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Everything posted by TheMoneyMaker

  1. I think I'd prefer the witches, and if they could ever get pet customization then you could make them generic to your heart's content.
  2. Guys with guns is probably the most generic concept there is and we have 2 of those already But generic isn't always what's needed. A good thematic fit for minions makes for a good pet set. Things that hang around together normally would be ideal as pets, such as the aforementioned vampires, witches, and werewolves. Vampires do suck (ha ha) because of the similar power nature to Necromancy, but a coven of witches would be ideal. There's a lot of variety to what could be added to witches for powers, but throwing in a few storm blast powers for the MM to use as attacks would make it stand out from the other sets and go well with storm summoning as a secondary.
  3. We need some new mastermind primaries. I know we have undead with Necromancy, but their pets are so zombie-ish. Why can't we get a vampire set so we can wander around with a brood of vampire underlings? Or a coven of witches? Or a pack of wolves? Something new? I think MM is the only AT that hasn't gotten any new primary powersets for the duration of Homecoming's existence.
  4. Why isn't shark an option for monstrous heads in the costume creator? **sigh**
  5. I think there's some merit to this idea, but instead of one power set we'd need, we need 8. One of each for the following: Armor, Assault, Blast, Control, Manipulation, Melee, Pets, Support....plus I guess blend them as needed to get the EATs and VEATs sets. Each set should have a variety of ridiculous effects with some crossover in themes but maybe something different about each one. And for a one day only special event, when everyone logs in, all ATs have their power sets replaced by the appropriate type. Slotting doesn't change, just what happens when you use the powers you thought you had. I think April might be a good month to have this event, but after the first day it could get really irritating and so should end pretty quickly.
  6. Knight Bright, an armored PB who does have a sword thanks to missions in Croatoa
  7. Looks like some kind of Japanese motorcycle rider superhero
  8. someone has to
  9. I like to use my illusion dominator to confuse bosses, EBs, and the occasional AV to the point where they just clear the room out of their loyal followers while imagining them coming out of it and wondering "where the hell are my thugs??"
  10. Trolls.....where the men are men, and so are the women.
  11. And here I thought that the female trolls just stayed home to cook, clean, and make more trolls. And I'm so glad my wife doesn't come to the forums anymore.
  12. I love that we got some single eye aura options, but I was wondering if there would ever be an effort to expand on the right and left hand only options that started with the newer auras. The older auras are still good, but if I want one with just a left or right fist, I'm usually out of luck and have to make do with one of the others. In addition, would love to see some existing effects in the game be added as aura options. The Symphony Control effects look like they would be fun to have swirling around me constantly, or maybe as a path aura The hearts & broken hearts from the valentines day could lend themselves to characters who want to fight using the power of love. I could also see that one being a path aura leaving hearts behind whenever you move The Ghosts aura would look cool as a path aura, like where ever you walk, the spirits of the dead rise up Okay, just a joke one here, but there might be a niche for it: bullets aura, like empty shell casings that drop when you're using machinegun fire, but dropping off you constantly like you're sweating bullets. Okay, they're not all good in the base creator, there's an object called Galaxy under the Arcane FX options the might look cool swirling around a character's body or head. I could also see it in place of a character's head if they chose the headless option and this as an aura under Ambient FX, there's things like swirling leaves, swirling trash, street paper that could be used to surround a character like the Magnetic aura has metallic debris floating around you and under Tech FX there's the Data Stream Swirl option which could be used as a from-the-ground-up effect like the Wisps aura Just a few ideas, though I guess once you start looking at assets from other locations in the game there would be a world of possibilities.
  13. Packin' a pair of these on a new blaster called Firearms.
  14. It does
  15. Good? Bad? I'm the guy with the burning hands.
  16. I'd like to see something done for hats like how they split boots, gloves, and shoulders into two options so on the hat menu you could click the little circle to the right of that menu option to split Hat and Hair into separate options, then each hat that's available would affect which hair styles are available under it which could be tested ahead of time to see what major clipping issues might occur, like the tall spikey hair or the medusa snakes hair just aren't going to work with any hats. Several hairstyles won't, and maybe each hat might only work with a few different hairstyles. I think most people would find that hat selections with even a few hairstyle options would be preferable to a single hat/hair combination. Of course, this will likely never happen because of all the testing of each hat with each hair style on all three character models that would be required to find out what works and what doesn't. But it is nice to dream.
  17. worker robot named Task He's got a big old wrench in that backpack
  18. That's the one right there
  19. Finally got a good Native American themed character look, and Krea did a pretty good job with her. I like the one on the left better but it didn't give her the head band so I did it again.
  20. I tried to come up with something other than the usual to set it apart, that's why defense + absorb instead of resists, but yeah there's a lot of room in using time to protect yourself to come up with various ideas and borrow elements of other powersets to work with it. A temporal echo could work like Phantom Army copies of yourself but they can't attack and can be fairly easily dispatched. Maybe that could be it's tier 9 power so that you don't have copies constantly but when you whip them out they're durable and draw aggro to themselves to protect you for a short duration.
  21. And I ripped you off to make a Native American nature/archery defender called: Verdant
  22. That is a fantastic look.
  23. Temporal Aura sounds fine, I just didn't want to confuse anyone about what it was.
  24. Invasion events aren't the story. They're something that happens that players can choose to take part in or not. Spider-man doesn't run headlong into every Kree, Skrull, or other alien invasion because the Fantastic Four or Avengers are better equipped to deal with it. He might have to hit a few aliens on his way to deal with another problem or might be too busy. So if you choose not to participate and the invasion went away, you can assume other heroes got involved and repelled it or that some behind the scenes story that isn't for you occurred.....maybe the aliens achieved a goal and backed off, maybe they realized their current efforts were futile. Doesn't matter. All that matters is did you choose to be on the ground to meet them or not. Why are the aliens attacking? Takeover attempt? Raiding for resources? Something else? It doesn't matter in the heat of the moment of the invasion. You want story purpose for aliens, visit the Vanguard outpost and do missions. Zombie invasions aren't about a central figure guiding them. It's rampant undead on the loose. Why? Chemical spill reanimating the dead? Some ancient deity giving life to them? Alternate reality where everyone is undead briefly overlapping the main reality? None of it matters. Make up whatever head canon you want for your character's involvement or lack thereof.
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