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Everything posted by Ukase

  1. Of course they do - but then again, they're practically free. When you buy a lot of winter packs at 10M (15M was this year, but I haven't opened many of those yet) and you have literally hundreds, if not thousands of winter-Os, the surplus are sold, at a profit. All of the boosters, catalysts ... all that stuff is practically free, because a few months after the sale, Winter-Os that were catalyzed sold for 25-30M. The reward merits, the catalysts, the boosters, unslotters, the converters, the amplifiers, those are just gravy. Now, because they could be sold, they have an opportunity cost - using them costs me a sale of however much I'd make. But - that's an unrealized gain. It's not the same thing as me buying 180+ boosters to max out my character. Those boosters used are also an opportunity cost, are they not? One person plucks them from character email from a pack that already paid for its purchase. Another just buys it straight from the AH. Or maybe they bought it from proceeds of simply selling 10M packs at 25M. I've no idea. Either way, by opening the packs, and selling surplus items, It's practically free. One can make the valid argument, that they cost time - which is a more precious resource than even money. For money (real world money) can be accumulated. Time cannot. But, in the midst of a pandemic, working from home...what else am I gonna do?
  2. The only folks that are doing this are "buying now", as opposed to plucking things from character email like boosters & catalysts.
  3. No. I am the clown that says people should reply to a message if sent one. A common courtesy. Yes, you should use lfg to let others who haven't yet sent a tell that you're full. But the folks who sent a recruiter a tell, the recruiter should reply in kind.
  4. You can join multiple SGs, just not with the same character. No rule against (that I know of) joining one sg with one character, and joining another SG with a different character. Anecdotally, I can tell you - it can really suck popping in a new sg and see their base is super extravagant - so much so - you lag when you enter it. The leaders of Cosmic - they'd rather build a base with all the bells and whistles than play the game, it seems to me. Such useless fluff, and the teleporters and workshop are a country mile from the portal. But - some folks genuinely love and appreciate that glitz. And it brings them joy, so why not? But, with any SG, you're only going to get out of it what you put into it. If you invest in your in-game relationships, it's bound to be worthwhile. Unless you're a jerk, lol. Then, maybe not.
  5. While Adjusted Targeting recipes are correctly in the AH as level 21-50, in the Attuned section, there are 3 Adjusted Targeting IOs that read they are slottable at level 7 (and at least one of them, I confirmed was slotted at level 10) 3 in the set can't be slotted until level 17, 3 of them may be slotted at 7. Obviously, since I've got one slotted prior to level 20, it's a glitch of some sort. Shouldn't be slottable until level 17.
  6. For inspiration macros, I've always gone to this particular URL - although, it's a bit slow, and occasionally I have to reload it. https://web.archive.org/web/20120904041854/http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=125603
  7. If I'm remembering correctly, part of the concealment pool used to have an intangible power, but the end usage of this toggle was quite a bit more than my low level characters could handle. I was in the red zone of the Hollows, and a CoT Spectral Ghost was dishing out some major damage. I popped the intangible power, and was safe...for about 15 seconds or so, when my endurance ran out and got defeated quickly. But, that was...man, that had to be issue 4 or 5 days. A long time ago, so I could be off.
  8. So...I thought about some things...and thought some more. Even brought out the spreadsheet, logged how many IOs there were on the market, looked at the demand for them (bidding value), then looked at how many items could be converted into these particular type of IOs. About 6400 of these items in total, already crafted. Another 400 as recipes. I could, conceivably buy them all. At least at a moment in time. Briefly, I suspect I could drive the price up. If the supply has been choked, and demand remains the same...then a few of the normal players would simply pay more, pull from reserves in base or other less-played characters. But, as has been mentioned in this thread and forum routinely - any player can disrupt the market briefly - but within a short moment in time, other players will see the choke on supply and invade the niche and increase the supply. The end result is the initial...instigator (Me?) is likely left with a lot of inventory that they won't be able to sell at the hoped for price. Ultimately, in the long run, the case might be made in certain circumstances, the tactics used would result in more players entering that niche, and the price would be driven lower still. And let's face it - buying thousands of items, when you can only get 10 at a time...just no. I think watching paint dry would be more fun.
  9. The issue with this scenario is whether or not PvP rules apply. The most ridiculous notion the Paragon devs had was to make different rules apply. And with the way defense and resistances are impacted, it's going to impact all these characters somewhat differently. Now, if they were all to suddenly play as they do in pve, it would all depend on tactics. In a "best 2 out of 3 falls", there'd be a different winner each time. Candidly, I don't know if my ill/rad controller (or pets) would have the perception to see my stalker. If not...well, pretty clear how that would end. Then there's my shield tank. All the defense debuff resistance and the defense...I wonder if anything would get a hit in. I dunno. I'll say the ice blaster for kicks and grins. I'm probably just more comfortable with it than any other character. Stands to reason it would fare better.
  10. Another option, for others that may have the same issue - simply left click on the channel you wish to set the motd for. When you left click, you should see this:
  11. I've had success doing the same strategy. The only difference is to free the heroes prior. This way, the trial completes, often as the npcs are gang-rushing the area where the titan is, and the sooner folks can exit the map, the safer it is at that point. Just my .o2 inf.
  12. For a list of Hero only badges - consider this site: https://n15g.github.io/badger/homecoming On this site, there are options to seek (and check off as completed if you wish) badges by alignment, accomplishment, Achievement, Accolades, History, Exploration, etc. You can track one character, or as many as you like. Well, at least 12. That's how many I was tracking at one time. I've have since come to my senses and took 7 off the list.
  13. AE critters, regardless of NPC faction don't count towards defeat badges. Further, influence earned in AE don't count towards AE badges, either. There are a couple of things that DO work well for badges in AE. One is recipe rejection. See the p2w vendor to reject uncommon and rare recipes. Run yourself a few AE maps for tickets. See the ticket vendor in AE and get some random recipe rolls, as cheaply as you can, 60 tickets a pop. You will not get the recipes, and get credit towards the recipe rejection badge. Additionally, if you're sitting (or doing the helping/hitting) in an AE map, any recipe drops will also count towards the rejection. Ideally, you'd wait until you have all the other badges before doing this so you wouldn't have to get 60,000 tickets. The most I've had to get were about 150 recipes worth. Takes maybe 5-6 runs of Brigg's 125 map. (and you get ticket max so fast, you don't even have to clear that tiny map. Literally only takes about a minute) Vet levels are something else I've gotten in AE, although, it's rarely necessary. It's only been the last couple of characters I've finished all badges on the character before vet level 99 that I've taken the liberty of farming the rest just to be "complete".
  14. I can't even blame the game in this next case. Those who badge, know there's currently one mission, at the end of Sister Solaris arc, that has one npc that counts as an incarnate cimeroran traitor. TWICE in the past couple of weeks - the first in a Pandora's Box arc, and just now in Mender Remiel's Alpha unlock arc, last mission - there were Cimeroran traitors - that were level 51. And my badge ticker moved. For the wrong badge. Just the regular Cimeroran Traitors, not the incarnate ones. And twice, it fooled me because I didn't look for the word Incarnate.
  15. When ya get to be my age, you lose patience. At least I do. The closer I get to death, the more impatient I get. At least they don't make ya wait for the ferry to arrive before you can take it.
  16. One thing that I have noticed, and it may just be perception bias, but the newer contacts, newer arcs seem to give more story arc bonus XP. Noticeably more. On one character, on blue side, I was tracking the bonuses. The hard part was if you're level 7, you'd get bonus X, but if you're level 8, you'd get bonus X plus a little more, so it's really hard to compare apples to apples in that regard. If anyone is curious, the spreadsheet is attached. xpbonus.xlsx
  17. I feel like I should add/amend something. The time stamp on chat is incredibly useful.
  18. Hah, figures the contact I choose is one known for making zone hops a requirement. But on my Redside crawl teams, anecdotally, this isn't a one-off. It happens routinely throughout the levels, across many contacts. And yes, there are zone transport tools, which my character does have -- but when you finish these missions quickly - and the recharges for them are longer than it takes to finish the missions, I'm forced to do things the old fashioned way - hop to ouro, hop to grandville or wherever...I miss the instant SGTP macro that you could use from anywhere during those times. (useless info - ALL my characters get all the transport tools from p2w, including the sg portal, unless they're a special challenge character) And I don't dare suggest blue side isn't the same, as far as zone hopping goes. Only that both sides share this negative feature. Routinely. It is what it is.
  19. Kindly tell me which contact gives those hunts. I'm aware of the insane Numina hunts..and those are annoying, for sure. And I did have Christopher Maxwell tell me to tackle ..I think it was 25 Nemesis 3x in a row, but there were 48 merits waiting on me, so I took the hit. I don't complain to say that blue side is better than red. I complain to say that red side is not the best side. It's all subjective, but red side is not immune to useless busy work missions.
  20. So, let me try to convey this with transparency. I've always preferred blue side. Why? Because I find all the roaches, snakes, spiders ...well, unsavory. That, and the initial implementation ripped my SG in half, when half bailed on blue to go check out the red side. Never saw those folks again. So, never did like red side. Years have elapse, and well, I've done all the blue stuff. There's still some things I'll re-visit, either for kicks or for accolades, but figured I'd start doing some red side stuff in the 20's, 30s & 40's. Hey, I'm trying to give red side equal time. But, just like on blue side, I'm sent from Granville to St. Martial, to Grandville, to Mercy, back to Grandville, back to St. Martial. Add to that - it took the 3rd mission before Vernon Von Grun would give me his number. This notion that red side doesn't send you zone hopping is clearly false. My missions were set to +4/3 on my fire blaster, level 47, and I just took down 15 Spires in a pseudo-Eden map. Just big bags of HP. I didn't even see any mobs, lol. Just 15 chunks of HP to knock out. And none of them gave any XP! You villains have an odd definition of fun.
  21. Perhaps I'm giving the player base too much credit. I just can't see folks doing it to specifically screw things up for other players. After all, this scenario shows spending the inf a bit over market price to keep others from getting the loot. So, you're not likely to make much off of it -- but then again, I've seen folks go a bit crazy when they want to buy something "now".
  22. I am now going to pull out a crafting table on Everlasting and just wait for the freebies!
  23. I'm sure I've mentioned this before but way back when I first started playing, it was issue 3. And the only reason I know that is a short time later, the Arenas and issue 4 hit, and frankly, I was surprised. It never occurred to me that a company would make a game, sell it - and then change it after I bought it. It feels a lot like "bait and switch" to me, and I'm still surprised that this is done. At the time, I wasn't experienced enough as a player to know who was talking sense and who was ...just talking, but the changes weren't popular to my recollection. But, nobody seemed to be suing for bait and switch, and I was just learning what an MMO was. I got the game having no idea what an MMO was. I knew it was an acronym, but I don't recall seeing on the box what it actually meant. I was quite shocked to learn that these other characters were other people playing the game. It was a good while before I figured that out. I think it was a blind team invite that made it clear. But that's not the dumbest way. And the dumb part is on me, not the game, or maybe we share the burden. This is the best way I can explain it, by this picture. Look at the Allowed Enhancements. In this particular power, there are 6 types allowed. So, I blindly slotted one of each. So, this power was the first power chosen, to accompany the given power, Electric Fence. Take note that in Electric Fence, 7 types are allowed. I believe I was level 24, following a respec trial, when this conundrum of how to slot 7 types when I only had 6 slots. A "Mr. Sticky", whom I'd just completed the 24-33 respec trial with began to dig a little more deeply behind the reason for my question. He then suggested I look at the forums. I had no idea there were forums! I can't be sure, but I'm pretty sure registration didn't occur through the forums, but through email and the game itself. But, it's been a while, I could certainly be wrong. In any event, that's how I learned "Allowed Slotting" meant options, not policy. That's my dumbest moment in game, I think. That and pursuing all the badges on more than one character.
  24. If you look at the bottom right, you'll see +recharge and a % figure. That's where you see it. Note that the Totals tab is selected. Also take note that the Green light at the right of the bar is selected. What this does is automatically add the 70% hasten boost to the total. If this light isn't on, the total recharge figure does not take into account that 70% recharge boost.
  25. I can't speak too much about melee for this question, as my "challenge" characters were all non-armor ATs, like blasters, corruptors & defenders. Also, my characters went without the use of p2w for anything. So, that added to the "pain" of each character in the leveling process, so take that into account. Also, I didn't want to be a burden to anyone, so 99% of what I did was solo. I wouldn't ordinarily want to team with someone purposely handicapping themselves, so I felt it would be hypocritical to do so. You mention you can't stand being mezzed, but blasters are never truly mezzed as the t-1 & t-2 attacks will fire when mezzed...which is a bit crazy, but not complaining. Even so, for SO only, I found the blasters hitting a bit of a wall at level 20 or so. Not impossible, but without the corruptor secondary to help mitigate things like endurance, recharge & defense, for me it was just easier with the corruptors & defenders. I read through the forums, and my take-away was that if solo, when choosing between corr & def, go defender. Anecdotally, some powersets the opposite seemed true, but for some, the adage held true. Dark/Dark/Dark defender was probably the most painless, as I rarely got hit, and the damage, while not as fun as a blaster, was passable. 2nd for me was the water/sonic corruptor. Even with just SOs, once I got Sonic Dispersion - an endurance using resist toggle, combined with the knockdown/Knockback of water primary, this character was also rather painless. I had thought Dark/rad corruptor & Defender versions would be good, too, but the radiation secondary, while excellent on teams, when solo, the use of the big three - enervating field, Lingering Rad, and Radiation Infection - the animations and toggle costs were just too high to eke out the attacks required.
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