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Yomo Kimyata

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Everything posted by Yomo Kimyata

  1. Over the years, I have seen a lot of posts about "Should I make an X/Y character as AT1 or AT2?" And sure, you can make a poll or search out past posts on the AT1 and AT2 forums, but now that we have new reactions, why not keep it in one thread? Let me start by asking: Would you rather mostly solo level to 50 (ideally +4/x8 by 50, but whatever you want to handle -- I'm not sure I can handle +4/x8 on non-melee characters!): Defender Trick Arrow/DP (if so, please react "ramen") Corruptor DP/Trick Arrow (if so, please react "television") Blaster DP/Tactical Arrow (if so, please react "satellite") ? If you wish to give your reasoning please do, but it's not necessary. And I know, I know, of course "it depends" but I'm asking you, yes you, which one you would choose. And, of course, if you have a similar question, please ask it and set your reaction choices! Happy hunting!
  2. You should use a domingator to play instead.
  3. If it makes you feel any better, we already find you revolting.
  4. I don’t have my glasses with me; is that an axe or a mace?
  5. At this point in time, I'm using Domingator as "I agree" and Accordion as "Sad Trombone," and I look forward to finding more personal meaning in each of them.
  6. This is all true, but also keep in mind that "logical" does not necessarily mean "profit maximizing" or even "profitable".
  7. Domingator approves.
  8. Domingator approves.
  9. Did somebody say "real money"?
  10. You know, I'm starting to get a little tired of youngsters running across something for the first time and thinking they invented it. I've known Bulgaria since before you were born! I used to watch Bulgar the Bulgarian on Saturday morning cartoons. I knew the Sofia King when he was just a prince! You kids get off my lawn!!!
  11. Should be a 12.82% chance per pulse per enemy. I'm not sure how often Hot Feet pulses (I assume 10 seconds like most damage auras, but I really don't know), but I clearly see mobs getting knocked down, just not reliably.
  12. In my experience (mostly melee), 85% is plenty but I wouldn't say no to 100%. Keep in mind that debuff resistance stops that amount of the effect from any given foe. 100% means that you never get slowed. That's cool. But 85% means only 15% of the debuff gets through. If you are fighting an Agony Mage and she hits you with Gravity Distortion, instead of -50% speed reduction it's now a 7.5% speed reduction for 12 seconds. If you are fighting three Agony Mages, then it is possible that all three get a -7.5% debuff on you at the same time for a 22.5% reduction, but again that's only for 12 seconds and that is if all three hit you at exactly the same time. The problem with debuff resistance is when you are fighting groups that toss out tons of a specific debuff. Every KoA minion can throw Caltrops, it's a base 80% speed reduction for 45 seconds. So if you are planning on fighting KoA all the time, definitely shoot for 100%. This comes into play with Cimerorans and defense debuff as well (and those damned Scrub Bots) of course.
  13. No no no god no no. I don't know about you OKman, but if you log on a character on some shards, there are some people who will *instantly* hound you to join whatever you are doing. I don't want to have to hide because I am breathing and at or above a certain level.
  14. This is exactly right. A split stack will show up in both selling and sold as 1; or in both buying and bought as 1. Total number of slots available top out at 200, and how to get there is listed in the wiki somewhere. "Full" is based on the number of market slots you have on that character, not the highest number of potential slots.
  15. This whole post is good, but I highlight this for emphasis. Anything not sold at a fixed price by a vendor was posted by a fellow player. The bottleneck for many of the items you are looking for is supply. I've watched over the years as many marketers, myself included, dropped out of the supply game for various reasons. The bid-offer gap is huge and unless people want to provide supply either for profit or for some personal goal of doing good things for the market (whoever has been providing Perf Shifter procs for the past few years at essentially break even levels, I tip my hat to you), this is only going to get worse and worse until one day people just stop using the /AH entirely. Death by ice.
  16. Could you give me some examples of how markets are being manipulated right now?
  17. This bind (I use a macro and usually make it 10 feet) is gold for cone heavy power sets. Also keep in mind that range enhancement effects do not reduce proc chances. And well done on this guide! nice material, girl!
  18. Axe went from an afterthought to top three power set with one fell swoop of power creep leap. Pair it with something that benefits from recharge and that provides endurance mitigation. But frankly, it'll work with anything now, although it will take some skill and planning for BA/DA to shine, endurance-wise.
  19. In my experience, a mixture of dark and cold/ice in just about any AT is pretty optimal.
  20. I don't agree with this overall statement, but I would suggest playing through more than once and playing a very survivable melee character first time through. Any level 50 can easily solo a mission or two and generate several million in inf from drops in a few minutes, while a level 1 will probably have a difficult time completely self-funding through missions.
  21. Sometimes, I'll make a character and progress their costume as they progress in levels, usually every 10. I did that with Thor Loser, and I have no regrets.
  22. All due respect to those who have their builds planned out from level 1, but I really don’t have the attention span to
  23. Would you say it was Sovera close?
  24. Who are you again? I don’t think I’ve ever seen you post in General before.
  25. And there we go. I'm not completely finished because I need to pick up some more enhancements to finish my slots, but that's good enough for this example. Clearly, respeccing a level 50 will take longer. Alternate builds: Alternate, or Multiple Builds (click for wiki) enable you to have more than one build available for any given character. It is like a respec insofar as you can not change your primary power set, secondary power set, or origin. But you can have a second build available at level 10, and a possible third one at 50 after completing Mender Ramiel's story arc and unlocking your incarnate Alpha slot. You may have noticed that when you talk to any trainer, one of your options under the "Train to a new level of power" selection is "Select or rename your active build" once you are level 10 or above. If you select a new build that you have never accessed before, it will treat you as if you were a fresh level 1 that has never levelled up before. Where this differs from the respec process, and this is a real pain in the butt, is that you have to run the levelling process separately for each level rather than doing the whole thing all at once. The good part of that is that you can do it bit by bit and stop partway through if you want. The bad part is that it is extremely tedious to do all at once, and you can't overslot late picks like you can in respec mode. The other bad part is that even though you cannot change your core powers, it treats your alternate build as a completely different character, so you have to acquire new enhancements for the build. Temporary powers, incarnate powers will be the same across all builds, but if you want a Performance Shifter +end proc in both/all of your builds, you need to buy one for each build. Why would you want alternate builds instead of respecs? Some thoughts (and I'm happy to add more): - you have a solo build and a team build - you have a build for exemplaring and a build for playing at 50 - you have an AoE based build and you have a single target build - you have specialized powers for specific purposes, like speed runs of a TF -etc. Switching across builds: The easy way to switch among builds is to do so at any trainer. You can also use the command /select_build [1-3] where the number 1, 2, or 3 represents the build number (you can also rename these builds at the trainer to "solo" or "team", for example). When you switch builds, however, there is a lockout period and a cool off period put into effect. You can only switch your build every sixty seconds, much like the lockout time from switching costumes. But the cool off period treats every one of your powers as if they had just been activated and must recharge. This is no big deal for things like attacks, but longer recharge powers, like Mission Teleporters and such will take many minutes. I presume the intention is to keep people from activating a long recharge power, switch builds, and re-activate the power. Twevs, that's how it is and that's how it shall be. Enhancement Unslotters: For the sake of completion, I should mention unslotters, which are a type of special salvage. If you want to move an enhancement slot around, or add a different power, you need to respec. But if you want to simply put a different IO in a slot that already has an existing IO in it, you have a few choices. You can drag the existing IO to the trash icon, which deletes it and leaves an empty slot for you to put a different IO in there. You can drag the new IO over the existing IO and it will either try to merge the two IOs or it will delete the first IO and replace it with the second. These two options are fine unless the item you are replacing is useful and/or valuable. In that case, if you have unslotters in your inventory you can simply drag the existing IO into your enhancement inventory and it will empty the slot while saving the IO. You can get unslotters from the /AH, you can buy them with merits at any merit vendor, or you can receive them in Super Packs. I find them very useful, but I rarely use more than a dozen on any character during its lifetime. If you open a lot of super packs, the unslotters are saved in your Character Items and you can access them from any character at any time, which is markedly easier than buying unslotters for every character that needs it whenever the need arises. Thanks, enjoy, come again! May all your builds have more cowbell!
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