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Clave Dark 5

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Everything posted by Clave Dark 5

  1. I haven't played Doms since Live until last month and that's one of the things I love about them, they are fluid (unless I somehow lucked into the most fluid Dom build and power set choice ever, and I am rarely that lucky). They're not just "go in and punch" or "shoot from distance", or "crowd control from back here." The one I'm playing right now is the most fluid of any character I think I've played. I get to choose when to keep tossing controls, or tossing ranged attacks, or going in for melee. Or not. Or to build towards any of those, or not. Jack of all trades, master of none of course, but still. So please don't "focus" my character for me! Also, perma-Dom is cool, sure, but I'm at 40 (40 levels of fun behind me too) and still don't have it yet and couldn't give a damn. I think it's over-talked about because so many players still have a min/max attitude about any and everything in the game. (I'm sure I'll get hate for that)
  2. Indeed, I've hit that terrible, no good, unfortunate wall when you realize that your pet is nigh unkillable and probably better at fighting than you are. Oh how awful!
  3. Wow, I had forgotten that even existed until right now. I wanna say I used to see it from time to time on Live, but I haven't seen it once since the game came back.
  4. He used to only jump tall buildings with a single bound, he couldn't fly yet.
  5. I think there's a way to save the set-up you like, but I've never bothered to learn how, for much the same reason.
  6. It all varies, but if I lose momentum, they stop wherever they are. This can be dependent upon how much time I do or do not have to play. I've recently been working more, so less time, so... See those 50s listed in my sig? Those are all from many months ago; since then I've started at least as many new ones only to stop when either I didn't particularly care for the play or I just somehow lost interest. Sometimes I just decide that say Trick Arrow isn't for me, too clicky or something, and that character's going to stop dead where they stand (I've even taken to starting to cannibalize them for IOs as of late if that happens). Some I do keep around like a "maybe someday I'll level you all the way" though. Most of my 50s with any incarnate stuff tended to earn it because they still had momentum rolling at that point, but again, I had more time back then.
  7. So my new Dom just got her Wormhole and this is only the second Grav anything I've ever run (the previous dropped off my playlist soon after he got his), so I don't know too much about using Wormhole strategically beyond, I think, "dump 'em all in a corner" right? So far I've been very conservative in using it to dumping them right where were (so as to not annoy anyone melee on the team) right on top of the tank (to try and pack 'em into the AoEs) bring them to me and use my Whirling Hands while they're getting up I'd have posted this under the Dominator sub-forum, but since multiple ATs have access, I thought it best to ask out here in the open instead.
  8. This. I've seen some good ones, and think about having mine set for just this use about half the time.
  9. Possibly related but my new Dom just got her Wormhole power (only my second Grav anything, ajnd the first one dropped off my play list soon after) and to kill time I was going around Atlas Park seeing how far up in the sky I could zap Hellions to. Does that count? Maybe I could make it like basketball and try and drop them into, say, the burning fire bowls outside city hall or something.
  10. Before HC, I think I'd only done a very few TFs, but that could also be because I was a confirmed redsider, which is always low pop. and has fewer of them anyway.
  11. Don't tell me how to play!11!1!!!!! I mean, about half of my characters don't have one set, but still... 😃
  12. I got tired of that happening very quickly. Much as it might fit a character to be Rogue or Vigilante, I'd rather not risk it so I just let Null flip me red or blue depending on what I'm doing.
  13. I just ran into this with my solo stalker the other day, one group of them actually even dropped me! My stalker's like 35 right now and has only been dropped a few times at best before, this was unexpected.
  14. Thank you to everyone who was involved. I probably won;'t make too much use of it myself, but others will. They will use it and design builds. They will post these builds here on the forums. And will steal them. So thank you!
  15. Pretty sure that doesn't apply to a 12th Level Defender though; the game was originally designed to be a slow progress without a rush to 50 and multiple purple sets. I mean, I have one of these defenders capable of that too, but she was still squishy for most of her climb to 50.
  16. As I understand it, there's a number of roads that lead to the Rome of "ranged with melee attacks / melee with ranged attacks." That'd make an interesting list to compile. This one looks good to my eyes, but I favor stalkers anyway.
  17. This is how I feel about all my 50s who I've left behind as the latest Jezebel - Grav/Energy Dom! Broadsword/Energy Aura Stalker! - has come along. Oh sure, I'll pull them out for the occasional MSR maybe, but I have I finished off their Incarnate powers, for even ONE of them?! No.
  18. A what? *snickers* Couldn't resist.
  19. This. Someone had to tell me this too, it's much easier now.
  20. Huh. I don't market much (like I don't have dozens of things up for sale at any one time or anything), but I suppose anything's possible. I'll keep an eye out for that in the future.
  21. So... does this bug explain how I can can have a five million bid in on something and see at least one 300,000-level bid while mine didn't fill?
  22. But then you took an arrow to the knee?
  23. There's all sorts of these street sweeping missions that could be made less annoying. I can't recall the case exactly, but I know there's for for some mid level TF that goes like "go defeat 20 Freaks" and the Freaks are of course by far the rarest spawn on the entire map.
  24. Oh, I saw that once, but didn't stick around, didn't know you got a badge for doing that. I was thinking you meant one could ToT there year round. Now I has a sad....
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