have more free time to create supply. I definitely would sell ATOs Wed/Thurs/Fri, since the Hero Packers seem to come out on the weekends and dump supply.
  21. If I want a character that runs from mob to mob frantically spewing damage left and right, I'll pick a brute. If I want a character that is a little more thoughtful and strategic, I'll pick a scrapper. If I want pure strategy, I'll pick a stalker. And if I want a walk in the park while picking daisies, and beat up some bad guys at the same time while enjoying the scenery, I'll pick a tank.
  22. And the market is sufficiently messed up that this is no longer true. I've been selling these higher than the Steadfast Protection +Def!
  23. So far my worst boo boo was accidentally bidding and buying a hundred or so brain storm ideas at around 500k each. I thought I was bidding on rare salvage. Whoops.
  24. tl;dr -- I never understood AE farming before. It seemed to me to be a monotonous, horrible way to accumulate the currency you wanted to buy things in order to do something else. I totally get now that it's legit entertainment in its own right. However I may feel about the reward system, I'm A-OK with messing around clocking errant Comic Con fans for 15 minutes at a pop. My playing style is such that I rarely get on for more than an hour at a time, and when I do I rarely get to pay full attention to my CoH experience. I have a lot of alts, and I generally enjoy the leveling process. I team when I can but mostly solo. The other day, I was working (solo) on the Hollows arc with my lvl 12 staff/fire brute, Hellion Keller. I got the Atta mission and decided to put together an 8-person team, and it was awesome. We had a great tank and, honestly, I don't remember what other ATs were on the squad, but we melted mobs like butter. Then at one point, I accidentally went the wrong way from the tank and starting clearing some groups, wondering where everyone else was. It was easy and fun, like shooting fish in a barrel. It was like PLAYING A VIDEO GAME. I got DCed from that mission (stupid Spectrum internet) but gained 4 levels. Normally, I would teleport to Faultline and start that arc, but a little voice in my head said, "Feed me!" So after I had a snack, another voice said, "Hey, this is kind of a farming toon. Why don't you try AE?" My attitude on AE farming, as stated above, was not favorable. But I hadn't been in the AE building since Live, so I figured why not check it out. Also, for my own arcane reasons I wanted to see how easy it was to accumulate AE tickets. It was easy and fun, like shooting fish in a barrel. It wasn't challenging. It wasn't rocket science. It was beating up wave after wave of exquisitely costumed pixels, and it was fun. I leveled like mad (had double xp/no inf), and every five missions I'd visit Ms. Liberty and put IO sets in. By level 20 I was at 0/x8. By 26 I went to +1/x8, and by 30 went to +2/x8. I just took a break to open patron pools. I don't know if I am going to do any other content with this toon except for spacing out for 15-30 minutes every once in a while and mashing buttons without thinking about content or teamwork. I now have a new and different way of enjoying playing CoH. And thanks, ?@Brigg? for making the Comic Con farm. I have no idea if the economics of AE farming are good or bad, but I'll probably experiment with that when this toon hits 50. I don't love the fact that inf farming generates inf from nothing, which could eventually have consequences for the AH, but that's a different worry for a different time. I also cannot imagine how easy this would be for a well-equipped alt and a more experienced player. As far as I can tell, staff/fire brute doesn't even crack the top 10 of farming toons. I don't think I could physically push buttons any faster than I already am! Happy hunting!
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