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Yomo Kimyata

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Everything posted by Yomo Kimyata

  1. This is certainly true for market orders, but not necessarily for limit orders. Example: sell something at 1 inf. Assuming there are any bids at all, it transacts at the highest outstanding bid. That’s a market order, and you are a market taker (you are ‘taking’ the market conditions.). You are shifting prices lower. Example; post something at 15mm and it doesn’t instasell. It won’t sell until or unless someone bids 15mm or higher and all lower outstanding offers are lifted. That’s a limit order, and you are a market maker. You have no impact on prices. You could post a thousand LotG procs at 15mm, and that wouldn’t move prices lower UNLESS people see there are a thousand more and say “dur, there are a thousand more at market prices” and lower their bids and other sellers start cheapening their offers. And that’s certainly possible, but it’s not a first order consequence.
  2. Some items that are fungible or pooled in the AH: Invention salvage by rarity. Inanimate rods = luck charms. Steel <> Pangean soil. Invention recipes by level. Steadfast Protection Def lvl 30 = Steadfast Def lvl 15. Steadfast Res/End lvl 30 <> Steadfast Knockback lvl 30. Invention enhancements by level. Just like the previous example, but in IO form. Invention enhancement by attuned. Miracle Healing lvl 35 IO = attuned Miracle Healing. Winters Bite A/D <> Superior Winters Bite A/D. Hami Os v. synthetic Hami Os. Lysosome lvl 50 = Synthetic Lysosome lvl 50. Lysosome lvl 50 <> Lysosome lvl 47 <> Cyto lvl 50. Im sure I’m forgetting some, but I haven’t had coffee yet today.
  3. That's what I figured! It's a strange market, and frankly not particularly profitable, so there's not a lot of incentive to get people to buy packs and post them. I buy and sell 100-300 packs a week, not for profit, but to get merits into my Character Items inbox. I'd never sell them at 1 inf like VT does, but I rarely distinguish between sets. When I do list my brute and blaster sets at over 10mm, they usually languish for days if not weeks, so it's really not worth my time to distinguish among ATs. I'm serious about increasing the prices of the hero packs. Yes, prices on the ATOs would probably double, but I think many more people would get involved in buying, opening, maybe converting, and selling the contents. It would also stop the constant hectoring of people saying, "How dare you waste your merits on ATOs!!!".
  4. I hate to quote such an obvious troll, but wanted to mention that I've slotted both the Overwhelming proc and an Avalanche proc in my lvl 20 Rad/regen scrapper. I'm not sure what the radius is for the pseudo-pet, but the chance on the latter going off is something under 20%. Regardless, it's even MORE hilarious. There's more flopping than in an Italian kickety-ball match.
  5. If the problem is "not enough supply available", then it probably would. If the problem is "not enough supply at the price I want to pay", then I don't see that as a problem. More of a primer in basic economics.
  6. For play purposes: DNA Siphon. That **** does everything. For animation: Atom Smasher and variants. The power I desperately wish I had in real life: Super Jump
  7. Clarissa was the one who used safety pins to hold up Eva's fishnet stockings. There's no love lost there.
  8. My solution is to raise the price from 10mm to 25mm, like Winter O's (I'd be ok with occasional sales discounts, like during Halloween or May). I'd argue that most ATOs are fundamentally more "valuable" than WOs, and as far as I can tell the "other stuff" dropping in packs is roughly similar across the three types of packs. Fold that in with a very rare drop rate as well as being able to buy them on the AH and Bob's your uncle.
  9. Don't forget about doing other missions until you level a few times. Soloing +4 AVs is a snap if you've leveled five times since you took the mission.
  10. I've been spending a fair amount of time on Regeneration lately, with a lvl 50 Staff/Regen brute that was one of my first characters on HC, a lvl 50 broadsword/regen brute that I took through Praetoria before going red, and a few more scrappers that are in the 10-30 range. I'm not a be-all-end-all expert, but it's safe to say I know my way around the set a bit. First, I'm absolutely fine with it staying exactly as it is; in fact I might prefer it that way. That is partly a pride issue because it is (arguably?) the "most difficult" armor to excel with. But it is also because I really enjoy having to actively manage my armor set as well as my offense set. It's one of the reasons I really like Bio armor as well. Second, I do not adhere to the belief that "every set needs to be balanced around SOs." That just seems foolish to me, since the only people who use SOs only are doing it as a challenge. I just refuse to believe that there are people new to the game who are so dim they have only managed to figure out what SOs are but IOs are this big unknowable mystery. That said, I know that some people will come after me with pitchforks if I suggest improvements that will only benefit IO users, so my thoughts below should apply to the SO crowd as well as the IO crowd. My thoughts on improvements to the set: -- Level 16 is pretty late for a melee set to get their mez protection. I could see moving it to 10, moving Dull Pain to 4, and moving Quick Recovery to 16. -- Adding a small, but enhanceable, amount of either damage resistance or defense to Fast Healing, Reconstruction, Integration, and/or Instant Healing would 1. add some layers of survivability and 2. allow for IO set slotting that could add some diversity to builds. -- Adding a small, but enhanceable, amount of PBAoE damage to Integration would also cover points 1 and 2 from the previous point. This might be more difficult to justify concept-wise, but I think something like a small amount of psionic damage would work. Then you could slot a whole new range of IOs. -- Some level of debuff resistance would be nice, but I can certainly live without it.
  11. Just remember, your quality as a CoH player isn’t based on how you defeat AVs solo, or even *IF* you defeat AVs solo. It’s based on how much inf you have. [ducks, flees]
  12. I’ve teamed with petless masterminds And a warshade, I think. I’ve teamed with them allllllllll. PUGs stink.
  13. I've PUGged against Recluse. And I've PUGged against Mynx. I've PUGged against them alllllllllll. PUGs stink.
  14. C'mon, let's open up prestige just so @Ukase and I can have a SG inf-burning war!
  15. So, today I notice a run on uncommon salvage, which is not surprising. Then I notice that there is none for offer under a certain level. I also see that converters have well under 5,000 for sale and that you can drive a figurative truck through the bid-offer. There are a lot of things on the AH that have a wide bid-offer percentage-wise, and I feel that generally they are things that people want when they want them, and consider them valueless otherwise. In real life, I call that the Uber Fallacy. People who want to get a driver complain at how expensive their rides are, how inconvenient it is that they don't have a driver exactly when and where they want it. And then when I suggest that they become an Uber driver to take advantage of this clear market opportunity, they scoff because it is not worth their time. I will admit, I only make markets in yellow salvage when I'm trying to build up a nest egg on a new character (although I've got plenty stored up) and I am definitely a better buyer than seller of converters (they would have to get close to 500,000 before I would consider selling rather than using them). just observing.
  16. In an 8-person team setting, everyone is going to feel that they are picking up the scraps because no one has their kill-all AoEs up for every mob. so don't sweat that. My most overpowered AoE scrapper is Rad/Bio, and it's ridiculous solo.
  17. I was on the cusp of curing cancer until I started leveling my rad/regen scrapper.
  18. I love this post. It gives context and relative comparisons. My benchmark is my broadsword/invulnerability scrapper at +3. I agree Nightstar was a pain in the rear.
  19. During Live, I had a real drinking problem when I was playing CoH. Or maybe I had a real playing CoH problem when I was drinking. Regardless, I'm in a much better place now!
  20. Just curious. It is true that all’s fair in love and war, but I wanted to see how definitions vary when someone says their build solos AVs. is it every AV? Is it at -1 or +4? Can you use any temp powers or inspirations? And so on. For me, I consider a +2 Nemesis AV as my benchmark. I try to only use the powers in my sets, but some builds use Envenomed daggers. I think inspirations in your inventory are fair game, but I won’t claim more during the fight. I don’t use boosters or temp power summons or Lore pets. I may think of more later. Under those standards, all of my 50s are AV capable. Some can go to +4, but not all. what about you?
  21. Good thoughts, and I generally buy into @Nemus theory on range over melee, but the problems I have (which are admittedly few) are with bosses and AVs. I'm not at the point in my blasterdom to kite them, so generally I go toe to toe and that's when one or two blows get through and floor me (I'm looking at you, Infernal.) but it's highly possible that my feeling that I'm getting hit a lot more than 5% of the time can be chalked up to observer bias. I'm sure not going to spend the time looking through combat logs. I neglected to mention that my typed defenses are 39/39/56/46/17/17/17. If the -to hit buffs from dark/diamagnetic/beta decay/other are working as intended, I should be effectively capped to smashing and lethal already, so maybe I'm better off chasing resistance bonuses instead. I appreciate the comments on beta decay and abyssal gaze, but for now I'm sticking to my guns. Beta Decay early on debuffs not only to hit but defense, which saves me a lot of misses before I have accuracy bonuses. Yes, it's a pain to have it drop, but my secret is to not let it drop. I'm guessing that as a toggle it pulses every ten seconds so that enemies rushing into melee range don't get affected instantly, so maybe that explains some of it. As far as abyssal gaze goes, I have a working 3-power ranged single target chain already and adding a fourth ranged attack doesn't seem to add to my DPwhatever as much as the protective aspect of having two ranged holds at my disposal. I'll probably play around with it on another build though.
  22. My God, it's full of stars!
  23. I think that Homecoming took that tact with every new set they have introduced. I'm particularly thankful for the PvP snipe set though.
  24. Ok, I'm finishing up on my Dark/Atomic blaster -- learned a lot. I also found myself questioning some of my previous assumptions and trying out some new things. I was hopinh to make a tank mage, and fell somewhat short. I fell prey to something I fall for a lot; incarnates make good builds better, but don't really fill the fundamental holes I wanted to fix. I believe that is mainly AT dependent, but I'll keep trying. Some observations: - I really like having both Build Up and Aim. Use one for the setup, and one for the knockout punch. - I think I'm missing something. I'm running about 26% melee defense and 41% ranged defense. Anything I hit with Umbral Torrent should get its To Hit debuffed by 6.3%, and another 5% minimum from Diamagnetic (100% chance). Anything in melee range gets to Hit debuff by 8.2% from beta decay, another 5% minimum from Diamagnetic if it gets hit by any of my PbAoE attacks, and more if it's a dark blast attack (or the -to hit proc in Atom Smasher). I'm getting hit a LOT more than 5% of the time. Maybe that's my net melee defense being too low; maybe it's high accuracy opponents. I'll experiment further. - +4 is no problem for anything except AVs. +2 AVs are fine. That may be the build or just how I currently play. - I really enjoy having two ranged holds to neuter troublesome bosses. I changed the slotting from both being 4x Basilisk's Gaze to 2x BG and 5x Superior Entomb (I NEVER thought I'd find a reason to slot that, but here we are.) Gave up recharge for ranged defense and some other goodies. The minor flaws I have with the build are: I'd like more damage (who wouldn't?), ironclad mez protection (I worked on solving that with incarnates for a bit, but ended up just carrying some break frees. Best way to not get mezzed is to not get hit!), a little more endurance for drawn out fights. Overall, I'd give it an A-! Final build as follows (although I may swap out the Mako's set build for Blistering Cold to help even out my melee v. ranged defense disparity.) If the servers ever go back online, I can start her alter ego, a Radiation Blast/Dark Manipulation blaster. Looks interesting on paper. Happy hunting!
  25. You know what really gets my spandex in a twist? So you decide to clean out the recipes on a playing alt. I go to a vendor and sell all of the common recipes, all of the unsexy rares. Then I start to craft and gather salvage and I open up and find a yellow recipe that requires rare salvage. That is generally the only time I will delete a recipe -- purely out of spite.
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