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Bill Z Bubba

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Everything posted by Bill Z Bubba

  1. Anything works. Not being "selfish" on teams is a choice. Even my main scrapper can go into lapdog mode to protect teammates at the drop of a hat.
  2. Toggles only get dropped if you get mezzed (edit: if they are enemy affecting toggles) or if you run out of endurance. Therefore, yes, I take mez protection so that my toggles don't get dropped.
  3. Still one of if not the best damn sound in the game.
  4. I think I take mez protection to keep my toggles from dropping. Soooo, no. Also, see new sig. This is why I think this game has become fucked up all to hell and back. At 40 I have no incarnates. No purples. Cruising Bricks radios. Soloing at max diff without a care in the world at a completely comfortable clip. Enjoying it. Sure it's fun to be an unkillable god even before the god mode powers and enhancements come into play. There's no fix for any of this. And to answer the earlier question, numerical purity would mean the more mitigation you have, the less damage you can do and vice versa. It ain't rocket surgery. Edit: To add for the record, 1st mish in PI at lvl 41 was against Arachnos. Had to eat some blues when CP was down, had to eat a green against the +5 spawn with the +5 toxic tarantula. Oh, the horror.
  5. Ya got me curious... what is your *slowest* max diff soloist?
  6. I may have misread Luminara's post but it seemed to equate purchasing power with leveling speed, solo. If so, that's obviously something that has never existed in this game, but it's a goal that makes sense if an equitable experience is desired. But as I edited into the last post, moot point. Won't ever happen.
  7. When I say a big nail, Lumi, I mean it. Good game design would have lead to a game where every combo for every archetype would have some level of equitable "purchasing power," as you put it. So you'll have to forgive my scorched earth mentality for using bad game design against bad game design. Random fixes here and there aren't going to get that peacebringer anywhere near the purchasing power of that rad/fire brute. Edit: But it's all moot. Defenders will never be granted the ability to use *all* of their own powers on themselves. Kheldians will remain a clunky mess. And some combos will still be able to hit three vet lvls an hour cruising around DA. All I can do is accept it and enjoy what I can when I can.
  8. Why should they be? Flip side, why should scrappers be buffing entire teams with the likes of barrier? My initial attack on procs absolutely stems from a belief that the game went completely off the rails at some point and procsmonster builds were just one more example of it. Thankfully, your data helps me understand why I was so off the mark on my expectations of what they mean to an ST focused character. I still find the tank buffs ludicrous as I did the blaster buffs before them, as I find incarnate usage, and hell even mitigation granting set bonuses now. So, yea, there's my failing, I see the entirety of power creep in the game as one big-ass nail (not to be confused with one big ass-nail) and I want to hammer it back into place, consequences be damned.
  9. No reason not to expect that at this point. They already did it for Seismic Smash as well.
  10. Agreed. I formally withdraw the proposal but that's what you get when you prove yourself wrong.
  11. And Satan knows I hate hypocrisy. Took my shield/nrg tank to beta, reslotted as shown in the build above. Attack chain went from ET-Long, TF, ET-Short, Gloom, BS to ETl, TF, BS, ETs, G, BS. Didn't even have to swap on destiny as she was already on ageless core. No other changes were made to the build. Average pylon kill time after changes: 3mins Average pylon kill time on live: 2:45 Proc build loses 15 seconds. When I'm wrong, I'm wrong. Fix irradiated ground and burn. Have a good day.
  12. Me, directly? They don't. I use 'em all over the place. I especially proc out Infridgidate. Couple it with seeds of confusion and arcane bolt on a controller and you got some sick shit happening. Nothing in this game directly affects my life one way or the other but that also means precisely nothing in regards to game balance. In the end, either the devs see them as overpowered or they don't. I suspect they see them as problematic in regards to game balance and won't be remotely surprised when/if changes happen.
  13. You think the outlier powers will get fixed if things are left as is? Why bother fixing infridgidate when I can just load it up with procs? Power ain't intended to be a damage attack? Who cares? Proc that sucker up so it IS a damage attack. No need to fix it now, we have a fix! Who cares if the fix also makes the most damaging attacks in the game grossly more powerful?
  14. You're awesome, man. Thanks for all this work.
  15. I hit H for fly between spawns and shield charge is nice.
  16. Live build: Proc build: This is easier. Live: Proc. I have absolutely no idea how this would play out or what attack chain would come of it or any of that. Just making comparisons.
  17. Made me look. Turned off everything. Live build. Oh yea... freakin musculature buffing defense.
  18. Won't you still build for it regardless? But 53+.75 = 39.75. Guess you'll have to change the build a bit to get that extra 5.25% defense while dishing out 3 times the damage.
  19. Why? They'll do even more damage and just cut the mitigation by 25%.
  20. I honestly can't tell if this is sarcasm. If it's not, then PB has a 10.7 second downtime with a a single 50+5 recred and absolutely no other recharge in the build at all. Which is, I guess, possible at 50... if you work at it....
  21. Or to put it another way, here's my shield/nrg tank as she is on live: And here she is with as many damage procs as I can get in BS, TF, ET and Gloom. Still softcapped, some loss of resists and a bit less HP.
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