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Bill Z Bubba

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Everything posted by Bill Z Bubba

  1. But that's my secret, Sai... I'm always benchmarking.
  2. Practiced Brawler. It's your mez protection. Helps a ton, I swear. (Seriously, SR is one of the most powerful armor sets, especially these days. PM me if you'd like to know more.) The majority of my bad build decisions come from concept. I have a boxer that refuses to take Rib Cracker, Spinning Strike and Shin Breaker. I have a swipe-only/inv scrapper. I built and enjoy a DA/Stone tank. The end suckage on that combo is downright insane. Less so after cardiac radial, thankfully. I have a peacebringer.
  3. Except when the social norm is to be intolerant toward the differences. Hell, I'd argue that in many cases we'd all be better off with a lot MORE intolerance towards certain behaviors/beliefs.
  4. Bzzt. Wrong. You can choose not to take the powers that cause the popup tray.
  5. See? Same thread, every damn time. Make the Null option turn off knock completely. I'm fine with that as well. Sounds like a fantastic compromise. Barring that, how about we make the forums automatically delete any post that mentions knockback? No other secondary effect in this game has the negative outcome that comes with KB. No other secondary effect prompted the creation of an enhancement to lessen its annoyance. No other secondary effect causes this level of constant back and forth and vitriol on the forums.
  6. How else are we supposed to get that sweet, double-double XP?
  7. Anti-jranger. I'm so very sick and tired of this discussion and all the idiotic reasons NOT to do it. We can block other people's team teleport and team fly. Why? Because it was annoying the hell out of us. We can disable the travel power and Kheldian form shifting pop up power bar. Why? Because it was annoying the hell out of us. We can set ourselves to always accept or deny mystic fortune. Why? Because the popup request was annoying the hell out of us. I, for one, want to keep what hell I have in me. Knockback, as per the weekly thread on the topic, obviously, also annoys the hell out of many of us, and those that wish to continue using it may do so, and I can avoid teaming with those people while having my enjoyment of many powers greatly increased by not having to waste a slot on them to make them stop being ridiculously annoying. So, yes, signed, agreed, please, I personally implore you, HC Developers, add the ability to Null the Gull to turn all of a character's KB into KD and let's just be done with this shit once and for all.
  8. Base diff makes everything a cakewalk. 🙂
  9. When I hear Werner and Rules together, I think of the Werner Rules ITF which is not specifically a scrapper based thing at all. It means: Solo No Insps No Temps No Faceplants Enemies Buffed +4/x8 w/ Bosses and AVs Variations include: Yes or No to Amplifiers Player Debuffed Personally, if I can succeed with no insps, temps, faceplants and solo at max diff, I'm a happy man. I have barely a handful of characters that have done this.
  10. I'm gonna have to test it but it's starting to look like going BF-SS-AS-repeat, even if there's a larger pause before the next BF, is going to be better than BF-AS-SS-AS especially if SS is actually getting a triple stack of BF anyway.
  11. I've been doing this a lot more lately. It's one of the reasons I choose flares over fire blast. Unfortunately, every time I do it, a fight breaks out in my brain starting with, "ya know, you could be killing this guy faster..." And 383% recharge is unreachable solo. So BF-AS-SS-AS is generally the best DB single target chain along with BF-SS-TE for AoE. Now if you can get *enough* recharge above 313% where the pauses in BF-SS-AS still lead to better DPS than BF-AS-SS-AS, as you can with DB/Nrg, then dooooo eeeet.
  12. Nah, it's get 383% total recharge in BF and then go BF-SS-AS-repeat.
  13. Galactus. The Beyonder. Any Celestial. Matter Eater Lad.
  14. But the goateed version. It gets one awesome melee attack and a freakishly good melee cone.
  15. Just like autohit attacks against defense based characters.
  16. You're correct in that it never made much sense but tons of folks did it anyway. They do the same with Blaster /Nrg Energize and it makes no sense to do it there either.
  17. I've never understood that thought. More HP means more Regen happening while you're dodging everything and has improved the performance of the scaling resists since they were added to SR. And there's the truth of it. SR+Tough+Weave. I always 4 slot UG including the unique plus the steadfast and glad armor +3% defense IOs in tough on my SR users. The reactive defenses +scaling resist and shield wall +5% resist IOs I also consider unskippable. Put it all together and you end up with very strong scrappers/brutes and damn near unkillable tanks. Yes, my SR tank laughs at Rom's autohit fluffy. If only I would remember that he's also got EotM/Demonic for really hard stuff.
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