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Everything posted by golstat2003

  1. Agreed. But in this specific instance (clipping costume parts) I think they are doing it wrong. 😛 Others may be fine with the clipping costume parts. And that's okay. We can discuss the whys and why nots and then the devs will ultimately make the decision. That said the players (on ALL the servers) have to remember that we are dealing with volunteers, and each server will move at it's own pace. If HC decides to focus on story content ahead of customer parts (honestly what I would personally prefer, others may disagree) that is NOT inherently wrong. Just as it's not wrong for other servers to focus on costume parts and new ATs ahead of story content or foundational code changes.
  2. Honestly for SOME costume parts I would very much prefer if HC handled the clipping. I don't like how they look with clipping on some of the other servers.
  3. Agreed. I have not seen any homecoming dev outright come out and say the stuff that other servers are doing "we'll never do". What I HAVE seen the HC devs say is that they are getting the background/foundational stuff (like a 64 bit client and continuing to have their client run on MacOS) done first. And that's fine. As long as we do eventually get some shinies that are the same across all the servers (like the non-PC costume parts) I'm fine. The other custom ATs built on other servers I really couldn't care less about. If they can get something similar here fine, if not, no. And most certainly they should stick to the i25 version they are on. I've tried the i24 other servers and it's like playing in molasses when compared to here. Especially for the Incarnate part of the game.
  4. LOL, most of the brutes I see on team really don't care if they are outdamaging a tanker or not, if one is on the team. They just go in and "H<redacted for copyright>K SMASH!" I think folks are too obsessed about who does more damage or doesn't. Are things dieing? Brute and the Fury mechanic is doing its job (or any damage at really) Are things being pulled at the tank so that squishes on the team don't die? Tank and Taunt, etc is doing it's job. EDIT: I don't think giving tanks a little more damage is going send most brutes into the corner worrying about working harder. They will joust go about their business.
  5. I'd actually prefer if they did this instead. Would be a more interesting story then just bringing Statesman back to life.
  6. Agreed. If you're going to do all that just to get a shapeshifting, I would say just make a new AT. The powers I'd want for a shape shifting AT are 90% NOT what Khelds currently have. And I would not want the to shoe horn things in on Khelds in kludgy, potential AT breaking ways. I have a heavy lack of trust in the sphagehetti code used to build Khelds (animations, powers included).
  7. No thanks. Leave my khelds alone. They should build A NEW EPIC AT for that instead.
  8. Which should be reviewed by an engineer on the team before anything is ported up to any server, including the beta/testing servers. I'm not talking about creation, I'm talking about final review before it's deployed anywhere.
  9. But the overall reviewers should still be developers, imo (aka folks who do this for a living with specific experience writing and reviewing code). Unless we are saying any volunteer with no experience looking at COH's spaghetti code should be able to touch it. Which I don't (hope) think you're saying.
  10. With that said I think this is as close to a release candidate as we’re going to get with these Sets of changes. Additional changes are probably coming in the next patch, but this particular iteration has been talked to death. The next step is a NEW patch with additional changes, some probably different things (likely) and releasing this iteration to production as is (very less likely).
  11. Great, but this would only be useful on AVs. Everything else in the game dies so fast you’d never see this happen on mob types below an EB. And for most of the game you aren’t fighting EBs.
  12. Agreed. I could get behind increasing the duration of the siphons and ID slightly though.
  13. AE farm are so much faster if you build a specific toon that can handle those custom maps with specifically chosen snob types. Try bringing a mostly smashing lethal damage mitigation based toon into one one of those faster fire farms. Let us know what happens. We’ll wait.🤣 EDIT: On a more serious and on topic note: I’d be fine if master runs did give a little bit extra something.
  14. And how would you balance that around powers like Bonfire/Ice slick, which arguably should not have ANY Stun whatsoever from a balance perespective? Just exclude them? Okay great. 😄
  15. The devs have already looked at it and said why it’s specifically not possible in more than one place in this very thread.
  16. Then how about we make no changes to any of the melee ATs at all then. If every single change is going to be scrutinized that it doesn’t balance against every AT in the game that similar to the one that you are making changes on, then the only fully balanced change is to make ZERO changes whatsoever going forward, on an AT level. Or we can go with the more realistic approach that you are never going to achieve perfect balance. Especially not with the size of the dev team we currently have. Some folks are under the delusion that this is still a paid mmorpg with a full staff of developers like on live. And not in actual fact a team of volunteers. Let’s get some perspective and realistic expectations folks.
  17. Part of the changes being discussed is giving more damage to Tankers. The point of this thread is to buff tankers, NOT nerf Brute. I think you need to read this thread. All of this has been hashed to death with dev comments all throughout. Please read the thread. There will soon be additional patches with a brand new thread for discussion. This one is pretty much done as all of this has been hashed to death.
  18. No one took this seriously when it was first suggested I don’t think. Tanks are already the premiere tanking class selected by teams. From what I’ve read that change is nowhere near in the table, and rightfully so.
  19. I thought it's been already been posted more than once that that's impossible.
  20. Mehhh, I'm good with the aggro cap where it is. As much as we can avoid any chance of going back to the "stand here" while the tank herds mentality, the better.
  21. Right they should take the chance to improve that, but it sounds like CP is not 100% on board with that.
  22. I think it's going to become very, very messy in the long run if you have certain sets in the Scrapper AT without taunt auras and some with. New armor sets should definitely include them where possible. But maybe CP has a technical reason for being against that.
  23. Yeah you need to keep stuff like that a bit more simple. I was able to follow it cause of my years of experience in IT. Not everyone has that. 😛
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