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Everything posted by TheMoneyMaker

  1. See below. Exactly.
  2. I mentioned it in a thread in the General section already but hear me out. Every time someone completes the Lord Winter's Realm trial, have a random snowman invasion in a random zone announced in the appropriate Hero/Villain zone events channel and have snowmen start spawning in that zone like zombies.....just a seemingly unending winter horde accompanied by a brief snowstorm filling the air. Just need to create levelless snowmen mobs, maybe add a few badges for defeating X amount of each rank, and give us the gray sky and snowfall effect for the duration. When the threat ends, the snowfall ends and it's assumed that local conditions warm up enough to melt the snow to explain why we don't have snow accumulation like in Atlas Park. Badge Suggestions Defeat 100 snowmen minions: Polar Bear Challenge Defeat 50 snowmen lieutenants: Blizzard Survivor Defeat 10 snowmen bosses: Arctic Avenger Defeat 1 snowmen elite boss: Hypothermia If enough snowmen are defeated in a given time, maybe Lord Winter shows up too. Defeating Lord Winter awards the Snowball temp power as you collect a bit of snow to throw around and it has lasting (not permanent) effects.
  3. Would be nice to see additional winter content added. I still run the Baby New Year, Winter Lady, and Winter Lord missions, but it would be nice to see something new. A new mission every year would be a little much to ask, but with players being able to do stuff in AE they could hold a contest and best one could get added as an official mission, TF, or trial the following year. Maybe one year a new badge, another year a new mission, the following year a different temp power reward when opening presents and/or exchanging candy canes. What I'd like to see is the winter event have an effect in other zones than Atlas Park. I know we won't get the full transformation, but how about seeing something like a zombie invasion with snowmen popping up and for the duration of the snowmen invasion we get snowflakes in the air. Snowfall without sticking is a thing that happens, and with it being a brief snowfall ending as soon as the snowmen stop showing up, we don't need to worry about why the snow didn't last. Maybe have the chance of snowmen invasion be small random chance in each zone with an additional definite spawn somewhere every time someone completes the Winter Lady or Winter Lord content.
  4. I haven't looked at the AE content for awhile. Are the snowmen NPCs available to use in AE?
  5. This is why nicknames are great. Don't know how to pronounce Tub Ci? Just call him Tubby.
  6. You know how the Ears options has Skin and Color options for everything from Elf to Floppy ears? Could we get that as options for tails and wings? I know why skin colors aren't part of the standard palettes for other costume parts, but the ears show that it is possible to have both and and trying to match those extra body parts to your character's skin tone usually ends up looking weird.
  7. Right. Only purples and basic IOs get boosted, everything else I use attuned. You said everyone you know uses boosted rather than IOs so I was pointing out that I'm not in that category of people you know
  8. I use attuned for everything but purples because I tend to skip a lot of content and then go back to things when teaming with others, which means exemping often.
  9. AI has a problem with the shape of words
  10. Energy melee cybernetic prosthetic: Strongarm
  11. Got the name Strongarm for a tech-themed NRG/Bio scrapper
  12. Great, so we'll need a "Holy Moley Affinity" support set in addition to an Angels summoning.
  13. Ideally if NPCs could occasionally spawn in different places at different times, it would both make the dance floor seem more dynamic and also have some of those potentially "good RP spots" occasionally be free to anyone who wants them while other times they'll just have to wait.
  14. I'd like a non-mini AE Technician pet to follow me around, like they're taking notes and recording data for my upcoming starring role in an AE arc. Whenever it stops, it should randomly go into a clipboard or smartphone texting emote.
  15. Hitstop sounds awful. The point of the titan weapons is that they are big, heavy weapons that build momentum as you swing them around. If it stopped when it hits, momentum gone. And I'm not buying into the idea that the hitstop as proposed would show more oomph to the impact. I think a better case could be made for having an option to cause your screen to shake slightly on a successful hit, like the kind of shake that occurs with the seimic movement aura.
  16. Different power pools, ancillaries, and even slotting can make it feel different, not to mention power customization change colors, animations, costumes, and weapons.
  17. Don't forget arsenal/arsenal dominators.
  18. The separation of terminology is entirely my observation of it. I consider zone events to be the ones limited to specific zones. If it's something that can happen anywhere, then it's less of a zone event and more of an event that happens in various zones.....or a multi-zone event.
  19. I consider the various invasion events to be more multi-zone events since they can occur anywhere. Zone events are the smaller occurrences like the burning buildings in Steel Canyon, the Supa-Trolls in Skyway City, and giant monster appearance that are typically relegated to one zone like Babbage in Boomtown (except when summoned by the Synapse TF), Lusca in IP, Jurassik in Crey's Folly, etc I don't think any of the zones events are wasted but I do think we need more of them, and maybe spread some of the smaller ones out to other zones. Fires should happen in more places than Steel Canyon, but have different enemy groups behind them. Zombie apocalypse is fun, but maybe occasional smaller zombie uprisings in zones that have graveyards, like Striga, Dark Astoria, and Sharkhead.
  20. Heroes never die. Except when they do. No one ever stays dead in comics. True, but it's not Statesman's time to come back. He should wait until City of Heroes 2: City Harder.
  21. What about an illusion affinity set for defenders, corruptors, controllers, and masterminds? Use visuals and some animations from the illusion set to add a mix of buff and debuff effects on foes.
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