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Bill Z Bubba

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Everything posted by Bill Z Bubba

  1. Just so ya know, Werner, when I soloed the max diff ITF, I HAD to use ultimate insps. Otherwise the autohit fluffy would tear me to pieces before I could kill it or final Rom. So kudos, mang. Well fought.
  2. Truth. If I really want to, I can go 1 to 50 in two hours. But right now? I am soloing my new earth/earth dom in radio missions at lvl 26 and loving her. As for EA, it sucked REALLY bad when it was created. Then it got fixed. It's pretty damn sweet now and I would also love to see it on tanks.
  3. It's 45 for regular content but 58 for incarnate content. Either goal is fine, I just prefer that extra bit to help when I'm farmin DA repeatable missions. Edit: That and barrier go a long way toward keeping me up and scrappin no matter what is coming at me.
  4. Supremacy is MINE! Muuuhahahah!
  5. Leveling is as fast or slow as you decide it to be. We have 1000 character slots. There is zero need for such a change. Delete and rebuild or just build new. I've already deleted at least as many lvl 50s as I currently have on Excel. It ain't rocket surgery.
  6. Buying my first house for my wife and stepson was an accomplishment. Learning to ride a bike was an accomplishment. Shooting 40 out of 40 on my last marksmanship exam in the Army was an accomplishment. We all have different views on what accomplishment means. For me, in game, soloing the ITF at max diff with my main was an accomplishment. Hitting 666 vet levels on him was an accomplishment. For some, getting all the badges is an accomplishment. Grinding through content instead of powerleveling and never twinking a character with funds from another alt is an accomplishment. Do what you want. Play how you want. Don't try to frell over the rest of us that don't agree with your definition of accomplishment. I buy my purples from the market cuz it's not difficult to rake in the inf, regardless of how one might choose to rake it in. The game continues to be played by me because of alts now in a way it didn't back before the snap. I enjoy how I play it now, just as I enjoyed how I played it then in a different way. In short, to the topic, /jranger.
  7. +spd is only for movement powers. Side note: you can softcap to all positions without Elude or Kuji-In Retsu, so I'm in the camp that skips both.
  8. SR Quickness is +20% rec-red. I'm not seeing a +rec-red power in Nin as per Mids Reborn. Nin also appears to have less +def powers which would mean less LotG +rec-red IOs.
  9. I've always been against the medicine pool for melee characters, so here's my latest claws/sr scrap build for comparison and maybe ideas. Or not. Your resistances and HP are considerably better. More than likely, I'll dump the perfshifter end/acc for one of the new endmod +change for heals. | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Reborn : Hero Designer to view the build | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |MxDz;1542;713;1426;HEX;| |78DA7594594F135114C7EF74A6D669595A4BCB4E179602A5A5555FDC13648940B15| |0D4C4C4E0B45CA03A8186428447BF8226FAAA2FC627BF83AFAE5F404D78F385C52D| |D1A77A66FE47DAA47192E677E77FFFE79C7BEE9DDBCCCE78C3ABA9875784D274D53| |4CAE5A55C61D32895E4A63363AC160B821EEF58D134C3B7C363DBF9BC119E9BB8E5| |22B1E59F6F29234D299314FCA01C3A16C7E58A5C2FCB646EDB7A5B902BA6DC9165E| |1C96E6C98C949B3B8BAB6D588B1352CAEAFBAEDB75C49CAE5067B382B8D12E9BE89| |52B1901CDB58DE5DCA18E52DB9B9DB46D513F45BB396613F15213EAA42A43591B13| |4C5D654E1556CCDE1074FB480DE0078CFC55651712A3107BC83A03604B60C835D71| |B0EF35D1AF89398A55B98ECA75B4FFD4F190D7C9EB74F612D2BA304973D9D52B4ED| |75DCDF69D349879D05D602E8341093A2856473E87FE097D873F83912F60963C1EAE| |E989085BBB4F5A23F7DB780EFD349D675EE07E2F82C14BE0E873D49CA7D866F4EB6| |83E408DDE43E637709D3C3ECEEF4B20FE5492390A26529C37CD1C41EC02C5FA915F| |F81358EF75D2025C3330C9B5A6C0BE6950254F2B3CCED69FD0BA7E813DBF796FFE7| |0CC6970C80AE8A6F3A2D8763EC3763EC3888FC96738C06718256F277A533AE3585F| |9899A3B96E5E6737EFCD10EFCD30EF4D893C21DE9BD01BF6BC65CF3BE67B30F1014| |CEF818B141BE51EA39C7F80F30F1C8131AE13FBCEFC010629B61FB14ABFDD932ED2| |0130479641FE4606E3F82E5FD00712E75AF108728C5CC67E8D4C1363C47D5EE7571| |5F9AE59BA2E74AA95E47CC91978445088146B29DECB2EADE6DE56E81121EDF8D656| |86EB6653754ABA4E3953A79CAD5366EB94AC76FC0F20145BD1BD74AFA154F6DD34A| |BD4CE1E5615A7328F6EDA169839B06311ECB9C1BC091ED4653BAA2AAAF208F7A1E1| |31F309D8F11434DCF6AAED75E56BC6776AC6D99AF18C9FC278475F46ABE3C9D6EAF| |899E561FF5F87A9F975| |-------------------------------------------------------------------|
  10. Failing cuz you suck is a far different matter than failing because the servers crashed or your internet went down or your cat chewed through your mouse cable. Just a thought.
  11. While not a badger myself, I hang out with a lot of them and wholeheartedly agree that time travel should allow you the ability to get this done as it does for so many other badges.
  12. Capped defense means fark-all without proper defense debuff resistance. Claws/SR for the win.
  13. It performs well above the norm. I don't play it. Hate the slow/fast mechanic of it.
  14. Can't put my finger on it but something about this seems fitting.
  15. I get a great kick out of duoing the ITF with my buds.
  16. I have four Bill Z Bubba's (scrapper, brute, tank, stalker) with mostly the same costume and base look but of differing sizes and slightly altered first names (Baal, Beel, Beal.) All are claws/sr. I have some other SR users. I've got one other claws user. I've got around 50 alts right now, most at 50. Beyond my love of BZB, I try to branch out as much as possible on AT/Powerset/Costume.
  17. I've got a staff/bio. Cruising around with both damage modes is quite nice.
  18. Cuz the game feeds my scrapperlock in a way very little else has ever been able to do. It doesn't matter if I'm not playing a scrapper. There's a meditative quality to the game, solo or on teams, that was always incredibly soothing and fun. The fact that I can so easily ignore bad quantities, be they stories or people or leveling slogs, is a huge freaking plus. I don't say it lightly, I loved this game before, I love it now. Even if I have spent the last week playing State of Decay 2 instead. The fact that I *know* CoH is again there whenever I need it is fucking joyous.
  19. Was pondering the same for my claws/sr(s).
  20. I am Jack's confusion?
  21. There are things I can solo on max diff that I probably shouldn't be able to. There are things I still can't solo on max diff. Master of badges have probably become too easy. I can still bite off far more than I can chew with the majority of my characters the majority of the time. So, a bit too easy post 50. (Thus my calls to remove two of the three levels shifts and only allow the one left to be used for incarnate level stuff.) Pretty much just right before that.
  22. Trees and plants are ok with pee. People, not so much. Go listen to this while scrappin:
  23. Fark 'em. People that piss on love deserve a good punch to the face.
  24. Doh. Dark Astoria. The rent's cheap.
  25. As the title suggest, there are two time melee attacks that I never took but my fire/time blaster is in desperate need of a rework and I only have this to ask: Are the melee attacks in /time worth bothering with if I'm going for a full melee blaster build? Crap... guess if I knew their real DPA I'd have my answer. No, scratch that, this isn't about numbers. This is about feel. Is there any benefit at all going heavy melee on a fire/time blaster?
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