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Everything posted by golstat2003

  1. The devs have also answered this multiple times. The game is balanced arounds SOs. They are not going away. Dead on arrival suggestion is dead. They have said this in and out of closed beta forums, in discord, etc etc etc.
  2. Don't get me wrong. I too love LOF, especially the ones you lead. But the rewards are no way near comparible to Hamidon. Especially if you don't waste the converters you can get from the merits, by simply selling them. lol 🙄
  3. Yeah, no. That's not how you use converters to make inf. You don't sell them. You buy cheap enhancements and use the covnerts to convert them to rares. And then sell those.
  4. yeah I'd bet money that AE rewards are staying just where they are, with no changes ever to move them up. I'd also bet money you'd see either a.work to reduce it's rewards (VERY LESS LIKELY) or b.work to make other content reward more xp/inf (see LOF) than AE. Don't hold your breath about AE returning to it's originally live rewards anytime soon. lol
  5. Or they can just run Hamidon and get 80+ reward mertis and convert those to converters and get way more than anything (influence wise) they can earn from the LOF. I can make more from Mertis than anything from Aethers. Easily. It just means knowing how to use the Mertis to Converter and AH tools. Rewards Merits will always be greater than Aethers as a reward just for this reason. I'd bet I'm not the only player who feels this way. EDIT: The Aethers are great for quickly getting the costumes they were built for no doubt. But if you don't care for farming for those, then Reward Mertis as a reward will be greater. The greatest one time reward for that is Hamidon or Hard Mode TFs/SFs.
  6. For this one I'd move purple to the ground and not require flight. The problem is not eveyrone takes flight or has the jetpack you get at level 3, by the time you are 50. And if you leave the labyrinth all progress on collecting them goes poof. I wold bet a majority of players will never know that they need a jetpack for the one mote and thus won't come prepared ahead of time. So either remove all mobs around the motes (as others have suggested) or put the purple one in a place that doesn't need flfight.
  7. Ehhh I don't necessarily agree with this. Leading a Hamidon raid is much more complicated than leading an LOF. There are specific roles needed for Hami. You can't say the same for LOF, at all. But I'll leave it to the Hami raid leaders to explain if any of them wish to chime in.
  8. Yo dawg I heard you like some feedback with your feedback, while offering feedback to the feedback that came in about the feedback.
  9. You can give feedback at any time you wish. Doens't mean they have to take that feedback. I too wish they focused less on enemy revamps, but it is what it is. However, I don't find the updates that bad on teams. Nearly every revamped group still gets curb stomped on level 50+ teams I've been on.
  10. Oh god, don't ask questions about the timeline in a comic book setting. Your head will explode. I'd be fine with updates to their models, but not to their level of power.
  11. Sure, why not. Make it 10 even as mentioned, so that you could have one per costume slot.
  12. I mean getting 120 incarnate threads every level up after 50 and the 20 emp merits every 3 vet levels. I don't seem to remember that part on Live. I actually think the DA arcs are slower than that, especially in the age of AE and super farming. And that there is one of the key reasons why incarnates are more solo friendly. EDIT: I have entirely skipped doing ANY trials on some 50s just because of that. EDIT2: And yes I know it slows down getting those at a certain vet level past 50. By the time my Incarnates reach that I pretty much have everything I need in the sytem unlocked via the earlier 120 per level/ 20 emps per 3 levels I mentioned.
  13. Except for the new powersets, which are excelusively Homecoming. Was easy solo incarnate unlocks on live? I seemed to get the impression that too was pure homecoming.
  14. Sounds good. Hope they can actually do some of this.
  15. Nothing of the new content released I've seen forces trinity gaming. Any group of players can jump into an LOF league and kick Mino's ass. Marine is probably the mostly solo friendly set released. And the new story arcs are easily soloable.
  16. Honestly, whatever drop you would get form them being a boss, you could get with just 30 minutes of playing the AH or even with reward merits. Not worth it. Drop them down to LTs at your leisure. We all have limited play time. No need to turn it into something that frustrates you.
  17. No. At least not until they fix the stupid suicidal AI that you just listed out an example of in your story.
  18. Actually there is an experimentation time within closed beta where they devs specifically say we tried x, y, z and have player try those things. Knowing HC devs, anyone in closed beta would be able to see and test what they tried. The only things that make it to Open are what is probably going to live, but that does not mean multiple things aren't tried in closed testing.
  19. OP, until you get used to moving into melee: pop 2-3 purple insps for defense (and 1-2 resistance if you are feeling spooked by melee range), then move into where you need to be and go to town. 😁
  20. Congrats and welcome to the club. 🙂
  21. OP, please actually play the game and learn how a few systems work. Some of your suggestions clearly show you don't know how certain things work. It will make it more likely the devs might actually take your suggestions seriously if you came with suggestions that show you did even a little bit of homework.
  22. Nope. This seems like it would be incredilbly overpowered. I doubt the devs would ever allow something like this.
  23. The problem is as a Raid event, you have to be careful with requiring too much Control. Especially since this could be on at the same time as another group of players doing Hami. And those control characters would be more needed at Hamidon. That could create a problem of haviing to wait for those control players to be available. EDIT: Not sure if the devs have access to this data. But maybe we can find out how many Controller/Dominator players are on, on say Excelsior during prime time raid times in the evening? 8 - 11:00 pm EST? EDIT2: Someone up thread also suggested instead of knockback, have them do some scaling debuffs?
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