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Everything posted by golstat2003

  1. I will say again that any mention of soloing needs to be removed from the patch notes. This is a raid zone. We don't expect players to be able to solo the RWZ mothership raid or the Hamidon in the Hive. You can explore certainly, but only if you have the right build and stealth. But being solo means the Minotaur comes right to you. And can one or two-shot you right off the bat. That's not a solo experience.
  2. Seems like those are issues to dicuss with the GM team. It's not gaslighting. Post your feedback and ignore the trolls. You don't have to engage with anyone or everyone responding to your posts.
  3. Right to may anything that grants auto incarnate levels beyond Alpha . . . I can see why some folks might consider that incarante content. Especially with an enemy that also gets those level shifts - - - aka Minotaur.
  4. Saying this for you and everyone else (I think the GM said it earlier also): give your feedback (good or bad) and ignore the trolls. As long as you give honest feedback (especially after you tried something in test) then no issue.
  5. This. After what I have seen and read over the last year I trust the community's idea of balance less and less each time. With that said there were a few changes I am glad got rolled back and never seen the light of day, during Closed beta. So not even the devs have a perfect idea of balance. You need to take each powerset at a time for considering balance. This idea that there is this perfect idea of balance that is just known, is a fallacy.
  6. Ummm aren't AUTO incarante level shifts in operation in the zone? Wouldn't that right there have some folks considering it being incarnate content? RWZ and Hami don't have any real incarnate level shifts in operation.
  7. I'd rather they keep with smaller pages so we get more updates a year. IMO.
  8. The patch notes should remove anything that talks about soloing so there is no confusion. Even just exploring solo depending on your buiild may be impossible for the Labyrinth. Realistically not every player even takes a stealth power.
  9. I'm actually glad they are taking more time for some of the changes. It was needed.
  10. The fact that this was found before it went live is not surprising knowing City of Heroes players. Some of them are god gamers. lol
  11. I don't care either way if they do. Folks are just pointing out the things they need to do for the zone first if they ever intend to make it co-op.
  12. Needs to be more. And as has been pointed out, movement is NOT the only problem with the shadow shard. They need to fix ALL of those issues (not just movement) before they make it co-op.
  13. Adding more KB to powers that don't have KB would make sense, but I don't think it would pass any testing team of players in this current playerbase. I would like it but there would be massive howls about it, so much so that I doubt that would ever happen.
  14. Pretty much this. You are in control of your OWN exprience in COH.
  15. There should just be marked teleprt doors that can take you from island to island with no fuss or muss. The whole travel schtick in the shard is why I went there once on Live and never again. Plus as others have said put something interesting in there in terms of arcs and stories, and maybe shorten the length fo the tfs in there. Anything other than what is currently there. They need to FIX the Shard first, before bothering to make it co-op.
  16. No OP. Just no. As others have said this doesn't not need any changes to the game. Just team with who you want and form your own teams.
  17. They should default to not having the auto updater on. If I want to update I'll go do that on my own. Either that or they have rock solid testing that it doesn't break the program when it auto updates.
  18. Some games come with digital versions of these manuals btw.
  19. And Transcendant Merits can be emailed to any characters on the same Account.
  20. Pretty much this. I DO NOT trust that there wouldn't be signifigant trade offs that might end up making Empathy WORSE. lol
  21. IF this is all they did I would be fine. But I don't trust this team on full reworks.
  22. These costumes are inspired! hope to create something as great ast these one day! 😄 Glad everyone had fun!
  23. Discussion does not mean silence or blind agreement. Folks are fine to post that they disagree with a suggestion. Full stop.
  24. Yes please. Anything that makes these type of missions less painful. Just let me beat the mobs around that person kidnapped (or I need to kidnap) and complete the mission. That pathing AI is terribad.
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