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Bill Z Bubba

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Everything posted by Bill Z Bubba

  1. Whatever. If you're poor in this game it's by choice. Edit: UNlike real life, of course.
  2. I can see not having 16mil influence laying around on one's FIRST character in CoH. After that, there's no excuse. I'm sittin on 5 billion now, I don't play the market, I sell everything that I don't dump in the store in my base on the market for 111 inf and for anything I don't have in the base from deleting alts I buy on the market at buy now prices. And one can always ping Yomo for starter cash.
  3. Yup. Always reminds me of goin sword and board in Dragon Age: Origins.
  4. If only they'd realize they could slot acc/2*endred/recred/2*dam instead of acc/endred/recred/3*dam.... Or 4 perf shifters in stamina at lvl 17.
  5. Go for it but the +damage from form of the body will be completely overshadowed by fury. Form of the soul's endurance discount, however, might be damn useful for an up and coming brute.
  6. Then don't. I try to judge sets and archetypes on how they perform at level 1 and at level 50-T4 and all the way in between. I'm also lazy enough to make an attempt at old soloing (always with double-xp) on tons of my alts but end up saying fark it and PLing them to 50. Unless I have a reason to go all the way like I did with my Swipe/Inv scrapper. My new claws/stone scrapper was soloed from 1 to 38 in 2 days (amps for the first 8 hours) but I haven't touched him since and may just delete him due to enemies running away. Don't want to go brute or tank on that combo because I hate granite armor. Edit: Oh wait... I CAN'T do that combo on a brute or a tank because of granite. We're all gonna judge what we build, and what others build for that matter, on how we see the game and how we play it. Is what it is.
  7. Mace and shield (guessin axe and broadsword also?) has one of the best taunt animations in the game, too.
  8. I mean shit... look at two stalkers, a savage/shield and a claws/sr, and tell me then that balance is something folks give a shit about around here or did for the last few years before the snap.
  9. There's nothing wrong with brutes sitting in the middle ground and there ain't nuthin needs doin. Tanks should have never been buffed, sides should have never been mixed but those ships have sailed and no one making the decisions apparently has any interest in correcting past mistakes.
  10. You can't buy incarnate components. They get earned after 50 by continuing to play for vet lvls and/or running through incarnate content like the I-trials and the Dark Astoria story arcs.
  11. Having spent two days soloing up a new claws/stone scrapper, I gotta second what SomeGuy has stated. Runners suck and Stone's Mud Pots does precisely nothing to even slow their retreat. Even WITH provoke in play, it's more nuisance than its worth.
  12. And the population will plummet to the point where the devs won't get enough donations to keep the servers running. I'd quit JUST on the nerf to the solo incarnate path.
  13. See a lot of people posting their love for both. I have one SS user. Guy named Bunny Fufu. He also has Spring Attack. And bunny ears. Languishing in the 30s somewhere. Still hasn't taken Rage. Honestly, I hated SS back on live because of the rage crash. Street Justice is a solid alternative. I have a savage/shield stalker but I can't get into her. Edit: The devs here did make an attempt to fix rage but apparently the uproar from the doublestacking rage crowd was more than they wanted to bother with.
  14. I got curious... took my Inv tank for the same test. Stuck DP on auto. 3300 HP, 90% SL resist and 50% SL defense, surely he'll be immortal! Nope, dead within 2 minutes. Once that cascading defense failure happens, it's all downhill and fast. Tried again, but this time with Ageless Radial T4 set on auto. But 5 mins before shard restart...giving it a couple mins. Saw the CDF start but Ageless fired back off. Same story, CDF occurs, he gets VERY close to death (wouldn't be a problem if I hit dull pain,) then Ageless fires off, defense goes back up, HP goes back up. Edit: Heeeyyyy, waitaminute. Did I just show a case where an Inv tank had to lean on an incarnate power just to get the same survivability as an SR brute and without it was weaker than an SR scrapper? Hmmmmmmmmm. Late edit: this is a joke in case people are wondering. This bein the internet and all.
  15. Ok, scrapper first. 2033 HP 25.66 HP/sec regen SL resist start at 36.17% 525HP 75% SL resist 546HP 75% SL resist 730HP 66% SL resist Cimerorans seem to be having a bad day. BZB scrap isn't dying either yet. Got me down to 303 HP. SLFCEN were all capped to 75% this low. Ooo, 214. 165! And 0. Ok, they finally took him down. Actually took far longer than I expected. Brute. 2277 HP 28.74 HP/sec regen SL resist start at 42.17% (huh... that's weird. Oh, right, Superior Brute's fury... Think it was 670 HP for 76% SL resist 560 HP 80% SL resist 705 78% But generally just hovering between 1/3 and 2/3 HP. So yea... even on SR, the higher brute resist cap IS coming into play (613 HP/83% SL resist! but then back up to 2000 HP) which in my brain means even MORE reason to play defense based brutes! Gonna leave BZB brute as is and go have a smoke. If history repeats, he'll still be standing and I'll update this post. Edit: Yup, still alive.
  16. To really answer this, I need to ponder why my claws/sr brute is *just* tough enough to be immortal amongst an aggro cap of +4 Cimerorans where my claws/sr scrapper dies. This is when I've gathered them up, stick PB on auto and sit back for X amount of time doing nothing. Is the SL resist cap coming into play? Or is is the brute's higher HP allowing for the scaling resist to kick in sooner with more HP backing it up, and the associated extra regen, that's giving it the extra oomph? I didn't plan to log in this morning, but off I go to find out. Guess the other question is how many brute secondaries can cap more than one or two resist types? Fire can cap fire, Ice, ice, etc, sure, and all of them cap for a little while if they use barrier, but even Inv ain't cappin more than SL on its own. Unsure how close Stoners get.
  17. No change.
  18. This. I amassed my fortune by doing the thing scrappers do best: killin a whole ton of baddies and selling everything for 111 inf.
  19. I went with Rockhead Rex for my claws/stone scrapper.
  20. No, not at all. As I mentioned in Discord earlier, while we COULD look at brutes as the melee AT with better mitigation than scrappers and better damage than tanks, the truth is they're the melee AT with WORSE damage than scrappers and WORSE mitigation than tanks. So push that mediocrity all you can! 🙂
  21. It's true. It's painful and stupid. Oddly, though, I don't experience it nearly as much on BZB scrap. Cept with AVs.... regardless, granite is ugly.
  22. Thanks, Bopper. Also just verified on Beta that it scales up with Fury.
  23. Hail Sat... waitaminute, I LIKE puppies!
  24. For the most part that's true. Fury is Fury: Up to +200% damage. But they could have blocked Brimstone itself from accepting damage buffs and then tied in some other calculation based on the Fury value. No clue if they did that but CoD is odd on this front. Both Scrapper and Brute Brimstone Armor have the Ignores enhancements and other boosts flag: And if we dive into the Grant Power section on both we see the same flag on all the effects, but the scrapper section has the normal 5%/10% crit chance subsections... but I don't see anything in the brute section regarding Fury. Quite frankly, with the Ignores enhancements and other boosts flag in place throughout, I'm not at all sure HOW Fury is affecting Brimstone Armor.
  25. Even with provoke, there's too much enemy flight. Just provoked a minion and he kept on runnin. I don't know who changed what in that regard but I hate it even more than I did ED and the GDN. 37 now. Seriously considering trashing this guy and PLing him back up as a brute. Cept I hate granite armor and I enjoy seeing Brimstone crit in the log. If I do keep him as is, which is likely, and I run the Trapdoor test with him, I will NOT be wasting time chasing down runners. Should probably go run it again with BZB scrap with that mindset in place to see the difference.
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