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Yomo Kimyata

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Everything posted by Yomo Kimyata

  1. I doubt that there is a trillionaire, or even a half-trillionaire. I just haven't seen that impact of a large-scale buyer or seller on the AH. That said, many people could be 8-boxing farms and just saving inf for the sake of saving it. I would have no way of observing that.
  2. You *were* after the deadline, but you this was still a good post. 250mm for you. Plus, I appreciate the mask. Now it’s *really* closed!
  3. I've got plenty, and hey, it's probably all going to come back to me in the end anyway, right? *SNAP*
  4. Thank you everyone. This worked out better than expected. I got a lot of new ideas, a lot of practical knowledge. I enjoyed all the entries, and every one had something to add to the mix. Not a clunker in the bunch. Deciding on a winner was difficult, but it came down to theme. Plant as a secondary, although it seems very powerful, is hard for me to swallow concept-wise. "Take that, villains!" he cried as he hurled a cactus at their heads. It's just too much of a stretch for me at this point in time. I also realized that I've got a bit of a snob bias. I know that Fire is the most popular primary for so many reasons, but I feel like it is over-represented. Yes, I know there are no quotas and no one is going to care, but again, at this point in time, Fire/ is out. And honestly, it came back to theme for me. Which spoke to me? And I was torn between Dark/Atomic and Radiation/Dark. Both would work for my idea, but at the end of the days, there could be only one. Congratulations @Icono04, you have won the first Yomo-Approved Blaster contest! Since you did not submit a build, your prize reverts to just a plain old billion inf (whew!). If you can send me a private message on these boards with your global name, I will send you your prize. I would like to see your build, however, because I am incredibly torn about how to handle mine. Atomic seems too good to be true, and there are not a lot of skippable powers in either the primary or the secondary. I am outraged, OUTRAGED, that most of the Atomic powers only take Accurate Defense Debuff IOs instead of both Accurate and regular Defense Debuff IOs. Hello? Achilles Heel?!? I guess I have to settle for it in Beta Decay. My theme is basically a time-traveler from a post-nuclear future who has been sent to our time to ensure that his/her (haven't decided yet) future occurs. Maybe gold side, maybe red side. I foresee a lot of hand-to-hand coupled with a lot of PBAoE debuffs. Atom Smasher is, literally, to die for. If anyone else wants to post a build, I'd love to see it! As for everyone else, you are all winners in my books! I only wish I could give you all prizes, but Hold on a second, what? Ok, apparently the voices in my head are telling me that there is absolutely no reason I *can't* give you all prizes. So 500mm inf to each of the entrants! @ZorkNemesis @Nemu @Adelore @Shred Monkey @InvaderStych @Sir Myshkin @Grouchybeast @tidge @Dracomicon @SeraphimKensai @EnjoyTheJourney @parabola @Rathulfr @dms I also ask each of you to send me a private message with your global so I can give you your prize. Or you can post here as well. Thanks again everyone! And again, I'd be interested to see your takes on this build. I'm not nearly as good at building ranged defense as I am at building melee defense. happy hunting! Yomo
  5. No Jump Kick? You are not the mistress of spinning until you can spin on the z axis as well.
  6. I've recently begun a similar project. I was told it was time.
  7. Thank you everyone! Submissions are now closed. My illustrious team and I will make our decision and announce tomorrow after maintenance!
  8. That's like pressing three buttons on this and hoping for a fuzzy version of the Playboy Channel:
  9. There is at least one of each of those pairings at 50 now. Also, I hope that there is only one Sonic/AR because it is A TERRIBLE BUILD.
  10. I don't get a chance to play-play every day, because I have a lot of short interruptions throughout my day and evening. That said, it's the sort of thing that is superb for marketing. I find it meditative and peaceful, and I would absolutely play the /AH game even if there wasn't the opportunity to punch Hellions in the head. I run through my go to circuits and then check to see how supply is looking in some of the less liquid sectors. Under ten available? That will not do! And so I spit out another ten, or thirty, or fifty until the next time. I'm not working for free, but I am absolutely keeping the wheels of supply greased. If I were able to run statistical arbitrage this easily in real life, I'd be so wealthy that I would have pet monkeys trained to type this message out for me instead of my typing it myself like some Stone-Age barbarian. I'm pretty sure I dinged 300bn over the weekend, but verifying that would involve logging onto all my alts and, again, I don't currently have trained monkeys to do it for me. Yet.
  11. It showed up a fair amount at the comic book store, and one time the characters discussed how when they played it they always played heroes.
  12. Multiple entries are certainly allowed! Only a few more days to submit your entry!
  13. If Blueside, I heartily recommend your team run all the Hollows content at levels 8-15, and all the Faultline content 15-25.
  14. I thought I would kill two birds with one stone by filling the "Cure Lost" mission while using the Ouro to go back and run Penny's arc. To my surprise, when I completed the flashback, my Cure Lost counter is cured 21 of 20, but the mission is hung. Montague only offers the opportunity to abandon the mission.
  15. I detest all the elemental swords. They are forbidden.
  16. Earth is for Earthlings, you dirty hippie! Get a job!
  17. That's *almost* what I budgeted, but it's way way *way* under that.
  18. I am quite sure there are significantly fewer active accounts today, so yes!
  19. A few relevant facts: As of March 2020, there were 32,164 active accounts. A cubit is roughly 18 inches. Howard the Duck is one of the worst movies ever made. Keep it coming.
  20. Not responding to anyone in particular: You're playing it wrong. I'm not saying you suck as a player. I'm saying that playing regeneration as an armor is very different from most other armors. It's click happy. Don't play regen if you don't want to click. It's forward thinking (I need to hit Instant Healing before I take on these Arachnos). Don't play regen if you don't want to think ahead. Yes, you could add all kinds of bells and whistles to regeneration. But at the end of the day, I want extra kudos for soloing Hamidon on a regen brute. Thank you for your attention.
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