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Everything posted by golstat2003

  1. Again, I use to farm really easily without incarnate abilities before AE existed and you only could do the portal corp farms. And I've seen others do so with various types of farmers. IOs are the main issue here not incarnate abilities. For instance a Fire farmer can start farming when they have all their abilities well before level 50. Same with other types of farmers. Because of IOs.
  2. Once I found out about plant/psi dom's I stopped using my fire farmers with any regularity.
  3. As a fire farmer I barely use my incarnate abilities. I don't need them to farm. And Fire Farming isn't even the easiest type of farming there is. Once AGAIN IOs here are the larger issue than incarnate abilities. Prior to Incarnates Fire Farmers were still burning through FIRE farms easily.
  4. Also agreed. More incarnate content would not be bad, but maybe not require IOs.
  5. Agreed. IOs to me are a larger issue than incarnate abilities. And agreed with the better approach here of creating content that takes into account Incarnate abilities. (not so much IOs).
  6. Okay I'll come back when this thread gets serious. Saying empathy is more impactful than debuffs is a step too far even for me. And we all play a game where fantasy is key. Enjoy all. 😆
  7. I think someone (not you) needs to play on teams with debuffing sets more.
  8. Ehhh for me not really. I get your point but if a set is not FUN to play, it doesn't matter if it's overpowered or not. I ain't playing it. Case in point TW. They could buff or nerf it into the ground and it wouldn't matter to me, if they left the momentum mechanic as is. I just find that mechanic unfun so my TW has been shelved for months. Thankfully they intend to do away with the idiocy of that mechanic . . . so it may see me take a run on her again, instead of her collecting dust. This is with me knowing and experiencing how OP TW was. I just . . . didn't care.
  9. Seeing as how I easily farm with mine /Psionic Assault Doms . . . er YEP! lol
  10. TW's mechanic is terribad. Yes, please do remove it's idicoy of slow as molasses animations and tempo.
  11. Yeah we're gonna have to agree to disagree.
  12. If they intend to nerf TW (which I agree they should), then I would advise fixing the momentum mechanic, which I'd argue is one of the worst mechanics in the game. Seriously if not for the damage I would have dropped my TW Brute and stripped it of IOs ages ago. The momentum mechanic is f*&%ing terrible.
  13. Okay, if there are awards for video game music, the team who worked on the FFXIV Online Series deserves it. I'm in Heavensward and the music in every new environment is better than the last. Holy Cow!
  14. If it's so hard only one dedicated team can ever do it you might as well not add it to the game as I'd consider that a MONUMENTAL waste of developer resources. Which an extremely important resource at this time. EDIT: I'm fine with us never getting any more incarnate content. I think they have more important areas of the game to fill up. I'm not fine with ANY suggestion that reduces the ones we have in any way. Full stop.
  15. I actually strongly DISLIKE what those animations look like for the most part. I'd prefer if HC developed their own.
  16. Actually I find that absolutely matching WHAT this game is. It's a casual friendly game that you play after you come home from a stress job or stress full day of school to de=stress. If I want to play an exhilarating challenge, there are other games (more well built for that) for that.
  17. I think many folks miss the point that if this were a single player game I'd still be playing it. I (and many others) got into this game cause it was a superhero game (and one of the few fully fleshed out around the time it came out) that kept getting updates. It being an mmo had jack all to do with it.
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