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Bill Z Bubba

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Everything posted by Bill Z Bubba

  1. Everyone can run with all three amplifiers all the time as well or store and use huge insps from email. Is that really a solid basis for a balance discussion? Let's look at some random power. 33.8 nrg and 52.8 sma at 50 for a tank. 86.6 total damage. 172.3 damage with 100% dam enhancement. Proced out that's 4 procs at 71.75 dam and 1 at 107.1 for a total of 394.1 damage (edit: plus the damage from the attack itself) if they all go off if Mids is correct on the values. Does anyone really think there's remote equity between proced and nonproced attacks? Someone else can determine what the actual proc chances are.
  2. If that is the case, it should be noted that if you build for permahasten, PB is perma even unslotted. I've got a 50+5 endred in mine.
  3. But do they? Really? Yea, they lose some set bonuses, so some mitigation loss that's probably completely covered by Rune/Demonic/Melee Core if even remotely necessary, loss of slotting is covered by FocAcc or Tactics and Ageless... I'd have to argue that the damage gains greatly outweigh the loss in mitigation.
  4. From *this* crowd? Where we eke out 1% extra damage for pylons?
  5. Tough call. There are arguments for and against each, SR, SD or Nrg... but I'd probably lean Nrg for the extra end and self-heal. But that low DDR.... Edit: Buuut, ageless radial for DDR since your end costs should be covered by energize and drain.
  6. Difference being that shield *needs* to doublestack AD for DDR. I honestly can't think of many cases where dblstckd PB provides benefit.
  7. Concerning the Sentinel treatment: Yes, this would be awesome. I'd happily have toggled mez protection from FF and FS and a click absorb shield on my SR users. They'd be even more unkillable which may be a solid reason not to do it. Concerning PB usage as is: I auto hasten and since PB has the same duration. I'll watch hasten fire off, click PB, no double stacking, no waste of end. Concerning only using PB when needed since it acts as a break-free, absolutely doable but please remember than knockback will reduce your DPS far more than clicking PB.
  8. And I'll stick with my "reduce all proc damage by 75%" line.
  9. I did and promptly deleted him. Unlike having three BZBs, I can't rationalize having two nrg and shield users. I want a damn claws/shield scrapper.
  10. But there's the rub: many care not at all for balance.
  11. This is in no way a badge thing. Just pure curiosity to go back through all my existing characters and check their death rate.
  12. Procmonster scrapper should alleviate the low damage woes.
  13. Still think the best course of action is to just chop proc damage to 25% of the current values.
  14. Would it be possible to have the number of faceplants on a character known? Perhaps with one of the pedestrians or even added to the city terminals? I would like to know this information.
  15. Only extrapolating from what I have (shield/nrg and sr/claws tanks,) I'd bet somewhere around the 4 min mark... but that's pretty much a WAG. Edit: Just got a 3:20 on my very unoptimized nrg/sr brute using ET-Long, TF, ET-Short, BS, PAUSE, repeat but also not a procmonster build. Really should build that nrg/shield scrapper some day.
  16. Pondering this for my earth/earth dom.... Unholy gods below yes please.
  17. I'm gonna answer this far more vaguely than the others. Unless you're running incarnate content, the softcap for defense is still 45%. Everything above that is gravy. Doublestacking AD gives you 88ish% DDR so defense debuffs aren't any more of a real issue against shield than SR. Throw on a +HP capped True Grit and all that's left is going for more resistance. This is not to say the builds provided aren't awesome.
  18. To be fair, the more I've considered it, the more I'm against debuff resistances being added to a power pool. A powerset should provide appropriate debuff resistances for the set in question. So I don't know where a pool based mez protection power should/would go but I wouldn't want to see this pool as is added to the game, regardless of how low the debuff resistance values may be.
  19. Here's where I get confused. Is it considered global if it functions in a power that isn't active? I think yes even if it is also a proc. Does global really mean global? Do all of the pet buff global IOs affect all pets all the time?
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