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Bill Z Bubba

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Everything posted by Bill Z Bubba

  1. This is an untrue statement. Tic Tac Toe can only be won when the person that goes second doesn't understand Tic Tac Toe. Correction: Tic Tac Toe can only be won if one of the players doesn't understand Tic Tac Toe.
  2. @Telephone A three minute response time for something that you're volunteering for is pretty damn awesome. Thanks!
  3. I still love my wm/bio scrapper. Beatin the hell out of people with a pipe wrench is a hoot. /in game, of course...
  4. Damn. Good thing the only time I ever ate them was when they were left in Everclear overnight.
  5. SG I run with did just enough so they could get the badges and a decent time was had by all. I even have a katana/nin scrapper built specifically to kill high defense characters just for those runs.
  6. I wouldn't gignore you but I would pelt you with strawberries. I'd prefer hasten to be made a passive at +20% recharge.
  7. Claws/SR, of course. I'm not allowed to post what I'd do with it. Fly cuz I'm jealous of birds.
  8. It fits my worldview. I was 19 in Germany in the Army when Nevermind was released.
  9. Dude. What kind of freakin monster do you think I am? There is no GreatWhiteSnakeLion in my musical selection. Here's some scrappin tunage:
  10. From the Incarnate screen. Shards section, scroll through it and you'll find the option.
  11. And many others went in fully researched, prepared, had PvP builds when that became a thing, did quite well with them and still walked away with a pretty set opinion on PvPers in general that over the years was often only ever strengthened by forum posts from the PvP crowd across multiple games. So, I will happily go into any thread asking to push PvP into PvE zones and quite loudly proclaim my distaste for the idea and continue to explain why when needed. In other words, PvP, historically, brings in a certain type of player and more often than not, it's the type of person I wouldn't hang out with in real life. There are, of course, exceptions to the rule but they're the minority.
  12. This is why I requested that we be able to convert threads to emps. Even if it was 100 to 1.
  13. Well, now I am confused; common sense and logic are the REASONS I'm always pissed off.
  14. Nope. Not in my case. I use ignore in game for racists and channel spammers. GoldenGirl isn't around so I don't need to use ignore here on the forums. I spent my time in the PvP zones for PvP and have never been a badger. Nice try, but in my case, you're way off the mark.
  15. Only posting in here because of the other thread by @The_Warpact No. Hell no. Fark no. Absolutely not. Keep PvP in PvP zones and the arena where it belongs. Do not put that crap in PvE zones. Ever. Maybe when the world isn't eating itself and there's no longer RL PvP on every damn corner, I'll reconsider. Until then, NO.
  16. Is it paranoia when there's been a perpetual history of griefing related to PvP in general? I remember it as a constant for the entirety of my PvP time back on live. Maybe Pinnacle just had more because we were drunk. I'm fine with any PvP changes the PvPers want to make in PvP zones. It doesn't affect me at all. Keep it the hell out of PvE zones. Full stop. No discussion. Just no. Got more than enough real life PvP going on and I will not have my game time sullied by that shit.
  17. I'm not sure I follow. I don't see anything related to Taunt in Pacing of the Turtle. If anything, I'd think that the -recovery debuff would exacerbate the issue further just by being a debuff.
  18. Another change I might not argue against too much: spread the scaling damres out amongst all 6 +defense powers. 0-10% each. Even with my power order change above, you'd still end up being able to get 0-40% by level 16 with Dodge just as you can now if you take Agile and Dodge by 16.
  19. And it was due to silly design decisions early on. Scrappers were supposed to live on the periphery with the tank dealing with all the AoE, so the devs didn't consider it a problem. They were, of course, wrong, and didn't really begin to see how bad their decisions were until after ED/GDN completely farked over SR and they HAD to add the scaling damres to bring it back up to par. But even then, they knew the power order was broken and made some attempt to fix it for brutes and then used that for tanks but stupidly never fixed it for scrappers or fixed it correctly for any of them. So, to wrap up, claims that SR lags behind other armors with end game builds on the mitigation front: totally baseless. SR lags behind the other armors on the damage front: completely true. It's down there with Regen on buff damage output but slightly ahead thanks to +20% recharge from Quickness. SR's power order is borked and has been since go live: completely true. SR costs more end than other sets: just plain wrong. SR is a one trick pony: Also wrong. It's a hybrid set that's more defense than damres just as Invul is a hybrid set with more damres than defense. Being a defense set, it gets hit with FAR fewer debuffs so needs less tools to deal with them. Changes I wouldn't argue against: Change the power order as listed before: Focused Fighting Focused Senses Evasion Practiced Brawler Dodge Agile Lucky Quickness Elude Give Practiced Brawler the Sentinel Master Brawler treatment. Changes I would argue against: Pretty much anything else.
  20. Then she was poorly built or poorly played or both. (Where poorly played can mean as little as not being aware of enemy tohit buffs.) We have IOs. We can start slotting Perf Shifters at 17. Even SO endreds are an actual thing that can be slotted in both toggles and attacks. But even if that was an issue to be concerned with in regards to changing the power order, they could buff the passives slightly, make them available first, and nerf the toggles by the same amount to keep it where it's at. You're gettin nowhere here, man.
  21. Again, hogwash. Let's compare the sets in a void. No pools. SOs only. Which is dumb by the way, I take tough/weave/cj or maneuvers/hasten on ALL of my meleers AND I start slotting IOs as soon as I'm able. SR gets 30.42% MRA Defense and scaling resists 0-20% at lvl 4 with Agile, then 0-40% at 16 with Dodge and finally 0-60% at 28 with Lucky and capped DDR at 35 with Evasion. Inv gets 15.21% SLFCEN Defense with 3 enemies in range, 50% DDR, 52.65% SL Resist, 23.4% FCENT Resist and DP's HP buff is only up 2/3 of the time. Shield gets 21.3% MRA Defense, 17.55% SLFCENT Resists, an extra attack and a passive HP boost with 52.73% DDR with only single stacked AD. Ice gets with 3 enemies in range, 23.92% SLEN Defense, 4.03% DC Defense, 24% Fire Resist, Capped Cold Resist and Hoarfrost's + HP again only up 2/3 of the time. Your assessment of what these sets can do out of the box with SOs and no pools is drastically wrong.
  22. Not with 95% DDR. Name one instance where it could happen. Show screenshots and the math. I know it doesn't happen against an aggro cap's worth of +4 Cimerorans. I am not going to state that SR is all rainbows and lollipops while leveling up. Especially on a scrapper, it can be a slog due to the power order. But after level 36, it's easy mode cruise control for cool. Stating otherwise is hogwash.
  23. 95% just like DDR. SR passive resists were recently changed to include Toxic. As per CoD: Scrapper: [MagExpr]% Damage Resistance (Smashing, Lethal, Fire, Cold, Energy, Negative Energy) (self only) for 0.75s Wait... what the fuck? It was there last time I looked. Super Reflexes: Lowered the activation period of powers with scaling resistance from 2s to 0.5s (all ATs). The duration of these effects have been set to 0.75s to compensate. NOTE: This affects PvE as well. Increased PvP Elusivity in Focused Fighting, Focused Senses and Evasion to 25%. Added Toxic Resistance to all scaling resistance powers Bug Fix: Corrected Brute's Evasion elusivity duration. It was set to 0.75s when it was supposed to be 2.25s. This resulted in AoE elusivity dropping out between each 2s tick application. WTF?!?!?! It's only for PvP?
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