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Everything posted by Oubliette_Red

  1. My Poison Corr want to be able to hock loogies for every single one of their powers. My own personal ask is for a mystical animation for police radio/newspapers and the Reveal power. something like the CoT scroll reading animation, Arcane Bolt, Spirit Ward or the Demon Summoning animation.
  2. I think we need to focus on sustainable logging and be sure that we replant for future growth.
  3. I'll wait whilst one of you volunteers your time and builds a new app.
  4. Clear Mind - Frees an ally from any Disorient, Hold, Sleep, Fear, Confuse, and Immobilize effects and leaves them resistant to such effects for a good while. Also, grants target clearer Perception to see hidden foes. Every singly one of those things has to do with the mind. Hold and Immobilize? Anyone who has experienced night terrors would likely agree. How does Perceptions fit in? Ghosts, shadowy figures, manifestations, etc can be argues to have less to do with vision and more to do with the mind's ability to perceive things that we cannot make sense of. And when it really comes down to it, every nerve in our body has one common connection, the brain. Anything that has an impact on the brain can affect the body. The only reason to call the powerset 'Healing Aura' would be if the player chose to forego the non-healing powers or just used the healing powers in the set to 'rock the aura' in which case they should automatically be renamed to Healbot-#####. QFT
  5. Also, since this is for the test server, would probably better to have posted it in the Open Beta section. 🙂 https://forums.homecomingservers.com/forum/57-open-beta-testing/
  6. I rarely... well, never get pets from the vendor so hadn't even thought of this. Good idea!. 🙂
  7. Starring Bill Paxton, Powers Boothe and Matthew McConaughey, and directed by Bill Paxton! Awesome lineup right there.
  8. Posted him in Punny Names, figured I'd drop him off here as well. My War Mace/DA Scrapper: Midnighter's Club
  9. I picked up this for my War Mace/DA Scrapper: Midnighter's Club
  10. This assumes that people will read it when it's front and center, the majority wont. There's a link to the CoC in your 2nd screenshot, it would be interesting to know what percentage of players have actually clicked on it, I'll bet on it being in the single digit range. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it think. For me, I report, provide screenshots, global and local names then move on.
  11. Not sure if they posted in correct thread or not, too pancaking small to read. And I have my webview set to default at 120% because I'm an old fart.. <.<
  12. What @Greycat said. Fun is relative, my most fun to play isn't my most powerful or one I play the most often but I do cackle with glee when my teammates go on about how Mender Ramiel has to drain the pool again after my character has gone for a swim.
  13. Also, the Legacy devs swapped forum platforms around 2009 and it seems that there is a lot from the previous iteration that didn't make it through the swap.
  14. Can just use the arrow at the top right corner of the quoted post to automatically go to that post.
  15. Welcome back!
  16. Tim Curry - I Do The Rock
  17. They even have big blue shield symbols!
  18. Back on Legacy, my in-game brother was 57 when we first started playing together back in 2007-08.
  19. Not sure if the they were originally, but around 2008-09 they changed forum platforms and they had this feature.
  20. Actually, I believe you are more than 20 years to late to that party, but who's counting. 🙂
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