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Everything posted by golstat2003

  1. The PUGs I get on still steam roll them. /shrug Edit: With that said I wold not be opposed to new game modes that made the game easier or harder. Also I find it funny we are discussing skill in a game like this. Getting to max level in this game never had anything to do with skill. It just meant you played the game for more hours.
  2. They can just make the Monsters in the Instanced version drop more EoEs. They can control enemy drop rates. Pretty easy to solve.
  3. I’m for an instanced version for all the reasonable reasons the raid leaders have stated. I’d also like to personally thank them for leading these. I tried leading one back on live and it was an absolute shit show. It is NOT at all easy to run, despite how easy they make it look. And Hami is indeed one of the things that is stupidly easy to grief, just by the way the encounter is built. So anything to minimize the potential for it to be trolled I’m for. It is not like the MSR or other league level content. MSR is already instanced. And other league content you can kick players out of. Having 49 other players respect you enough to listen to you is something earned, not expected. Anything to make their lives easier I’m for. Hami is the only content I think that is consistently run by the raid leaders on Everlasting and Excelsior that I know I can drop into at scheduled times and it’s well run each time, thanks to these key individuals. So again, +1 for instances Hami as an option for the Homecoming community.
  4. The spawns should match the mission doors in the area. However, maybe increason spawn/mob density for the parts of the map where it's 48-50 would help.
  5. It MIGHT happen due to how the Devs are wary of power creep. Aka see the recent changes to Fire Armor. I'm not interested in anything that could potentially make Empathy worse. And Empathy really isn't a niche set. I see plenty of Emps around while pugging and doing tfs. If we are interested in how many people actually play empathy and not just anectodal evidence, then that is a question for the Devs to answers. EDIT: To be clear I'm find with buffs in general to the values for Empathy overall. I don't think it's going to fly if many "affect others only" powers were suddenly also made to affect the caster. That part can be left out, and just buff the powers.
  6. Yes it should if it means Empathy's powers get any sort of reduction. Leave it alone please.
  7. Yeah they should separate out these power tray options further, so that folks have more . . . options. (I could not think of another word)
  8. yeah what if the person likes the name and intends to play it to 50?
  9. Sooo sounds like the issue was cycling destiny buffs. Also 1.5 hours for an Aeon is no way near the fastest times. And the fastest times have little to do with having a lot of nukes.
  10. Run with teams that are less than 8 then the challenge will return for you. In other words, run your own teams. I would prefer if the devs add more difficulty options for those that want more challenges. Or add more moves for mobs like they did for higher level Council, COT, etc. I'm fine with faster clear times. This is a pick up and play mmo, not an operatic slog. There are other games for that.
  11. I kind of think that's the idea behind Containment for Controllers. Unfortunatly, I agree that it doesn't go far enough. The idea that if something is "mezzed" enough times it should count as death/being arrested (also stated earlier in the thread) is a brillant one. . . and would be a huge undertaking for our small volunteer dev team, soooo probably not happening anytime soon. Maybe by 2034. lol
  12. I think it's clear from the various responses that the comparison was NOT a compliment. Jack had some weird ideas that were counter to each other for version 1.0 or pre-1.0 of this game. A lof ot his ideas would have killed off this game if not for the sense of many others. Thanksfully a lot of changes over the weeks, months and years after that version of the game led us to where we are today.
  13. I was 21 when I had a good enough job to get a "good" computer (and finally cable internet vs dialup) and finally try out one of the new breed of MMOs/games. At the time I finally got to try out: Baldur's Gate II, World of Warcraft, Star Wars Galaxies and ofcourse City of Heroes. Happy Anniversary all! Glad to see the old devs still a part of this crazy train. 😄
  14. We can discuss suggestions as much as we want, it’s up to the dev team to decide to make changes. Just don’t expect changes anytime soon.
  15. Fairy Terribad Terribad Fairy Baddy Fairy TerriFairy Baddest Fairy I could go on. lol
  16. Bro chill. Frostbiter is actually not that original. One of the ways you can get the name you want is to add extra characters or tense. So yeah would not be suprised to see variations of "Frostbite" easily taken. Especially in a game where you can easily make characters having to do with ice control.
  17. Well yeah the game is thankfully not balanced around min maxed builds. It's just ONE of the many things taken into account. The devs have said repeatedly (whether a lot of forum regulars like it or not) that the game is not balanced around IOs.
  18. I like it. And it's not really a drawback when building fury isn't really an issue.
  19. oh boy . . . . lol EDIT: I hope the eventual solution is changes to Brutes that ALL or at least 90% of Brute players can agree to. Not another nerf to Tanks. EDIT: The Brute ATO should at the very least be updated.
  20. That is also my other fear when these types of suggestions come up. That the eventual soluton "becuase powercreep" will be to harshly nerf Tanks, while doing little for brutes.
  21. Pretty much this. Also after the Fire Armor changes . . . I am very way when I see someone suggest changes they think everyone wants that might very make a set or AT worse for multiple players of said set or AT.
  22. Right, then the devs should be looking at the numbers on actual performance.
  23. In those cases where multiple players are saying different things (in this case there is definetly NOT any consensus at all on Brute performance from players) I would hope the devs then look at the related numbers.
  24. I mean . . . the devs are the ULTIMATE spreadsheet nerds . . . so yeah. EDIT: And yeah . . . "this feels great" for balancing a game . . . err would not be great. LOL
  25. Absolutley nothing. Just more bait making it easier to get this thread perma locked. EDIT: If folks actually want to debate this and take it seriously, maybe personal attacks should be left off the table. But that's just me. Saying "I don't agree with the proposed change to Brutes as it would change how I and other play brutes" is not a negative thing or an attack. Not every suggestion is going to be meant with a chorus of "yes I agree". Pointing out the cons of a suggestion does not go againts the ruiles or point of this forum.
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